fa mou

Chapter 161 Raid, suspicious

It didn't surprise the promise and others for a long time. The people who came were all good hands, and they quickly approached. Now, there is no need to promise to listen with your ears. Even on a night without moonlight, they can faintly see from the shadows that there are indeed not many people coming, at least no more than 50 people.

"What's going on? Why is there such a few people?" The patriarch Bali looked at the promise in surprise and tried to lower his voice and said, but no matter how low he lowered it, he could not hide the surprise in his tone. Bali asked the question 'what' again. He was suspicious before, but now he is surprised.

"Don't look at me. I just got a message. Now I'm sure that the news I got is correct." Promise calmed down and then said, "But I don't care after telling you. I'm going to ask yourself if you have leaked the news."

"It's impossible to leak the news. The warriors of our Ba people are brave and loyal, not that kind of despicable villain." The patriarch Baal said affirmatively.

"Well, even if no one leaks the news, did you scare the snake?" Promise thought of another question. Because you don't have to say the news directly. This is like seeing a doctor, and the doctor can roughly judge your condition through your tongue, pulse and heartbeat. Of course, it depends on whether you are a 'doctor' and how capable you are as a 'doctor'.

"Fighten the snake with grass? It's nothing at all. It's completely done in secret. Saying this, when Baal saw that the promise was still a little disbelieving, he hurriedly said, "For this action, I even want to withdraw the warriors who monitored the Atan."

Hearing this, the promise couldn't help sweating coldly. Sure enough, as the old man said, most of the barbarians in the north are brave and resourceful.

He promised, "Psa patriarch, if you are usually monitored, but one day, the people who monitor you are suddenly gone, will you suspect that they have tricks?"

"This shouldn't be right?" Bali said with a little trembling in his heart.

"This will definitely be!" Promise to say firmly.

"What should we do next?" The patriarch of Bali finally softened and asked for the promised opinion.

"Adapt to changes. When they come, if there is nothing strange, then act as usual, so that they don't leave a piece of armor, and finally leave a few lives, and then ask them, and you will naturally know the beginning and end of the matter." Ling Xianger said unwillingly.

Since Ling Xianger was entrusted with the promise, her whole body has become much colder. Of course, that is not the time to be alone with the promise. If you are alone with the promise, you may become a bird. And in front of everyone, she will try to show herself to prove that she can help promise, or at least not cause him trouble. Of course, this is Ling Xianger's idea. A woman with a little ability can better set off her man's ability.

The promise looked at Ling Xianger, and after Ling Xianger finished speaking, she also looked at the promise, and then turned her head. Promise couldn't help smiling, and then said, "Ha ha, Xianger, you've learned to answer. That's good, that's good."

"Don't flirt, the enemy is coming." Those who can speak like this must be people who are very familiar with Promise and Ling Xianger. Buck always stared at the people coming, and he reminded the two people who were flirting in time. Although few people come, with Buck's character, no matter how many people he comes, he treats him the same.

Sure enough, as Buck said, those people were very good and fast, and soon came to the mouth of the valley. The patriarch of Bali couldn't help but get excited. He figured out that there were about 30 people who came. He is waiting for the opportunity. As soon as the 30 people enter the ambush, he will shoot the first arrow... Before long, most of those people will become hedgehogs, and even if they do not become hedgehogs, they will become prisoners.

People's imagination has always been beautiful, but the facts will not be as smooth as you think. It was strange to say that those Atan came to the edge of the valley and stopped walking forward, and they all squatted there and didn't know what they were doing.

"What's going on? What are they doing? Why didn't they come in?" The patriarch Ba Li said with some puzzledness. Everything was ready, and even the palm of the bow and arrow had oozed some sweat excitedly.

"Wait first, or they are waiting for the people behind to restrain your murderous spirit." Promise said lightly. He was observing those people carefully. According to reason, they could see the bonfire in the valley and even smelled that those people were drunk from my soaring wine. In the face of a group of drunken enemies, they can not attack, either taboo, but fraud.

Everyone is like some people who have been hungry for many days, suddenly seeing the meat near their mouths, and then suddenly they can't eat it. So, not to mention how depressed it is, the stuck feeling makes them a little unbearable. Therefore, time has become their biggest enemy.

After waiting for a while, Buck couldn't help it. He said, "It's not a way to wait like this. Do you want us to rush down like this? I don't believe we can beat them."

"Yes, they should not be waiting for people. After waiting for so long, there is no one, that is, they are the only ones. Why don't I take people to copy from the back so that they can't run away alone." The patriarch of Bali also suggested a siege raid, but he asked for the promised opinion first. Because the old man told him before that when he couldn't pay attention, he would ask for the promised opinion.

It can be seen from here how much the old man respects promises. The old man was good, but he recommended a person, and then he didn't know where to go to have fun. The patriarch Ba Li couldn't help complaining about the old man. His style of behavior could not be speculated by common sense.

"You wait here first. I will surround them by myself, and the number of people will attract their attention." Promise said, and then get up and leave.

Ba Li hurriedly stopped him and said, "Can you do it alone? I'm not doubting your ability. After all, there are 30 of them.

He also knew that Ba Li was caring about him. He said with a smile, "It's okay. I know the terrain around the valley. Even if I can't beat them, I can lead them into the ambush circle. When you do it together, things will be clear."

After the promise, he quietly swept out. As soon as Xu Yue jumped into a tree, he found that someone was following him. He didn't need to look at him to know who it was. He turned around and said, "Xiang'er, why did you follow me? Didn't I say that I can handle it alone?"

A woman's greatest power is gentleness or pitiful resentment. Hundreds of steel can turn into soft fingers, which is the power of women. Some women, men can control the country, but she can control men.

Of course, Ling Xianger is not such a woman, but she is still a woman. She said resentfully, "Are you going to abandon me?"

As soon as he heard this, he couldn't help sweating coldly. It seems that this woman's body can't be touched easily. Once she touches her, she will follow you. Of course, it depends on what kind of woman and what kind of man.

"Okay, follow me. Be careful not to be hurt by them." Promised a careful instruction, and then continued on his way. He felt that the woman after touching was like porcelain, so easy to break and had to be carefully taken care of.

"Well, as long as you don't abandon me, I can go anywhere, and I will be very careful and will never hold you back." As soon as she left everyone, Ling Xianger immediately became cute, and her previous resentment disappeared.

The promise that was leaping on the tree almost fell from the tree. Ling Xianger said this as if she promised to throw him up at any time. It seems that the promise is still very pure in terms of women, at least for Ling Xianger.


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