fa mou

Chapter 143 It's so easy to win

The master moves and changes rapidly. Without waiting for Yu Er to think too much, Ling Xianger has pointed like a sword and pointed to Yu Er's chest and abdomen. Ling Xianger has only practiced swords, so her bare-handed martial arts style is also very similar to the method of using swords. Although she points out her fingers, the sharpness implied in it is not inferior to the blade of the sword. Because the place where Ling Xianger clicked is an important acupuncture point of the human body, if it is pointed, the opponent will not have much resistance. This is also what Ling Xianger has promised to teach her in the past two years, and he is also half of Ling Xianger's master.

Ling Xianger's move was as quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, and the quick attack made Yu Er, who was a little distracted a little unprepared. But Yu Er also made it to the finals with his real ability, and his men will definitely not be much worse.

Although Ling Xianger's sword came quickly, Yu Er still had time to react. He immediately adjusted his state and waved one hand to get away from Ling Xianger's attack. However, Ling Xianger's sword is just one move, and there can be many changes below. He promised to know Ling Xianger's weakness, so he taught her more tricks so that the enemy could be defenseless.

Ling Xianger was about to block when she saw Yu Er. She immediately bent her arms and closed her wrists. When her palm twisted, she imprinted it on Yu Er's chest with a palm of inertia. Although Ling Xianger is a woman, her internal strength cannot be underestimated. Although this palm could not be exerted, it also slapped Yu Er out.

Yu Er had been sliding for a long time before standing. He suddenly felt a fishy smell in his throat and spit out a mouthful of blood with a 'wow' sound.

Ling Xianger strangely did not take advantage of the situation to pursue, but said with her hands behind her back, "You are not focused, so you will be hit by me." Although she slapped others, Ling Xianger's smile was still so sweet.

The Ba people under the stage immediately cheered when they saw that Ling Xianger hit their opponents hard and did not take advantage of the situation to pursue them. Now they know that women can be so powerful.

"It turns out that my sister is so powerful!" Buck said with a little emotion.

"She is not better than you, she is just smarter than you." The old man explained.

At this moment, the promise rarely did not participate in the speech, because there was a glance staring at him at this time. Yes, Tanshan is staring at him. Tanshan has been paying attention to the game since he heard that there was someone who could beat him. However, although the woman on the stage is also very powerful and smart, it is useless for him. Tanshan quickly determined that the woman on the stage was not his opponent, and she was at most as good as Buck. That is to say, his opponent is the young man who has been watching the battle under the stage, who has always been very calm. Tanshan hardly felt the breath of martial arts in him, but this kind of person just entered the finals, so this kind of talent is the most terrible, or he can surprise himself. Therefore, Tanshan has been staring at the promise since Ling Xianger got it.

Promise turned his head slightly and immediately met Tanshan's beast-like eyes. However, Xu promised without any fear, but smiled at him, and then looked back to watch the game. If Tanshan is a turbulent tiger, then the promise may be a silent mountain forest; if Tanshan is a dragon going out to sea, then the promise is a calm sea. No matter how you roar, if it is noisy, the final result will be calm and silent. Tanshan didn't look at the promise again. He saw a lot from the promised eyes, so now he tries his best to rest and compare with the promise in the best state.

The restless crowd made Yu Er's face flush and flushed, which was frustrated in the first move. I don't know whether it was because he was seriously injured or embarrassed.

"Well, I won't be careless next time. Just come again." Yu Er said to Ling Xianger.

"I just attacked first and got it. Now it's up to you to do it first, so it's fair." Ling Xianger said naively. All the people under the stage who care about the game think that Ling Xianger is really naive, and even Yu Er on the stage thinks so. However, he didn't agree with the promise. He was thinking that the girl didn't know what kind of trick she was playing.

"Well, okay, that's what you said." After saying that, Yu Er couldn't wait to rush to Ling Xianger for the shame of Yixue just now.

But what Yu Er didn't expect was that he had just moved, and Ling Xianger also continued to move. Yu Er was stunned for a moment. Why didn't this woman keep her word? Didn't she let herself do it first? Yu Erzhen thought that he had already figured out how many steps he would use to attack after approaching Ling Xianger. However, he did not expect that Ling Xianger would suddenly change her mind halfway. Suddenly, Yu Er suddenly became a little confused.

"Didn't you say let me do it first? Why don't you talk about credibility?" Yu Erbian and Ling Xianger also took time to question her.

"I asked you to move first. You moved first, so I moved. I didn't disocredit." Ling Xianger replied. Indeed, what Ling Xianger said was to let Yu Er do it first, and Yu Er did do it first. Sad Yu Er, he is really stupid this time. I don't know whether he misunderstood or Ling Xianger took advantage of a loophole.

"Look, this is where your sister is smarter than you." The unscrupulous old man said with great interest. The attack was unprepared, unexpected, and it was still under the slogan of keeping his promise. This is the apprentice he taught. It's really too good for the old man's appetite.

Baker now understands that another saying that he is clever is treacherous. The so-called soldiers are not tired of fraud, that's what kind of thing. No matter what means you use to win, that's the best way for a single event - Buck suddenly remembered what the old man had said to him before. Obviously, the master also said this to his sister. It seems that the pure sister has also been damaged by the master, as Buck thought.

The people under the stage have just said two words, and the stage has changed rapidly. Ling Xianger's offensive was very rapid. She just caught Yu Er off guard, so Ling Xianger soon took the advantage, and at this time, Yu Er could only be exhausted. Even Tanshan, who just felt that Ling Xianger was not his opponent, felt that this woman was too fierce, and her attack was simply deadly.

"Your reaction has slowed down. If it goes on, you will fail." Ling Xianger hit and didn't forget to add two sentences. This is also Ling Xianger's habit. When he compares with promises, they always talk. It is not easy to reach the realm of one mind and two purposes. This requires talent and time to practice.

And Yu Er didn't know that Ling Xianger spoke because she had developed a habit of it, which had no impact on her action. But for Yu Er, it will be greatly discounted, which is also one of Ling Xianger's strategies. Ling Xianger knows her weaknesses, so now she has been promoting her strengths and avoiding her weaknesses, so she has an advantage from beginning to end.

Sure enough, Yu Er was soon fooled by Ling Xianger, and he couldn't help it. Being beaten by a woman and quite pointing out is really a great shame for the arrogant barbarian warriors.

"Don't be complacent. In the end, you may win or lose." Yu Er still said very hard. If Yu Er doesn't speak, he may persist for a period of time. Even during this period, if Ling Xianger's physical strength is a little weak, he may have a chance to turn the table. But he spoke, and with his previous injury, this could only speed up his failure.

Sure enough, as soon as Yu Er opened his mouth to speak, he was in danger. Seeing Ling Xianger's sword pointing constantly pointing out, Yu Er could no longer completely fight, and his chest had been hit a lot by Ling Xianger. If Ling Xianger was holding a sword at this time, then Yu Er would not know how many times he had died. But even so, Yu Er has been ordered so much that he has felt weak.

Just when Yu Er was about to retreat, Ling Xianger slapped him, and then retreated sharply. After standing, she said directly, "You have lost to me."


Running naked, stuffy update