fa mou

Chapter 180 Moon Night pervert

When men focus on doing something, they can attract women and fascinate them. When men are depressed, it will be more attractive to women, not only fascinate them, but even make them fall quickly. That is to say, men's melancholy temperament can make most women irresistible. This is the reason why Tony Leung defeated Andy Lau so many times and then won the Best Actor. Hua Zai may be the most dedicated male artist in the industry, and he also maintains a handsome and old face, but he is not melancholy enough. Wei's melancholy electric eye can make many women fall in love with it.

At this time, Promise thought of that woman, a woman who didn't know whether to hate or miss. This woman taught him a lot and gave him a lot of warmth, just like an elder sister. So, the promise hesitated. When a man hesitates, or the man will be regarded as indecisive by women, but he will also be regarded as melancholy temperament by women. It depends on what kind of woman you are.

Ling Xianger looked at the promise, and she had been attracted by the promised melancholy. She is a promised woman and seems to feel the complex state of mind, because they have already been united.

When the promise was upset, Ling Xianger's heart softened and became sad. She couldn't help holding the promised hand and said with concern, "Brother Xu, are you all right? You still have me. Even if you have been betrayed by others before, Xianger will never leave you."

The promise shook his mind. Looking at the worried look on Ling Xianger's face and her sincere words, he felt a burst of warmth in his heart. He couldn't help patting Ling Xianger's hand and said, "Xiang'er, I know. Don't worry, I'm fine. I just remembered something in the past."

"It used to be those unpleasant things. Don't think about the past. Let's think about the present and the future." Ling Xianger continued to comfort her promise.

"Now that I have you by my side, I am very satisfied, and I will have your company in the future. Of course, I don't have to think about anything. Of course, this is that after you... rescued our father, we can be carefree." Promises to look forward to the future life, which is the life he yearns for, but he doesn't know whether life can give him a choice.

"Well, that's right. Only then can I have the demeanor of a hero, and only then can I have the consciousness of a scholar, and I deserve to be your maid." Ling Xianger saw that the promise had improved and said with a smile.

"However, there were many happy things in the past. Of course, I also had to think about it. If it hadn't been before, how could I know you? If it hadn't been before, we wouldn't have had so much money, wouldn't we?" When the promise is in a good mood, he will speak sweetly, as if it is something that men are born with.

"Well, you can say good things." Ling Xianger was very happy with the promise, but she was also a little shy and romantic. She changed the topic and asked, "Can you really make so much money when you used to be a killer? I also saved money for a long time to have such a little savings. I didn't expect your money to be ten times mine. It seems that my previous evaluation of you was right.

"What did you think of me before?" Promise is very curious.

Lovers are always curious about each other's past, which may be a habit or possessive, but this is definitely all because of love. Of course, the promise of love for Ling Xianger has gone through a lot of tests. Any love may be flawed, but the promise of love for Ling Xianger is absolutely natural and flawless.

"You are a big young man. What else can you say?" Ling Xianger said with a smile that she seemed to have taken a big advantage.

"Big or few flowers? Where can a young man go to the restaurant? Are they full and have nothing to do? Promises can't admit that they are unintentional.

"That is, Huahua is a person who is full and has nothing to do. He will eat, drink and have fun all day long. When he sees a beautiful girl, he will lean on it desperately." Ling Xianger obviously has a deep resentment for this rich man.

"You didn't think of me as such a person at the beginning, would you?" Promise asked in surprise.

"Nonsense, aren't you this kind of person?" Ling Xianger gave a slanted promise.

Even if Ling Xianger just glanced at it, she was full of amorous feelings. She looked at it with promise, and then said with a proud smile, "Of course, I'm not that kind of person. My purpose is different from them, but I got the result they want, hahaha..."

Ling Xianger naturally knew what the result was, so she stopped talking, and her words would be taken advantage of by promises. Silence is the king's way.

The promise didn't hear Ling Xianger's reply. He couldn't help sighing: "It's also thanks to those spending a lot of money, otherwise I wouldn't have so much money."

"Well, what's going on? It's not your money, is it? But even er, money won't cheat so much? Ling Xianger asked strangely. Since she loves someone, she won't dislike his past, so Ling Xianger talked frankly. Besides, she also has some demeanor, and she won't pay attention to those red tape.

"No, I've never had other people's money. This was when I killed people before, and then I got it hand in hand. I don't know where to put it or how to use it, so I wrapped it up." Promised to talk about his previous 'glorious' history.

"No, you killed people and stole other people's money?" Ling Xianger couldn't help staring at the promise. It turned out that he used to be like this, and Ling Xianger didn't know it at all.

"It's not what you said. I killed those people, some of whom are also rich and unkind. Sometimes in order to attract snakes out of the hole, I have to steal their money first, and then when they are in a hurry to find money, I will take advantage of the chaos to solve the problem. If those people were not loved by money, they would not be cheated by my method and finally go to hell. In front of Ling Xianger, he felt that there was no need to hide anything, so he revealed it all.

"It turns out that every line is not so easy to do. It seems that you should pay attention to strategy in everything." Ling Xianger concluded.

"To put it bluntly, this strategy is a conspiracy. I didn't know much about it before, so I was betrayed. Now I have stayed with the old man for two years before I learned what treachery is." Promise couldn't help but miss the treacherous time. Although he bickered all day, he enjoyed it.

"Well, no wonder you used to be very honest with me. Since you stayed with the master for two years, you have become worse than the master." Speaking of this, Ling Xianger naturally remembered the relationship with the promised dew.

"Sometimes, it's not okay if people are not bad, they will be bullied, and sometimes a little bad can also improve the feelings between us." Speaking of this, the promise couldn't help throwing his eyebrows at Ling Xianger.

Seeing the appearance of the lustful brother promised, Ling Xianger couldn't help shrinking and then said with a little fear, "Sir, what are you thinking about? I'm your maid. You can't mess with me, or you can feel sorry for your future wife in the future."

Not to mention that Ling Xianger's performance is quite similar. In this case, how could she let her go? I only heard the promise correct: "It's not a maid, but a close maid."

"Well, even if you are a close maid, you can't do bad things." Ling Xianger continued to defend.

"The close maid naturally has something that the close maid should do, otherwise how can it be called close to the body?" The promise began to reveal the nature of the pervert.

"Sir, what should the close maid do?" Ling Xianger couldn't help holding her clothes.

"The close maid should wash and cook for the prince, make the bed and fold the quilt, serve tea and deliver water... Of course, the most important thing is..." The promise slowed down, and then smiled a little evilly, "The most important thing is to warm the bed for me."

"I don't want it." Ling Xianger resisted.

The more he resisted, the more he could arouse the interest of the lustful prince. The moonlight shone through the window on the promised 'evil' face. He laughed and said, "Xiang'er, you just follow me." After saying that, a wolf pounced on Ling Xianger.


Happy New Year. There are a lot of sticks today, so I won't ask for criticism