fa mou

Chapter 244 Meet an old man in a foreign country

Ling Xianger laughed secretly at the self-praise of the promise, but Buyi couldn't laugh, because she could hear something in the promise, which was to mock herself as a man again. Although Buyi met Ling Xianger, she always liked to stumbling on the promise, and the promise would not let go of the opportunity to make fun of her.

"Well, just laugh. I don't know who was so jealous just now." Buyi mentioned the old story again, hoping to save a game. "I'm so angry that I can't even recognize it."

"Okay, okay, everyone won't talk about it." Men can't quarrel with women, let alone masters, so they promise to make peace first.

"Well, it's okay not to say it, but..." Buyi skimmed the promised hand on his shoulder and continued, "Can you let go of your hand? You seem to be flirting with me."

"Hahaha... I almost forgot this. Didn't I just think you were a man?" He really forgot that the promise was true. Until Buyi spoke, he hugged her shoulder tightly. Not to mention, this little girl's arms is also soft, and it feels so good. However, since Buyi has said something, he had to let go reluctantly.

"Get out, you are the man." Buyi said angrily.

"Well, how do you know this? I thought only Xiang'er knew?" Promise looked at Buyi curiously.

Hearing the promise, Ling Xianger couldn't help pounding him with her small fist, and Buyi was also a little embarrassed. The promise is indeed a little ambiguous and ambiguous.

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere and protect the meat at the waist from the 'devastation' of Ling Xianger, Xu promised to change the topic and said, "I said, your makeup seems to be much better. I really can't recognize it. It's just that this body is thinner, or it's really difficult for others to see it."

"I'm a woman, and of course I'm petite. If I'm big and thick, how can I get married?" Buyi gave a white promise and then continued, "But when it comes to this makeup, I can only be regarded as a beginner. There are many smart ones. Beautiful women can dress up as ugly, and ugly people can also become beautiful."

"So do you belong to the former or the latter?" Promise continued by the way.

"Get out of here!" Buyi couldn't help making a promise, "I'm a natural beauty. How can I have to wear makeup? I didn't make up like this for convenience."

"Bui, didn't your father not let you come out?" Ling Xianger was a little speechless, "So, are you sneaking out again? If you dress up like this, it's convenient to sneak out, right?

Buyi was exposed by Ling Xianger and only admitted generously, "Isn't I suffocated at home? If I don't come out again, I will go crazy, so this is not coming out to breathe."

"Are you really sure you stole it out?" Promise suddenly asked such a question.

"Of course, do you even doubt my ability to steal?" Buyi said with some dissatisfaction. She only has a few places to show off. One is to sneak out to play, one is to dress up as a man, and the other is to flirt with women. Now, the promise actually doubts her major, how can it not make her angry?

"Are you sure no one is following you?" Promise frowned and said. But his eyes did not look at Buyi, but at a man eating with his head down in the distance of the restaurant.

Bu Yi followed the promised eyes and couldn't help but be hit hard. She recognized the man who promised to see him. He was a master under her father. No wonder Bui couldn't find it.

"Well, I admit that I failed again this time. I'll tell him not to bother me." Buyi said and stood up and thought about it. However, Xu promised unexpectedly grabbed Buyi's hand, then pulled her back, and pressed her on the chair to sit down.

The sudden action of promise made Buyi a little uncomfortable. She asked, " promises, what are you doing?" She didn't refuse the promised hand, because the feeling of holding hands was very good and warm. Buyi's words also contain two meanings, one is to ask why the promise stopped her, and the other is to ask why the promise took her hand.

However, the promise still did not let go of Buyi's hand, but solemnly asked, "Do you think you can call that person back when you go there now?"

Hearing the promise, Buyi was defeated again. She said, "You're right again. He won't leave. Unless I go home and go outside, he will never listen to me as if he didn't know me."

"In that case, let me talk about it." Xu Yi gently shook Buyi's hand, which felt very soft and tender. This was the real lady's hand. Although Ling Xianger's hands are also very tender and white, her hand strength is also very strong due to martial arts practice and accounting.

"Okay, I believe you." Buyi nodded to the promise and said solemnly, "But before that, can you promise me something?"

"What's the matter?" It is rare to see Buyi with such a solemn expression.

Before Buyi said anything, Ling Xianger couldn't help it. She said jealously, "Please, can you let go of Buyi's sister's hand before you go? When do you want to catch it?"

"Ah, it turned out to be this matter. I've been looking at that person just now and forgot about it. Hahaha... It's just a mistake, a mistake." Promised to speak slowly. After he finished speaking, he let go of Buyi's hand. If you forgot it before, it is intentional now, so that you can hold it for a longer time.

"Then why don't you go quickly!" Buyi and Ling Xianger said with one voice, full of contempt.

When he promised to walk to the man, Buyi asked Ling Xianger uneasfully, "Sister Xianger, do you think Brother Xu can convince that person that he is stubborn, and his martial arts are also very good. What if he starts to do it later?"

Ling Xianger took a deep look at the man and said meaningfully, "They won't do it. Even if they do it, they won't choose this time. As for whether Brother Xu can convince him or not, it depends on Brother Xu himself."

The reason why Ling Xianger said this with certainty is that she also knows that person, and she will not forget this interesting guy.


Today's third update, I wish you all a happy birthday