fa mou

Chapter 151 Win, don't have to defeat

Tanshan jumped high and then stepped on the promise. Ling Xianger suddenly closed her eyes in fear, and Buck couldn't help exclaiming, but the old man's eyes showed a trace of spirit. He believed that the promise would not fail so easily, because the promise was too familiar.

When Buck and Promise met for the first time, that's how the old man stumbling him. Later, almost every time he promised to compare with Ling Xianger, the old man would use this trick to deal with the promise. Therefore, it is not so much that the old man is training Ling Xianger, but secretly training promises.

For a often used stumbling, of course, it is impossible to bring any trouble to the promise. So there is only one possibility, that is, this is a promised trick, and the old man is likely to guess it.

Sure enough, the old man guessed nothing wrong. Just as Tanshan was about to step down, Xu Nuo immediately straightened his waist and stretched out his legs, and then, supported by his arms, kicked out the foot that Tanshan stepped on continuously. Tanshan wins with great strength, but the promised speed is fast.

Three legs one after another, all on the feet stepped down by Tanshan. The first foot has removed most of the strength at the foot of Tanshan; the second foot has made Tanshan's body rise a little in reverse; and the third foot, Tanshan was kicked to fly obliquely.

Tanshan was strong, but when he saw the situation at that time, he suddenly forgot an important factor, that is, when people are in the air, there is no place to borrow.

Tanshan was kicked out by the promise. He just turned over and wanted to stop. However, before he landed, the promise had rushed under him again, and then successively kicked his feet diagonally. So, after resisting Tanshan with his feet, he flew up again.

When Tanshan was doubting what the promise was doing, he suddenly found that he had come to the edge of the competition platform. At this time, Tanshan understood everything. This was a promised conspiracy. He also knew that it was difficult for him to tell the winner in a short time, so this guy came up with this conspiracy to kick him out of the martial arts platform. If you fall outside the martial arts platform, you will lose the game.

Tanshan, who suddenly realized, once again saw the promise come to the place where he was about to fall. Tanshan saw Xu Yu's slightly joking eyes, and his eyes were unwilling, angry, and the shame of being calculated. He was unwilling to fail like this, so Tanshan made a very bold decision.

When Tanshan's body was not far from the promised foot, he suddenly twisted himself in the air and tried to avoid the promised foot. However, the promised foot and Tanshan's body seemed to be connected by invisible lines. Where Tanshan's body turned, the promised foot kicked.

But did Tanshan do this to avoid the promised foot? This can't be avoided, and Tanshan will not do such a stupid thing, so Tanshan must have other plans.

After seeing Tanshan twist his body, he did not hide when he saw the foot kicked up by the promise, and the empty door in front of his chest opened, but his hand grabbed the promised calf. Tanshan's meaning is obvious, that is, he is firmly kicked by a promise to grab his foot, so as not to fly out of the competition stage.

Tanshan's plan was very successful, and his chest was kicked firmly as promised, which made him feel a little want to vomit. However, Tanshan also grabbed the promised calf as he wished.

But is the promise so easy to be caught? As soon as Tanshan grabbed the promised calf, the promised body immediately rotated upside down. Tanshan's unsheld hand took off again, but he grabbed the promised trousers. ( In particular, it is noted that the promise is not a barbarian. It's okay to show his arm, but he still got a pair of trousers to wear, unlike many barbarian men who only wear shorts)

The promised trousers were caught, but he still had a trick. With the power of rotation, he kicked Tanshan again. This kick hit Tanshan's abdomen, and he suddenly felt that his intestines were about to twist together. With a 'snor' sound, his trousers were scratched by Tanshan due to the promised foot strength.

Although Tanshan was hit with two heavy feet, he was not kicked out. This is the success of his plan. At this time, Tanshan's landing place is already on the edge of the martial arts platform, which is dangerous and dangerous.

Tanshan thought that his plan was successful, and just as he was about to settle down, he suddenly heard the sound of stones rolling under his feet. Tanshan was shocked and looked at his feet. There was a round stone, impartial, fast or slow, just rolling to the place where he fell.

It turned out that there were many small stones in the place where the promise deliberately slipped. Just as he supported the ground with his hand, he felt that he took the opportunity to pick up a stone. Promise seemed to know that Tanshan might take some extreme methods when he saw that he was about to fall out of the martial arts platform, so he picked up a stone and was prepared. This martial arts festival is not allowed to use weapons, promises to use stones, which are not weapons, and he did not attack directly with stones, so it is not a violation of the rules. Often, if there are certain specific or immature rules in a game, it will become the use point of the final champion. This is a clever use of rules, not a foul.

Tanshan could not imagine that a stone would suddenly roll over and roll in such a timely manner. Tanshan, which was completely unprepared, was suddenly slipped by a small stone. Although Tanshan is not a ship that capers in the gutter, such an opportunity is enough for a promise.

When Tanshan slipped sideways, he promised to push the boat along the water and suddenly kicked Tanshan's waist and back. Tanshan, who was already on the edge of the martial arts platform, was kicked out of the martial arts platform. Although Tanshan was not kicked to the ground, and even he was standing on the ground, he had fallen out of the martial arts platform. Therefore, Tanshan lost this final. The title of hero once again had no chance with him and was taken away by the promise.

Because the two moved too fast, those movements were fleeting. When Tanshan fell off the martial arts platform, the referee did not react. When a promising carp stood up, he smiled at Tanshan outside the court, and then looked at the referee.

At this time, the referee reacted. He was excited. He was excited, because he was also a member of the Ba people. Only the referee roared loudly, "In the final, the promise of the Ba people will win, and the promise is the hero of this martial arts festival. Let's cheer for the promised hero!"

The referee's voice was very exciting, and this passionate voice also drove the Ba people who were still in a daze, and they immediately cheered. Screams, roars... Finally, they all converge into a voice: promise, brave, promise, promise, brave...

Seeing the excited crowd under the stage, the passionate voice, and the constant shouting of his name, I couldn't help but be excited by the calm promise. For promises, this feeling has never been felt before. This is a feeling admired by thousands of people. Although there were not 10,000 people present, there were also more than 1,000 people.

At this time, Promise involuntarily raised his clenched arms and shouted at the audience. This promised interaction has further driven the emotions under the stage. This moment was an exciting moment for the Ba people, just as unforgettable as four years ago, although few people went to watch the game at that time. And this moment, for the Atan people, or for Tanshan, is also unforgettable. That's a sad and unwilling memory. Although I didn't lose, I really lost.

Tanshan left silently, and the Atan people also left silently. No one knows when they left. Because there is only one dazzling new star present at this time, that is the promise. Xu Nuo was lifted up by the crowd rushing up from under the stage and kept throwing into the air. Xu promised also felt the excitement of this moment.

Ling Xianger finally saw that the promise had won. She didn't know whether to be shy or happy. However, she looked at the promises that were constantly being thrown, and her eyes were full of small stars, which was a sign of excitement.

And the old man, he just grinned. He smiled and promised this stinky boy that he had even learned his rogue method.

For Buck, he just made a secret decision or set a goal. And his eyes have been looking at the promise.