The world is ever-changing

Chapter 45 Four Seasons Wonderland

The whole mountain is green and cypress, lush, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of grass. Birds chirp and play with each other on the trees. Occasionally, a few squirrels jump around. On the other side of the grass, there is also a clear pond. The water in the pond can be seen at the bottom, reflecting the green trees and grass, and on the other side of the grassland is also An orchard is already full of fruits, red apples, pink peaches, and yellow bananas.

It's really a beautiful summer, just like a fairyland. Long Yuan gently walked to the pond, scooped up a pool of clear water with his hand, and put it on his mouth to be sweet. Looking at the swaying shadow of the tree, Long Yuan's heart was rippling at this time.

At the same time, on the north side of Tianlong Mountain, the people of Shendaomen also saw another different world. In this ice and snow world, the mountains are full of snow. The trees are full of snow-white trees, which look crystal clear and beautiful. Several thatched houses between the ridges are also covered with a thick layer of snow, next to the house There are two lovely snowmen piled up. What a beautiful winter. The disciples of Shendaomen were overjoyed to see this scenery, jumping and playing on the snow, grabbing the white snow on the ground and fighting with each other.

At this time, the people of Liu Yunzong on the west side of Tianlong Mountain saw another autumn world. The mountains are full of red maple leaves, and the maple trees are also piled up with thick leaves, in which they can smell the fragrance of a tree. The warm sun shines on the ground, soft and comfortable, and there is also a pool on the other side. Several snow-white swans are swimming in the pond. Liu Yunzong's people admired the red leaves all over the mountain and looked at the green pool with a happy smile on their faces.

At this time, there is another group of teams on the east side of Tianlong Mountain, but they have experienced another world. This group is the rootless water world. Because the east side is close to water, the people in the rootless water world are not afraid of water, but like water, so they all come from the waterway.

In front of them, there is spring. The newly melted stream flows in the mountains, the grass on the ground emits tender buds, and the trees in the distance are also covered with green. Occasionally, you can see one or two colorful flowers on the grass, and you can smell the faint fragrance of flowers at any time. These people are immersed in these spring. Enjoy the beautiful scenery and smell the intoxicating fragrance of flowers.

The sweet spring water flowed through Longyuan's throat, making Longyuan feel relaxed and happy. A beautiful girl came to the pond, bent down and squatted down. She took out a pair of beautiful colorful petals from the blue beside her. She threw the petals into the water, like a heavenly girl's scattered flower, showing a charming smile on the girl's face. It's enough to fascinate any man. Long Yuan is stunned there and doesn't want to do anything. He just wants to be eternal at this moment.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly Longyuan heard a lazy voice coming from his side.

"Brother Long! What are you doing? Have you found any treasures after going to the mountain for more than ten days?

Long Yuan looked down and saw that it was the voice of the mud baby hidden in the cloth bag at his waist. Long Yuan was stunned and asked doubtfully, "Baby Mud! What are you talking about? I've just been here for a while! Why do you mean ten days?

"What just for a moment? You have been in the mountain for more than ten days, and you said that it was only for a while. I have slept here several times!"

"Ah! How come? I just feel like it's just for a while? What's going on?" Long Yuan asked with a surprised face.

"Hee! Is there such a thing? Let me out and have a look!" Mud baby answered that there seemed to be some excitement. Mud baby is always so interested in such things.

As Longyuan opened the cloth bag, the mud baby flew out and turned into a black baby,

"Ah! What a beautiful place? No wonder you don't want to return?" The mud baby shouted excitedly as soon as he came out.

"Yes! It's very beautiful here. Tianlong Mountain suddenly became like this!" Long Ben looked at the expression on Guan Ni's baby's face and explained.

"Good, that's good! But are these all fake?" The mud baby suddenly turned his words and said.

"Fake? No way? I tasted the sweetness of that pool of water!" Long Yuan's untrustworthy statement confirmed his idea.

"Hmm! That's also fake, but...! Ha ha! This fantasy is really smart!" The mud baby reached out and pulled down a leaf from a tree and shouted.

"What! Fantasyland? You mean this is a fantasy? Long Yuan looked at the mud baby with a surprised face.

However, the mud baby seemed not to be in a hurry and ran around the grass. He looked very happy, but Long Yuan was a little anxious now. He quickly followed the mud baby and asked eagerly, "You said this is a fantasy, so how did you see it? Can you break it?"

