The world is ever-changing

Chapter 51 Six Knife Monsters

"Why don't you leave? What are you doing here? Do you want me to take you off?" The young man in silver said coldly while looking at the dragon crystal stone.

Without saying anything, Bai Fengjiao and Heifeng led their hands to turn their heads and walk away, and the middle-aged man and the girl in the middle had the feeling of the rest of their lives after the disaster. The middle-aged man pulled the wet nurse and ran away. Of course, they are running in different directions now, especially the man and the girl who didn't want to be with the one just now. Two waves of people meet.

At this time, Longyuan was familiar with this skill twice, so that he could reluctantly become bigger and smaller. Although he was not very familiar with it, Longyuan was very happy. At this time, Longbao urged Longyuan to leave here quickly. After all, this is where Longxin is located, and it is better to leave as soon as possible.

Long Yuan thought that this place was not a place to stay for a long time. Long Yuan retreated from the original door first, and then began to use the method of drilling holes to leave here and drill several channels, and then stood in a seemingly safe place and thought about it.

Long Yuan's benefits from this Tianlongtian are really out of his own surprise. He was lucky to get a dragon crystal. He could get the dragon's painstaking efforts, and thus improved a realm. It seems that the benefits of the dragon's painstaking efforts are not only these.

But it is not the time for Longyuan to celebrate by himself, because he has not left Tianlong Mountain yet. There are masters gathered everywhere in Tianlong Mountain. His main task now is to leave Tianlong Mountain safely.

And he has tried now. Here his little pointer has lost its effect. No matter how much he moves the pointer, it is not in the same direction.

Long Yuan then began to think about how to get out of his position. Before that, he wanted to go up, but later he thought that before drilling into the hole, he saw that the height of the mountain was very high, and he didn't see the top at all of a sudden. Now he has entered the mountain. If he is listed up I don't know when I will be able to drill out.

So he decided to drill out in a horizontal direction, but in order not to meet other people, he first drilled several feet high, and then drilled horizontally, so that most of the people who entered the hole came in from the horizontal plane, so he was relatively safe.

Longyuan's idea is really right. Thanks to him, he didn't drill up, because at this time, no one knows the shape of Tianlong living here. Everyone knows the legend of Tianlong Wangjinqiao. Tianlong's dragon's dragon head should be heading north, but it is true that the dragon head is not straight to the north, but the body is not straight to the north. The head to the south and north showed the posture of the rhinoceros looking at the moon. It was because of some dragons that they were able to find the heart of Tianlong by mistake, and the place where other gate schools entered was exactly the second half of the Tianlong's body, but they did not get nothing, but also found some dragon crystals respectively, and In the back, the dragon kidney was found, and in order to grab the rootless water in the dragon kidney, these many sects fought fiercely for countless deaths and injuries. The dragon is the soul of water, so the remaining water in the dragon kidney is very rare, and its value is not much less than the dragon blood.

Long Yuan's choice to leave was very wise. He didn't meet anyone along the way, and he happened to meet another dragon crystal, which made Long Yuan have to tell the mud baby that he was lucky and convinced him.

Long Yuan kept drilling away in one direction with his own feeling. In about half a day, he finally got out of the side of Tianlong Mountain, but as soon as Long Yuan came out, he found that the position he came out of was not the position he entered. This turned out to be the west of Tianlong Mountain, which was leaning on the seven miles. The river, but he is still some distance away from the seven-mile river, just as Long Yuan was thinking about if he left here.

Suddenly, he heard some voices talking, and Long Yuan quickly hid behind a fan-shaped stone and looked at the appearance through the doubt.

Far from him, surrounded a group of people, two people in the middle, one was a thin middle-aged man and the other was a girl. Long Yuan's heart moved at a glance. These two people seemed to have seen it somewhere. One after another flashed in Long Yuan's mind and suddenly remembered it.

Aren't these two the father and daughter who sell art in Silo Town? The girl's eyes have been in Longyuan's memory. At this time, the father and daughter are surrounded by a group of people. These are six people with different appearances. Each of them has different characteristics. One of them is fat and looks very strong, and the other is a dwarf who is very small, and two are thin and tall. Tall, the other two are thick and fat.

