fa mou

Chapter 253 Crazy Wang Yulang

The promised medicine is very effective. No, it should be said that the old man's method is very effective. It's not easy to work. Wang Yulang's face has been a little abnormally flushed. As for why he said it was the old man's method, because it was an improper method, he promised to leave it on the old man. Anyway, he couldn't hear it.

Even if Wang Yulang has been drugged and his words and actions have gone through his mind, his promise will not be polite to him. He said tit-for-tat to Wang Yulang, "Don't worry, my brain is very good, otherwise you won't be willing to drink this spring potion, but I doubt whether your body works or not, if it doesn't work, replace it to me?"

With promises, there is even a little eagerness to try. Wang Yulang's cognition of which man does not salivate for beauty. This is already easy to get Bui, how can promise this guy to succeed? Besides, Wang Yulang now feels that his body is about to explode, especially his lower body, which has expanded to the extreme. If there is no woman venting, Wang Yulang feels that he will definitely die.

"Don't doubt it. Even if you doubt it before, don't doubt it now. Didn't you give me aphrodisiac?" Wang Yulang was very anxious and kept pushing out to promise, "I feel uncomfortable now. Get out quickly. I'm going to do something. Do you want to stay and see if I can do something?"

"If you want, I can stay and see if you are as strong as you said." Promise had a lot of nonsense at this time, and he was obviously procrastinating.

"I don't need you to see it. Get out quickly!" Wang Yulang has already roared.

Not to mention that Wang Yulang roared and promised to really go out. Even Wang Yulang was a little puzzled by the promise of obedientness. He felt that he should talk a few more words before going out.

Of course, there was a reason why he promised to go out, because he saw **'s Buyi, gave him a thumbs-up, and even blinked his eyes mischievously. Promise to know that this girl must be confident and don't know what she will play. Or not only her tricks, but also Ling Xianger's proposal.

This room has long been promised to rearrange it. Ordinary people can't see it, and people who have taken the medicine can't see it. Ling Xianger has hidden. With her here, Buyi will definitely be fine.

He couldn't help but go out and even took the initiative to close the door for Wang Yulang. Of course, he promised not to help Wang Yulang stand guard here, but should stay out of the matter and run to the yard to wait for those who should appear.

If the medicine is like a timed bomb, then the woman is the riot of the timer on the bomb, and she can accelerate the speed of the clock on it. Now, Buyi is an example. However, Buyi is not a calm person. She is not willing to be lonely. She even deliberately moaned and said, "It's so hot."

Buyi said, and even pulled his clothes. Although he didn't show spring light, it was better than this action. Buyi's action was undoubtedly adding a ladle of fire oil to Wang Yulang's burning heart. At this time, Wang Yulang's eyes turned red.

Although Bui's acting skills are mediocre or even poor, as long as you are a well-eyed person, you can see that it is false. But at this time, Wang Yulang is no longer a bright-eyed person. Some of his eyes are *, and some are beautiful women lying on ** pulling clothes. So, Wang Yulang was completely crazy.

Crazy people's actions generally do not go through the brain, but by instinct, Wang Yulang instinctively ran towards Buyi.

Although Wang Yulang has never practiced martial arts, his hands on the woman's chest have always been very accurate and fast. Wang Yulang, who was hit by the spring medicine, exerted this trick to the extreme and suddenly grabbed the plumpness in Buyi's chest. This is instinct, because the attraction on Buyi's chest is too great, which is simply a childlike breast (that word will be harmonious).

Wang Yulang's arrest has a little momentum to practice. In fact, people who practice martial arts are like that. As long as they rely on their talent and practice more, they will naturally become masters. A master is a talent, and then adds repeated practice. Wang Yulang is very talented in this aspect. He must also be diligent in practicing, so he has the momentum of a master.

However, masters also pay attention to one inch long and one inch strong. Wang Yulang uses hands, and the length of his hands is certainly not as long as feet, even if they are women's feet. Therefore, when Wang Yulang's hand shook and grabbed Buyi, Buyi's foot had already been kicked out, making Wang Yulang unable to take half a step forward.

Wang Yulang can't move forward. It is reasonable that he should change his strategy and then seek to attack. However, he behaved more crazily and jumped wildly in the room, but shouted 'Oh hehe...'.

There is no doubt that this is the result of Buyi's foot. Buyi's foot was given to her by Professor Ling Xianger. Since it is Ling Xianger's move, it must be poisonous and deadly. For a man who has been given aphrodisiac, the most fatal point is of course the lower body, which is hard and fragile.

Buyi doesn't understand this, but Ling Xianger does. Because every time she is weak by the promise, and the promise is still strong, she always uses her hands to stop the beast of the promise. Ling Xianger often said a word to the promise, that is, isn't it hard? I'll make it soft. As a result, the promise softened.

Of course, you don't have to be so polite to deal with Wang Yulang. Isn't he hard? Just kick him soft. When Buyi's foot kicked out after practicing dozens of times, she seemed to hear the sound of chicken flying eggs beating. No wonder Wang Yulang jumped and screamed like a hen who had just laid eggs.

"Sister Ling, how's my kicking? Do you want to kick it again?" As soon as Buyi made a successful move, she was eager to ask Ling Xianger for credit. She said excitedly.

"I guess it's not necessary. It's not broken, it's broken." Ling Xianger's voice came from the back of the bed. Even behind the bed, she could hear the power of the foot. "Your current task has not been completed yet. Continue to pretend to be unconscious."

"Oh, okay." Buyi said and lay down on ** again with a bang, as if he had never woken up.

However, this time Ling Xianger underestimated Wang Yulang's endurance, because he took aphrodisiac. She also overestimated Buyi's ability. After all, her foot was also a grinding gun, and she could only make do with it.

Wang Yulang jumped for a while, and the pain was relieved a lot with the analgesic effect of spring medicine. Buyi's foot made him sweat coldly, which also made him wake up a lot. As soon as he woke up, he found that something was wrong with Buyi, because he seemed to hear someone talking just now.

Wang Yulang covered his crotch in pain, slowly walked to the bedside, and then said, "Bui, don't pretend. Are you pretending to be in a coma? You and the boy promised to lie to me!"

Sure enough, Buyi was still too innocent and his acting skills were not good enough. Wang Yulang said so tentatively, and she immediately sat up and asked in surprise, "Wang Yulang, how do you know that I pretended to be in a coma?"

Ling Xianger couldn't help but fall for it when she heard that Bu Yi was so easy to fall. Wang Yulang laughed gaudly and said, "I don't care whether you are really fascinated or fake you come to lie to me with promise. I'm going to eat you today. Just accept your fate and be my woman."

Wang Yulang is really crazy, chun~ medicine, the power**, plus now the arrow is on the string, so he has to send it. Wang Yulang has no way to retreat. Now he can only use strength for success or failure. Because Wang Yulang knows that face is very important for men, especially a man in the high position of prime minister.

"Ah, Wang Yulang, I'm the prime minister's daughter. What do you want to do?" Buyi covered his chest in fear and squeezed out another ditch. However, Buyi's acting skills are still so poor. From her expression and words, Ling Xianger could not hear a trace of fear.

"Hahaha..." Wang Yulang laughed a few times and said with a ferocious smile, "You are the daughter of the prime minister, that's why I want to possess you." With that, Wang Yulang ran to Buyi again.


You are thick-skinned. Please collect it. Collect it. Collect more. It's easy for us to explode on weekends.