fa mou

Chapter 239 Passing Substitute

Of course, he remembered what Ruolan's previous face looked like. How could he not remember, but when Ruolan took off the veil, he was shocked and worried. He didn't know what to describe it.

Ruolan's face is still the same as before, but there is something more on it. The white and red left pretty face actually made a lot of scars. Because the scar wounds are too deep, they can't be restored to their original state after recovery, and there is even new red meat.

The red scar looks horrible, but although the horror is horrible, it has not reached the point of making the promise heart-wagonized. But the promise is really worried, because those scars can vaguely form a word, a word 'no'. The promise of a thousand gold is also the promise of the promise.

The word 'no' contains too many meanings, including Ruolan's commitment to promise and her unwavering emotional 'commitment' in her heart. But there are all kinds of signs that the most important meaning is the promise, which is guilt for the promise, this is the repayment of the promise, and this is the means to prevent Erye An from achieving his goal.

For a woman, especially a beauty who loves beauty, destroying her face is equivalent to killing her. A woman who doesn't even want her life and doesn't care about her face is just for a promise.

I didn't know what to say, but he still said it and took a few steps forward before saying, "Why do you have to do this?"

Yes, why is this necessary? However, Ruolan feels that it is necessary, necessary and worth doing so.

Rulan quickly covered her face again and said, "This is a compensation for you. If you don't care about having a disfigured maid, I believe I will come back to you soon."

The promise was not answered, and there was no way to answer. Promise thought he hated Ruolan very much. He was a very hard-hearted person. But now that I see her determination, I really feel sorry for her. She is a woman, a woman who fights with some men all day long. She is also used, and she is just a tool.

And now, this tool wants to be a woman, a real woman. Although she lost the woman's proudest face, she gained dignity and at least got some pity promised. Even if it's just some pity, the mentality of promise has changed.

"When did you...what happened?" Promise suddenly asked.

"Ha ha, is it still important when?" Ruolan smiled and smiled sincerely. Her eyes were as beautiful as a crescent moon again. "I don't have time for you to pass through now. The process is no longer so important. This is the result I want. Now I can say it again. I'm very happy. I'm really happy..."

"Don't be happy too early, your plan is difficult to achieve," promised to interrupt Ruolan's words. "Besides, you have said so much to me and said so long, and I still haven't forgiven you now."

When Ruolan heard the promise, she was even happier. She felt that her heart seemed to be dancing. Because although the promise is talking about her, it is also reminding her that it has been a long time since she came out.

"This time is almost just right." Ruolan corrected her promise and said, "Do you know that I saw you before, but I didn't expose you on the spot, but waited for a while to chase you out?"

"Are you... sister, do you have your own difficulties?" This is Ling Xianger's problem. She is a very soft woman. She didn't know what the promise had with Ruolan before, but she promised that she was alive now, and Ruolan was also alive, and Ruolan blamed herself and even self-harmed herself to show her determination. To the extent of Ruolan, a woman without any courage and deep feelings can't do it. Therefore, Ling Xianger called Ruolan 'sister' just because she was also a woman.

"Ha ha, girl, that's good." Ruolan's heart was dancing before, but now her heart seems to be tied up and flying, because she feels that she promises to have a very good woman around her.

Ruolan continued, "That Second Master An is not so easy to get to." Ruolan's promise can also be affirmed.

"When I found you before, because of my sudden vigilance, I had aroused his suspicion," Ruolan continued. "He is a very suspicious person. If I don't chase him out, it will definitely arouse his suspicion. I'm chasing him now, just to prove that the person who eavesdrops on him is a master. He doesn't have many opponents, but his opponents have many masters.

"So, would you better bring back a little 'trophy'?" Promise to understand Ruolan, she is still so thoughtful and will take every step into consideration.

"This is the best result. Of course, you can go back without taking anything, because you are 'masters', and you are indeed masters." Ruolan admitted, "If... if you don't resolutely look at me, or I really can't find you."

Ruolan lowered her head a little shyly when she said this. She also understands the promise. As long as she connects these things, she will know that the promise is found by her, not because she is not good enough, but because she wants to see her. For a master, if he can't find it when he is stared at, he is still a master.

"Then you'd better bring some 'trophies' back." Promised to say with subconscious concern.

"The trophy is already there, or he has come." Ruolan suddenly said mysteriously.

"Ah, what kind of booty?" The promise is a little inexplicable.

"Didn't you find it?" Ling Xianger also asked the promise strangely. Even she found it. How could the promise not be found?

"Sister, no wonder he promised, because he is a man." What Ruolan said is even more mysterious. What does it mean that a man can't find out? This is simply not looking at men as men.

"Ha ha, yes." Ling Xianger also smiled, and she felt that Ruolan's words were reasonable.

The promise was still strange, but then I suddenly found that someone was coming quickly. The man who came here is a man. He is very fast and anxious. He should be a very anxious man. Now the promise understands why Ruolan and Ling Xianger can find it, but he can't find it. This may be their woman's intuition. Because this man's eyes have been wandering on Ling Xianger and Ruolan, no normal man will stare at another man.

The visitor is really anxious, because his people have not arrived, and the voice comes first. Although the speed of sound is faster than the foot, it also shows the eagerness of this person's heart and shouts out first.

"Yoyo, who did I think this was? It turned out to be you. What's going on? You finished it so soon?" The voice of the people is very unpleasant, and what they say is even more annoying.

Promise vaguely remembers this voice, because they have just separated, and it is Mr. Li who wants to pay Ling Xianger to accompany him. His voice is still so unpleasant. How can he forget his promise at such a time?

"Hey, you boy, you just finished your work and hooked up with another beauty. Can you do it?" As soon as Mr. Li came to him, he sarcasticly made a promise.