fa mou

Chapter 196 Together

Hearing the promise, Ling Xianger chose to be silent. At this time, silence was golden. Now let the promise turn over first. When there are only two people at night, let's see who is who. Humph, Ling Xianger thought in her heart.

After Wan Zhongtian saw Ling Xianger's words and heard the promise, he had no objection at all. It seemed that this scholar was really not simple. At least, he is not simple in terms of men and can subdue such a martial arts master. Thinking of this, Wan Zhongtian can't help sighing that the years are ruthless. It's good to be young.

"Ha, of course." Wan Zhongtian didn't mean to be annoyed at all. He said again, "I don't know where this gentleman and your maid came from and where they are going?" It seems that Wan Zhongtian is quite good at grinding and thick-skinned enough. Up to now, he has not forgotten to make friends with Ling Xianger, a master.

"No, how can I tell you? If you have any evil intentions towards me, it's not to lure the wolf into the room." He promised to continue to exert his strong cultivation and said shamelessly, "Then can you tell me where you are from and where you are going?"

Hearing the words before the promise, the gangsters were a little angry, because the reputation of the gangsters was put somewhere, and how could they do anything to him? And the words behind the promise were a little bit like that. Instead of saying anything, he asked others.

The reason why he promised to ask this is that if the horse racing gang also goes to Kyoto, it can also be hidden on the road together. Wan Zhongtian said frankly, "We set out from here to transport a batch of goods to Kyoto. I don't know if the prince will also go to Kyoto?"

"Ah, what kind of goods do you want to deliver in person?" Promise asked curiously.

"In fact, there is nothing. In the horse racing gang, the master also has to work. There is no reason not to work." What Wan Zhongtian said is well-founded.

However, his words are also half true. The reason why he, the master, wants to transport the goods in person is that as long as the goods they are delivering now are in large quantities and slightly valuable, they will be robbed halfway. The current horse racing gang can be described as serious losses, with not only casualties, but also heavy debts. If his master doesn't come out, the horse racing gang may have no business to do. He came out in person this time to find out what was going on, as if someone was going to kill them.

"What a coincidence that we are still on the same road. If we encounter an emergency on the road, my maid can still take care of you." The promise is true, and it also speaks to Wan Zhongtian's heart.

"Ha ha, it turns out that the prince is also going to Kyoto. That's really a coincidence. We can walk together and have a care on the way." Wan Zhongtian doesn't care about the tone of promise, because the powerful princes are all like this. No, the promised look is already good, and he has not taken the initiative to bully others.

"I went everywhere with my maids. Suddenly I heard that you were going to Kyoto, and I suddenly got up, so I went to Kyoto to play." The promise was like going to Kyoto for the horse racing gang, as if the horse racing gang would be protected by him, which suddenly made the gang of the horse racing gang a little angry.

However, Wan Zhongtian still smiled and said, "In that case, how about I order my men to prepare two fast horses for you two?" Wan Zhongtian asked this, not to doubt whether Ling Xianger would ride a horse, because Ling Xianger's martial arts were there, and he doubted whether Ling Xianger would make a horse. As for the temporary need for two more fast horses, it is not difficult for the horse racing gang. Among the horse racing gangs, only two are the most, one is a person, and the same is a horse.

"That's good. You can browse the scenery on the horse, which is much better than in the carriage." The promise was also agreed immediately.

"That's good." Wan Zhongtian immediately patted the table, as if he had made a final sound, for fear of regretting his promise, "Then Mr. Xu, you should take a break first. Due to the large amount of goods, we won't be able to travel until tomorrow morning."

"Well, that's good. I can still stroll around Wangyuan Town." The reason why he promised to leave tomorrow is that he wants to hear whether there will be any news from Pinghe Town. They are now with the Running Horse Gang and should not be suspected of anything. If two people are alone, in addition to the package for clothes, they also carry two large packages, which will not cause others to suspect.

However, the secret of the guard of Pinghe Town was well guarded and did not come over the next day. That was an extremely humiliating thing, and the teacher was unknown. The guard did not dare to spread it, which was a very shameful thing. Of course, this is the aftert.

On the same day, Xu Nuo and Ling Xianger lived in the restaurant where they lived with the help of running horses. Naturally, the horse racing gang prepared their goods, and in order to fulfill his promise, they had to go out to 'play'. However, this play was forced by Ling Xianger to pull him out, which is also a revenge for the verbal advantage he promised just now. There was no way. Ling Xianger wandered on the street with great interest and promised to float on the street like a godless body.

After this visit, I didn't go back until the evening, but I was exhausted from the promise. He didn't sleep at all last night, and now he has been walking on the street for another day, and his ears have been listening to Ling Xianger chirping all day. Can he not be tired?

"Oh, Mr. Xu, you are back. It seems that you have had a good time." Wan Zhongtian, who was looking forward to it, finally looked forward to the return of the promise or the return of Ling Xianger. He thought that the promise was just a word of mouth and did not mean to walk with them. Now he was relieved to see that Xu Yi came back with Ling Xianger, so he quickly said hello.

However, he promised that he had no energy to go to the bird now and said directly, "Have a good time. I'm going to have a rest. I'll go to Kyoto with you tomorrow." After saying that, he promised to take the lead to the house.

Although the promise was exhausted, it did not show it at all, that is, because it did not show it, it was misunderstood by Wan Zhongtian again. Because it's still early, who will go to bed so early, unless ** there is a beautiful woman waiting for him.

Wan Zhongtian looked at Ling Xianger beside Promise. Although she covered her face, how charming her eyes were, and her figure was so attractive. In addition, Ling Xianger is still a master of martial arts, which makes every man have a desire to conquer. Wan Zhongtian thought that the prince must be anxious again. He must have pulled this maid, but in fact, he was doing something good to his concubine who served him to sleep. Because when he promised to ask for a room with Ling Xianger, he only asked for a room, and others couldn't help but think about it.

Back to the room, he promised to find a bed and go to bed. However, Ling Xianger will not let him do what he wants. Today's 'feud' is not over yet, but shopping can't solve Ling Xianger's 'hatred'.

"Get up, what did you say today?" Ling Xianger pinched the soft meat on her waist and said.

"Xiang'er, stop playing. You have punished me all day today. Last night, in order to watch you sleep, I didn't close it at a glance. Just let me sleep." Promise said pitifully.

"Then who do you think is, and who do you think is whose bodyguard?" Ling Xianger will not let go of the promise easily. Although she knows that the promise is tired, she should also let him remember the lesson, otherwise it will turn upside down in the future.

promised not to speak first, but suddenly got up and passed Ling Xianger. The two fell on **, and then said, "You are my person, but I am your guardian. I will protect you."

After saying that, I promised to kiss him. However, how could Ling Xianger let the promise succeed easily? She resisted fiercely. Of course, it didn't take much effort.

So, one chased fiercely, and the other tried his best to dodge, making it very happy in **. The two kept ringing the poor bed board with 'cooing' and 'squeaking'.

They had so much fun that they didn't pay attention to the sound insulation of the room for a while. Tonight, they hurt the people sleeping next door.