fa mou

Chapter 146 Promised Strength

Other ordinary people may not feel anything, but the immersive Tan Er deeply experienced it. The closer he promised, the more he felt the danger. Yes, he felt the danger. Because the current promise gives him the feeling that this person does not exist, and it seems that he is anywhere beside you. Although his eyes can see the promise, Tan Er's other feelings can no longer 'feel' the promise.

In Tan Er's eyes, the promise is no longer like coming, like floating over. Silently, even invisible, this is the pressure promised to Tan Er. There is a saying that silence is better than sound at this time. He promised that there was no pressure on Tan Er at this time, but he felt great pressure.

With the approach of the promise, Tan Er's forehead has slowly oozed sweat, but he did not wipe it off with his hand. To be precise, he could not wipe it off with his hand. Tan Er's current situation seems to be evil, and he has fallen into the deep eyes of promise.

With every step of the promise, Tan Er's hand couldn't help trembling. The promise's footsteps were silent, and there was no sound when Tan Er's hand trembled. But in this way, there seemed to be an inexplicable connection between them, and he trembled every step he promised to take. Or, it seems that Tan Er is fighting, but he can't get rid of the promised 'pressure'.

If it goes on like this, the final result of Tan Er will definitely be a failure, a complete and complete failure, and there is no idea of resistance at all. In fact, Tan Er is not so bad that he is interred by the promised momentum. The reason for this is that he was not focused before, and finally slowly fell into the promised 'trap'.

In the face of such a result, Tanshan is very reluctant to see. He wanted to see the ability of the promise, but the promise had not been made, but Tan Er had failed. Tanshan was unwilling, so he shouted at the right time, "Tan Er, don't be in a daze there, you are attacking."

Tanshan's shout suddenly weakened the promised pressure a lot, and the dazed Tan Er also woke up. Tan Er, who woke up, saw that the promise was not far ahead of him. He felt that he retreated, and then wiped the cold sweat on his head, and his mind stabilized.

Of course, Tanshan's shout is selfish, which can be seen by the masters present, but ordinary people can't understand it. They just felt a little puzzled. One walked slowly and the other was in a daze. What kind of competition is this?

The promised plan was destroyed by Tanshan, but he was not in a hurry or attack. Instead, he looked at Tanshan again and smiled again. This smile is undoubtedly a challenge, which is the challenge after showing Tanshan strength. In the face of the promised smile, Tanshan also sneered. Don't ask him why he sneered. The supporting actors against the protagonist can only sneer, because they are all bad silver (hehe).

Tanshan sneered and then sat down. He now knows that Tan Er will lose, but he will not lose so fast, so that he can see the depth of the promise. But is this really the case?

After he stabilized his mind, he took a deep breath, then roared to cheer himself up, and then rushed towards the promise. Of course, Tan Er's martial arts skills are not bad, so his momentum forward is not small.

There is no doubt that most of the actions of the barbarians are open and closed, and Tan Er is no exception. He raised his fist and hit the promised face. The reason why he chose his face is because he promised to punch him before, which is revenge.

Tan Er's punch was very fierce. When his fist was about to hit Promise's face, his body suddenly blossomed. Tan Er's fist was hit with a figure, and the punch was empty. But before Tan Er had time to punch, he felt a pain in his chest and abdomen. Before Tan Er covered the pain, the promise had already flown up and swept Tan Er out and rolled all the way to the edge of the martial arts platform before stopping. If you promise to use a little more strength, Tan Er will fall out of the competition stage, and then he will lose the game.

Seeing the promise, Tanshan, who had just sat down, stood up again. He could see the promised action clearly, and even he had to admit that the promised action was too fast. The promised action is not only fast, but also very similar to his first game. This may be that he has reached a certain level of martial arts practice, so he will go the same way.

The expression on her face is not only Tanshan, but also Ling Xianger's face is full of excitement. It turns out that the promise can be so handsome. Buck's face was full of surprise. He knew that the promise was powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. Two years ago, he was not much different from the promise, but now the promise has changed qualitatively. It seems that his previous evaluation of him has to be re-estimated.

The most wonderful expression on his face is the old man. He is very excited at this time. Although he promised not to be his apprentice, they have communicated a lot in the past two years. Promise rarely showed martial arts in front of him, even when he compared with Ling Xianger, it was just a defense. The reason why the old man is so excited is that he is familiar with the promised figure, as if he were himself before. That's a feeling, self-confidence, and even a little arrogant, which are all based on strength.

Although Tan Er was beaten twice and severely damaged by the promise, he still stood up. Tan Er's figure was already a little shaky, and the cheek he was hit was a little swollen. Although this was the case, he still did not give in. Tan Er shouted again, and then rushed towards the promise.

Just as Tan Er was halfway, a voice suddenly shouted, "Tan Er, that's enough!" As soon as the sound came out, Tan Er, who rushed forward, stopped. He looked at Tanshan, who shouted to stop him a little strangely.

I only heard Tanshan say, "Tan Er, come down. You are not his opponent."

"No!" Tan Er shouted reluctantly, "I won't admit defeat until I fall down." Tan Er's temper is indeed a typical barbarian style, and it is a shameful thing to admit defeat.

"You have been delayed by other things because of your personal bravery." Tanshan said, "It's not shameful that you lose to a master who is better than you. It's shameful that you can't surpass him again. If you still want to go now, you still have to lose in the end, and you have at least three months to cultivate. If you use three months to cultivate, it's better to practice hard, so that you can be ashamed next time, otherwise you will always be a loser. Whether you want to be a temporary loser or a loser for a lifetime, it's up to you. After saying that, Tanshan sat down again.

Although Tan Er is very reluctant, he has to admit this fact. Tanshan is a person he respects very much, and what he said makes sense. A temporary failure is not terrible. The most terrible thing is that if you fail for a while, you will never be able to cheer up.

Tan Er turned his head, took a serious look at the promise, and then turned around and walked away. Tan Er came to the edge of the martial arts platform and hesitated for a moment before he reluctantly jumped off the martial arts platform and walked to the team of the Atan people.

"This game is the promise of victory of the Ba people!" The referee shouted out the result of the game in due course.

Suddenly, the people of the Taiwanese chin people all cheered. Although the game was very unpleasant, there was no kind of hearty fight. However, what a great honor it is to force the warriors of the other side to take the initiative to admit defeat. This may be a master.

At this time, the promise came off the stage. After receiving the cheers of the Ba people, he walked to Ling Xianger and whispered, "Xiang'er, I also won, and I'm one step closer to the title of brave."

"I know, Brother Xu, you are so good. How do you practice martial arts? Why don't I know you are so good?" Ling Xianger asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't know it before, but now you don't know it," he promised to bow his head and whisper to Ling Xianger, "The most important thing is to remember your promise. After I get the title of hero, you have to fulfill your promise."

Ling Xianger couldn't help blushing with shame when she heard the promise mentioning her previous messy promise.