"Hee hee! You two are lucky to meet our six knife monsters today. Hurry up and take out all the things you got on Tianlong Mountain, and then you can go!" Then the dwarf stepped forward and said.

"Dad! Why are we so unlucky? How can we always meet these people? The girl pulled her father and said.

The old man looked at the six people, arched his hand to them and said, "Although we have entered the hole, we haven't found any treasures. Please make it convenient for you!"

"I didn't get any baby? So what are you going to do? I don't believe it. Let's search it!" One of them said thin and tall.

"I'm sorry! The little girl is a daughter, which is inconvenient to search. Please take care of yourself!" The old man stood in front of his daughter and said unhappily.

"Hey! It's a woman who should be searched!" Another thick and fat smiled.

"Hmm! Don't blame me for being unreasonable!" The old man took a look at the six people. These six people were all in a changed state, and the old man himself was in the realm of growth, so naturally he was not afraid of them.

"It seems that you are not drinking wine! Come on! Give it to me!" The dwarf waved his hand.

Six people rushed up together and started their hands around the old man and his daughter. The tall man used a big knife, the dwarf used a small hammer, and the other four used an iron rod-like weapon. The old man's body, which was originally growing, became twice as big as before. , he pulled out a dagger, and choked the dagger. The dagger turned into a long sword more than ten feet long. This sword is just right for the old man who has become bigger. It seems that the old man has been prepared for his weapon for a long time.

In this way, he is much higher than the strongest man. With this martial arts and his weapon longer than his opponent, the old man can also withstand the attack of four or five people, and his daughter is also in a changed state, basically able to resist one person. These six Although people attack in different moves, they are very coordinated, which makes the old man and his daughter a little confused for a while, but after all, the old man is a person in the growth realm. His body can become bigger and smaller at any time, and his posture can also change at any time. For a moment, these six people can't help the two of them. Eight people look together. The drum is equivalent.

In this way, they fought with each other for several rounds, and only heard the dwarf whistle. The six people returned to their bodies at the same time and stood together. The old man was stunned. He was in a hurry to fight. Could it be that these people had some tricks? The old man couldn't help but be more careful.

I saw these six people, each of whom's body shape is constantly changing, because they are also in a state of transformation, and it is not surprising that the shape of the body changes, but what they have changed is that the two thin and tall people have become two thighs respectively, and the strong man has become a person's body. Body, the two thick and fat ones turned into a person's arms, and the dwarf jumped on the body of the strong man to form a person's head. Such a combination of giants produced. Now it is three or four times larger than the old man's changed body. In fact, the old man can't become bigger, but The greater the change of a person in this realm, the greater the physical strength will be consumed, and the local strength of the body will become weaker, so the old man can't become bigger. The size he has now is basically his strongest combat effectiveness.

What moved the old man's heart was that the weapons in the hands of the six people were now combined. The four iron bars were connected together with the hilt of a long knife, while the strong man's big knife was the knife of the long knife, the dwarf's small hammer became the tail of the handle, and a long knife more than four feet long was held by the giant. In his hand, the old man broke out in a cold sweat.

"Hee hee! Are you scared? But now it's too late to be afraid, just look at the knife!" The dwarf said and commanded the giant to raise the big knife and cut it at the old man. The big knife was fast and powerful. How could the old man dare to wait slowly? He hurriedly jumped to his side, and the big knife cut off from his side with the sound of wind, bang! He cut a big pit on the ground and kicked the old man's body with the splashed sand. The old man saw that he was not as big as the giant, so he simply planned to win with flexibility and changed his body back to its original size. At this time, the big knife cut it horizontally. The old man hurriedly jumped up and shouted to his daughter behind him at the same time: "Female Son! Get back quickly!"

The girl did not dare to neglect some scenes and withdrew far away.

Although the girl jumped back by herself, she also saw the power of the giant at this time, but now he can't help her father in his own realm, so she can only look back and worry.

The long sword in the old man's hand can only be said to be a small thing that he dares not touch the big thing, so the old man suffers a lot now.

Originally, the old man planned to defeat the giant with his little flexibility, but what he didn't expect was that although the giant was tall, his flexibility was not smaller than that of a person. The dwarf on his head kept muttering something, as if he was answering the giant. The giant, under the command of the dwarf, used the long knife at a rapid speed, making it difficult for the old man to approach.