fa mou

Chapter 178 Secret, Promise to be obscene

A single man, and a young man who was provoked*, was thrown into a separate room by a woman. As a result, after the woman came back, she found that the man was a little panicked to hide something, and his face was still a little red and his breath was a little disordered. Everyone will think about 'self-borne consequences', and this man has also mentioned the word conceit.

The explanation may represent guilty. When Ling Xianger boldly asked what the promise was doing just now, the promise borrowed Ling Xianger's words as a bachelor. Yes, this is his secret, and everyone will have secrets.

He promised to be a little embarrassed to see Ling Xianger standing at the door without saying a word and not walking in. He couldn't help saying helplessly, "Xiang'er, what's wrong with you? Why don't you come in? Didn't you say that you have money? Take it out and let me have a look.

The promise broke the embarrassment of the atmosphere. Ling Xianger was distracted, and then she went to the opposite of the promise and sat down. However, Ling Xianger still didn't say anything, just looked straight at the promise.

"What's wrong? Xianger, what's wrong with me? The promise asked strangely. It's not surprising that she can't make a promise, because Ling Xianger's eyes are really too sad, and even with some pity.

"Brother Xu, you really came down..." Ling Xianger couldn't help asking again.

"Why did you ask you that? It doesn't matter, does it?" Promise is very strange why Ling Xianger doesn't let go around this topic. Women should be very reserved and **.

"Actually, I'm already your person, Brother Xu. Finally, I'll wait for my father to host it. If you really need it, I can..." Ling Xianger couldn't help lowering her head shyly. She was already embarrassed to say this, because she was too active and bold.

Although this is the case, after hearing this, I was inexplicably moved. Because Ling Xianger can say such a straightforward word, it shows that she really cares about him and that she has regarded him as her husband.

It seems a little pretentious to promise to explain again. He simply said frankly, "Well, next time, if there is anything I need, I will definitely come to you."

Hearing the promise, Ling Xianger didn't know whether to be happy or shy. However, her heart is actually sweet, which is hard to say. At this time, Ling Xianger no longer has the demeanor of a chivalrous woman, but she is shy there and dares not look at the promise with her head down. Because even if she doesn't look at the promise, she can feel the promise's hot eyes patrolling around her. Promise's eyes were like substance, like two hands touching Ling Xianger's whole body, making Ling Xianger look hot all over.

"Xiang'er, didn't you say you were going to withdraw money? Take it out and see how much private money you have hidden. Promise said first. He knew that if he didn't open his mouth, the two might sit like this. Isn't it boring to sit face to face on a long night? It's better to do something else, such as being more amazing than looking at someone's secret.

After hearing the promise, Ling Xianger also recovered from her shyness. Ling Xianger, who reacted, proudly raised her eyebrows at the promise, then patted a black cloth package on the table, and said with a smile, "Hee hee... Look, what is this?"

"It's just a black cloth package." Xu promised to obey Ling Xianger's command and said bluntly. He did only see a very ordinary black cloth package. Although this package is very tight, it is undoubtedly an ordinary package.

Ling Xianger couldn't help sweating when she heard the promise's serious answer, and then continued to say, "Well, guess what's in it?"

"Silver ticket." Promised to continue to say bluntly.

"How do you know?" Ling Xianger asked strangely.

"Didn't you say to withdraw money? Is it just a few pieces of silver in it? Your private money should not be so much, and the sound of your slap on the table is also different. I can't think of anything else but silver tickets." Promised that he had no choice but to make an analysis that anyone could do.

"Oh, that's how it is." Ling Xianger didn't know whether she had become stupid or stupid. She asked again, "Guess how much it is in it?"

Now the promise is a little speechless. Why does this woman like to let men guess things instead of saying it simply? I'm puzzled. I'm really puzzled.

Although he was very puzzled, he promised to take a look at the black cloth package and then said, "There should be tens of thousands of taels of silver in it."

Ling Xianger stopped talking now. She pestleed her head with one hand and stared straight at the promise. Ling Xianger's eyes looked at the promise straight hair, and she was uncomfortable all over.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Xu Nuo couldn't help putting his hands on his chest and looking at Ling Xianger warily for fear of being eaten by her.

With a crack, Ling Xianger's head fell on the table, and she was completely defeated by the promise. However, Xu promised not to worry that Ling Xianger would be hurt, because the upper room has the specifications of the upper room, and there are still soft tablecloths on the table.

"Xiang'er, what's wrong with you?" Promise still asked with a little concern, wondering if she seemed to be a little smarter, so that Ling Xianger had no room to play.

Ling Xianger looked up at the promise and sighed before saying, "Brother Xu, can you not be so smart? How can you guess any problem?"

"Well... Well, judging from the width of this package, and from your previous habits, these should be 1,000 taels of silver tickets, and this thickness means tens of thousands of taels of weight. Isn't this a simple problem? Will it be that difficult? The promise said helplessly.

Well, this is a simple question. The questions I ask are all stupid questions, and the people who ask the questions are also stupid. Ling Xianger couldn't help thinking that she was very shocked today.

Now that the promise had been guessed, Ling Xianger did not hide it. She opened the black oilcloth layer by layer and exposed the silver ticket inside. Although I don't know how long these tens of thousands of silver tickets have been there, they are properly preserved, whether it is wrapped oilcloth or a place to store them. Without the wind and sun, snow and rain, so it still looks so new.

These are all ten silver tickets, which are all printed with the logo of Tongbao Qianzhuang, and the words of 1,000 taels of silver are also printed below.

Tongbao Qianzhuang is the largest Qianzhuang in Jin'an, and there are its branches everywhere. And the silver ticket of Tongbao Qianzhuang is the most powerful symbol. Because Tongbao Qianzhuang is the first in terms of anti-counterfeiting ability and reputation, and it is worthy of being the largest bank in Jin's security country.

"Well, with this money, we can go to Kyoto smoothly, and things will be very smooth. Now you won't worry about the storekeeper leaving you behind and letting you be a shopkeeper, will you?" Ling Xianger said proudly, because she finally did something she thought was very good.

"Well, that's good. I didn't expect you to save so much money. It seems that the business of the guest building used to be really good." The promise couldn't help but praise.

"Then why don't you have a little surprise expression?" Ling Xianger said puzzledly.

"Who said I was not surprised? I'm surprised how you hid so much private money from your father." Promised to say what was in his heart. Because for Boss Ling, who has been running the reception building for many years, such a little money is really nothing. Anyway, it used to be the most popular restaurant.

"Brother Xu, you are making fun of me again. You know I'm not asking this." Ling Xianger couldn't argue with her promise, so she simply acted coquettishly. This is a woman's most powerful weapon. Why doesn't she use it? She just had to fight with her promise.

"Because you have this secret, I also have a secret to tell you, and it's a more amazing secret than yours." Promise said with a smile.

"Ah, what's the secret?" Ling Xianger couldn't help but be aroused by the promise.

"Hey, that's the secret of what I just did in the room." Promise continued to say with a smile.


Ask for criticism, only for shortcomings