The world is ever-changing

Chapter 74 Go to the Dan Conference

Long Yuan packed up his personal belongings, gave some things from the small soldier regiment to Caidie to take care of, and told her that if something happened, she would put up with it first. When he came back, he also left the small bottle given to Caidie and told Caidie that Caidie had no choice. Pour out this small bottle of things, and then Long Yuan gathered Li Yueshan and others together to tell them something so that they and Caidie could take care of each other.

After Longyuan finished these things, he packed up the package and brought some gold coins. Now he knows that if he wants to buy some good things in this cultivation and chemical world, he has to spend a lot of money, especially this time he also wants to buy the hemolysis elixir, which is his first thing, so he took this small soldier in addition to transportation. The rest of the money needed for the camp has been taken away.

Just as Longyuan rushed to Turtle and Snake Island, there was a heated discussion in an ancient and wide hall on Turtle and Snake Island. Feng Ning, the island owner, sat next to him, and three elders, all over 50 years old, and on the other side sat the vice island owner spirit fairy, and Fu Yi also sat. Among them, since the last time this Fuyi reversed the meridians in the alien realm, and then took Tongluodan, his body has recovered and entered the realm of transformation. Now those sitting here are above the alien realm, that is, only those above the alien realm belong to the high-level of the turtle and snake island.

In fact, the main question discussed in their meeting is whether to participate in this dissolution conference, because the turtle snake island has not been to the previous dissolution conference, mainly because the island does not need to buy this blood elixir, because the island can make its own double dissolution elixir, and this double dissolution elixir is naturally dissolved with turtles. The elixir of the two blood species and snakes are refined by the two elders here with refined blood. Although the refining of these two elixirs is also very energy and true qi, because there are very few people on the island who hit this abnormal state, the two elders can eat it.

Normally, since there is this good-quality double-rong dan on the island, thisrong dan has nothing to do with the turtle and snake island, but a proposal of the spirit fairy has attracted everyone's attention. The spirit fairy now realizes that there are fewer and fewer practitioners in this turtle and snake island. The main reason is that the island is closed to make cars and rarely with the outside world. Contact, so we should break the previous negative method, go outside to experience more, learn more about the situation outside, and have the opportunity to recruit some talents in the outside world, so as to develop this tortoise and snake island.

The proposal of the spirit fairy was approved by some people, and Feng Ning, the owner of the island, was also a little moved, but it was strongly opposed by the three elders, especially the two elders who made blood elixir, whose reaction was even more fierce. They believed that the turtle snake island was mainly for the cultivation of the descendants of the original turtle snake faction, no There should be outsiders involved, and the Shuanglu Dan they refined also don't want to be used by outsiders.

Seeing the reaction of the two elders, the spiritual fairy couldn't help but be glad that Longyuan did not agree to stay on Turtle and Snake Island. What if Longyuan agreed with her, but she couldn't give Longyuan this pair of molten elixir?

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, and each had its own reasons. In the end, the spirit fairy proposed that even if the blood elixir of this school could not be given to outsiders, it was always okay to go out to see the world, right? This Rongdan Conference is a good opportunity to contact the outside world.

Although the three elders did not raise a direct objection, they still proposed that the people of the Turtle and Snake Island should not be allowed to use other types of hemolysis elixir, because then the foundation of the Turtle and Snake Island would be destroyed. It can be imagine that if the people of the Turtle and Snake Island used other kinds The blood elixir, and cultivated into other animals, can it be regarded as the tortoise and snake pie?

Finally, Feng Ning made a statement. He said that since what both sides said was reasonable, it would be good to send someone to see the world at this Rongdan Conference! But who will go where? Originally, the spirit fairy wanted to go, but she was afraid that the giant wolf clan would take this opportunity to attack the turtle and snake island. If there were no spirit fairy on this turtle and snake island, it would be difficult to organize defense. Finally, after a discussion, they thought that Fu Yi's son Fu Kuan was stable and quick-witted and more appropriate, and Fu Kuan had recently broken through a level and reached a level. The realm of growth made Fu Yi proud of his son's achievements.

Longyuan came to this turtle and snake island and was also surprised to see that the spirit fairy only let Fu Kuan go to the blood dissolution meeting with him. He originally thought that many people from the turtle and snake island should have been sent to this dissolution conference, but now he is just one person, but when the spirit fairy explained to him that the island already had this solution. After the blood elixir, Long Yuan figured it out slightly.

Qingmu country is in the southwest of this outer sea town, and Huapi town is in the west of this Qingmu country, so Longyuan and others want to go further southwest from here. The map fairy has already inquired about this route. For the information of blood elixir, the spirit fairy really spent a lot of thought and used some friends in the cultivation world. Friends, in fact, this turtle and snake island is relatively open-spirited at present. They often travel abroad, have a wide range of knowledge, and make rapid progress in cultivation.

Fu Kuan wanted to leave the tortoise and snake island, and Long Yuan taught the mechanism defense of the tortoise and snake island to the spirit fairy again. In fact, it is not difficult for those who are in need, and it is not difficult for those who meet. With Longyuan's guidance, the spirit fairy feels that it is not so complicated to control the defense in learning to fly.

Longyuan stayed on this turtle and snake island for another night. The next morning, Long Wuhe and Fu Kuan set off. Before that they had planned to arrive in Huapi Town, they could not walk during the day. Since the two also went to this place for the first time, they had to avoid walking at night for safety, so they needed to pass through the middle. Danyun Town stayed last night before leaving.

When she left, the spirit fairy prepared two covers for the local people, and the two of them wore them separately. First, they didn't want others to easily see the faces of the two people. Fu Kuan's half of the mask was too conspicuous to hide people's ears.

Because both of them are born now, they walk very briskly. Although in order not to attract the attention of ordinary people, they did not use their strength to speed up the speed, but only used their real physical strength to walk. Even so, they arrived in Danyun Town early before dark.

Danyun Town is a small town. Usually, some merchants pass by here, but today this small Danyun Town is full of people. It is not surprising that Long Yuan thought about it, because most of them are practitioners of growth and go to participate in this Rongdan Conference and pass by here.

Several inns were full, so Long Yuan and Fu Kuan came to a relatively remote small shop. Although the shop was small, many people came today. The shopkeeper was a tall and thin middle-aged man, and a fat woman with a thick and thin waist like a bucket. Seeing a guest coming, a tall man greeted him with a spring breeze and saw Long Yuan Two people asked, "Mr. Guest! Do you want to stay in the store?

"Yes! Is there a guest room? Long Yuan is not very demanding now. As long as there is a place to live, it doesn't matter if it is a good room!

"There is also an ordinary room. Can you go up and see if it is suitable?" The tall and thin man came forward and answered, and Long Yuan nodded.

The man led Long Yuan to a house on the first floor. The conditions in the room were average, but there were two beds and a table, which was very simple. Because it was difficult to find an empty room in this town now, Long Yuan and Fu Kuan had to stay here for a night for the time being.

The two of them were a little tired after walking all day, so they fell asleep soon after dark. In the middle of the night, Long Yuan**'s consciousness suddenly moved and felt that there seemed to be something outside. At this time, Fu Kuan also seemed to hear something.

The two felt that things were motionless, so they winked at each other and quietly opened a gap in the window to look out. They saw the two ghost Chong moving around in this yard and whispering. Long Yuan harden his ears and listened at such a close distance, even if his voice was low, he could I can hear it! Hearing this sound, Long Yuan knew that these two people were the fat and thin shopkeeper during the day.

A man's voice is obviously the thin and tall man: "Madam! Did we really burn this store? Is it cost-effective to do this?