"I can't see through this fantasy now, but it must be a fantasy!" The clay baby ran to the pond without seeing Long Yuan throw down such a sentence.

Long Yuan shook his head and smiled bitterly, but there was nothing he could do. Some questions could only wait for the mud baby to have enough to ask him, but now he is a little uneasy. According to the mud baby, he just felt that the time was not very long, but the mud baby said that he had passed ten days, if it was really like what the mud baby said. That's a fantasy. How terrible it will be. I may not feel how long it has passed, and this life has passed here.

So now Long Yuan is trying to figure out how to get out of here. Long Yuan is walking between the grass and green trees, but strangely, he seems to have returned to his original place. No matter where he goes, he can't find a clue in the end.

With Long Yuan's personality, there is rarely anything that makes him anxious. However, the current situation really makes people anxious, because he can be sure that he is indeed in a fantasy, and the time in this fantasy seems to pass quickly, and he will unconsciously consume time.

Long Yuan stopped the mud baby who was playing, because the mud baby was not as excited as at the beginning, so when Long Yuan pulled his problem, he stopped.

"Baby! Is there any way out of this fantasy? Long Yuan asked.

"Out of the fantasy?" The mud baby was stunned, scratched his head and said with an embarrassed smile, "I just think this place is very strange, a little like the fantasy I encountered before, but I don't know how to get out!" The mud baby shook his head and was a little embarrassed!

"You don't know?" Long Yuan was just a little anxious. He thought that the mud baby could see through this fantasy and should have a way to crack it, but now the mud baby has no way. Long Yuan couldn't help sweating coldly at this time.

At this time, it is a different situation in other places of Tianlong Mountain.

But in a hurry, Long Yuan still calmed down after a while. Now the mud baby has no choice but to do it. Now he has to rely on himself. Long Yuan has poured out all the things in his package. Most of them are some tools and some hidden weapons here, but even if these tools are sharp and clever, at this time It doesn't help, because being trapped here can't be broken with brute force.

Just as Longyuan tossed his tools and couldn't figure out a way, a small tool appeared in front of him. This is a gadget made by Longyuan with the remnants of the corners of the sky suspended magnet. Remember that last time Longyuan cut the sky suspended magnet into a cake shape, he collected a piece of debris, because For the preciousness of this day's suspension of magnetism, how can this fragment be reused? He studied the suspension of this day's magnetic fragments for a while, but there was no result, but found that there was an obvious feature of the fragments, that is, there are some rules in their arrangement. Most of them are angular fragments, and when each fragment is still, its long angle points to the north and south, and the whole of the multiple fragments is also arranged in this way. At that time, he found a larger angular block, drilled a small hole in the middle, and then pierced it on a metal rod. Such a small thing When it's done, push it hard. No matter how he moves, he has to return to its original position in the end. It's very interesting. The reason why he also brought this thing is that he feels that this thing is very useful for guiding the way and never goes in the wrong direction.

Now he found the gadget, just holding the mentality of trying it. Long Yuan held the little pointer in his hand and gently pushed it away with his fingers. Finally, he found that the pointer was still pointing in one direction. Long Yuan was happy. If this little thing really works, he would walk out of the illusion by himself. The situation is very promising.

Longyuan called Ni Dingbao to his side and thought about it and walked in the direction pointed by the pointer, because he knew that Tianlong Mountain should be in his north, and leaving Tianlong Mountain was to go to his south, so whether he entered Tianlong Mountain or Tiantian Longshan was better than being trapped here, so he Xiangyi Go in one direction. If he doesn't turn and the fantasy has an end, he will definitely be able to go out.

Following the pointer, Longyuan and the mud baby walked in one direction, facing the pond in one direction, but Longyuan did not change the direction because of this. He picked up the corners of his trousers and walked into the pond with the mud baby on his back. Fortunately, the water in the pond was not deep. Long Yuan walked all the way to the water, but one appeared in front of him. The big tree was right in front of him. Long Yuan thought that since it was a fantasy, the tree may not be true, but when he pushed the big tree away, the big tree was in front and did not move at all. Long Yuan did not want to change direction at this time, so he took out a saw-shaped tool from the package and began to saw it. No After a while, the big tree was cut off by himself, and Long Yuan jumped over the big tree.

However, not long after passing the big tree, Longyuan encountered another trouble. A deep ditch stopped in front of him. The ditch was not as good as the pond. The pond could see the bottom at a glance, and the ditch looked deep.