The world is ever-changing

Chapter 88 Cultivating the Alien

Seeing the mud baby's violent appearance, Long Yuan also shook his head helplessly and said, "I can't help it! I have tried my best, but I still can't escape this matter. The realm of the world lord is much higher than me!"

"Hey! It's over! It's over! After becoming a mortal, how can you become an immortal? How can you restore your original brilliance?" The mud baby has a noisy face.

"What is the original brilliance? Baby! You must have made a mistake! Am I the most ordinary person?" This Longyuan looked indifferent, which made the mud baby feel helpless in anger.

The two were silent for a while, and the mud baby seemed to be almost angry. Long Yuan wanted to open things up and said, "Since it's like this now, I'll use this ten thousand molten elixir!" Anyway, I think it's good that I can change so many animals!"

"Hmm! You are open- thinkable, but by reason, you shouldn't be like this for a lifetime. You should eventually become an immortal! But I can't figure it out! Forget it, let's help you practice!" At this moment, the mud baby's mood also calmed down, but said deeply.

"Hehe! When did the mud baby become so deep? OK! Then I'll start practicing again now!" Long Yuan felt better when he saw that the mud baby was no longer angry. He thought that whether he would stay in this perfect world or choose to escape in the future, the most important task now is to enter this realm of transformation. Only his own realm has been improved. It is much more convenient to do anything in the future, although he can only practice this realm of transformation now. The third layer, but even if it is the third layer, if it can really change thousands of animals, it is also quite good. Longyuan's requirements for himself have always been not high, and he should be satisfied with himself. Thinking of this, Longyuan is ready to sit cross-legged and begin to prepare for luck.

Longyuan knew that he could enter this abnormal state faster with the help of something with sufficient aura, so he also took out the dragon crystal and put it in front of him. The dragon crystal is now smaller than when he first got it, because Longyuan has also used this dragon crystal for a period of time before.

With this dragon crystal, coupled with the strong aura of the place where Longyuan is now practice, so Longyuan believes that it will not take too long for him to cultivate to a different realm. Although this process does not have to be so hard, he can practice several times a day, but it takes longer, but it rarely People have taken this process for a long time, and they all practice to reach this realm of transformation as soon as possible. First, cultivating into this realm of transformation is also a kind of **. After all, everyone wants to experience the pleasure after becoming an animal. In addition, this period is much more dangerous than usual, because if someone is unfavorable to themselves at this time, Although I still have some skills in the realm of growth, it is very easy to run away, go crazy, or damage the meridians will never reach this abnormal realm!

And the world here has promised that he will protect everyone's safety again. Long Yuan can only believe what the world owner said now. It is safer to rush into this abnormal state as soon as possible.

Long Yuan absorbed the aura from the dragon crystal in front of him, while transforming the aura into the true qi in his body, and then he ran the true qi in his body according to the method mentioned by the Lord of the world. In fact, this method is also introduced in the Outline of Transformation bought by Long Yuan. , that's just something written, and what the world owner introduced is also based on his own experience. There are some places left for Longyuan to explore by himself. It's really good to think of these people captured by the world owner.

Every time Longyuan runs a skill in the body, with the deepening of his divine consciousness into the body, his perception of the interior of the body becomes stronger. This feeling seems to be able to see through his own body, and this kind of body variation is different from the change from the state of softness to the state of transformation. That kind of change is only the body. Changes in the structure of the body can make the structure stronger and the flesh and blood more pure, but this is an essential change from the realm of transformation to the realm of transformation.

Longyuan can now feel the power of the blood elixir in his body. Although it seems to be evenly distributed in his flesh and bones, now he can feel the existence of the particles of these drugs. Each particle seems to be the size of a rice grain. With the operation of Longyuan's skill, the particles of these drugs also follow It moves in the body, and these medicinal powers are slowly melting with the blood, muscles and bones of the body.

Long Yuan was not eager to do his best, but practiced over and over again. Like Long Yuan's practice before, although it was a little boring, he occasionally made a little progress, which was very happy. Long Yuan kept practicing like this. When he was tired, he rested for a while, and then continued to practice. Every day, his disciples returned it to the dragon at a fixed time. Yuan sent meals, but because Long Yuan's body was in a period of mutation at this time, he constantly absorbed the aura outside the body and supported his body, so he rarely ate, only occasionally replenished some water, so now except for three meals, he did not disturb Long Yuan, and Long Yuan slowly formed a habit. A day's life is about practicing, occasionally eating and sleeping.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye. Long Yuan felt that his body had not changed much, but he felt that the medicinal power of his body was gradually dissolved with the blood, and the particles of those drugs seemed to be much smaller, and some of them should have been dissolved with the blood.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and the medicinal power in Longyuan's body seemed to be more closely combined with the blood, and the particles of those drugs seemed to be unable to feel it. Just as Long Yuan was used to this situation, one day when Long Yuan was practicing transportation, he suddenly felt that the blood in his body seemed to be getting more and more It's getting hotter, and the blood flow is getting faster and faster. Finally, it seems to be boiling. Long Yuan doesn't know what's going on. He can only run the skill in his body and run it over and over again to speed up the blood flow. Long Yuan thought in his heart that he couldn't stop. Now he has to stop and be violent. And death, the speed of the blood flow is getting faster and faster. Long Yuan also quickly absorbed this aura from the body and converted it into true qi, and at the same time transformed it into a true force to accelerate the speed of the blood flow. Although the speed of the blood flow was very fast, Long Yuan felt that the heat of the blood flow did not decrease, but continued to increase, and even Long Yuan felt himself At this time, his body is like a fire carbon. If outsiders see it, they must be surprised, because at this time, Long Yuan himself does not know that his body is now red, and he is like a red man, and the clothes outside his body, under the high temperature of his body, have changed from being soaked through sweat to being roasted. It had to be dried into pieces, and finally burned up, and after a while it turned into ashes.

Just as Long Yuan felt that the heat of his body was a little unbearable, his body changed in an instant. I don't know whether it was heard by his ears or a few soft sounds felt by his body, "Bow! Boo! Boo!" Long Yuan felt that at this moment, all the particles of medicine in his body shattered, turned into powder, and quickly dissolved into the rapidly rotating blood at this time. With the dissolution of these medicinal forces, Long Yuan felt that the temperature of his own blood reached its peak at this moment. Long Yuan shouted and felt He felt dizzy, but he tried his best to stay awake at this time. Fortunately, this feeling was only for a short time. After that, Long Yuan felt that the temperature of his blood was gradually decreasing, and Long Yuan also slowly lowered the speed of his work with the drop of temperature. This time, there was no accident, and soon With this effort, Long Yuan's body dropped to a normal temperature.

Although this major change in the body did not make Longyuan rush into this realm at once, it made Longyuan feel that he was not far from this realm of transformation.

Although he had this thrilling feeling, Long Yuan still insisted on practicing, because he knew that this cultivation to the realm of transformation could not be so easy, and he must experience many difficulties, so Long Yuan also looked forward to the next challenge of cultivation, but the challenge did not come back soon, but his body. I felt a lot of changes.

Because Longyuan felt the abnormal movement in his body at this time, this feeling was the first time in Longyuan's life. At first, he felt that there seemed to be some kind of animal hidden in his body, which seemed to be an animal like an orangutan, and this feeling seemed to exist in all parts of his body, hidden in every part of his body. In a corner, Longyuan himself can't find it, and his feelings for this animal will become clearer and clearer, and it seems to be establishing some connection with Longyuan's divine thoughts. In the end, an orangutan emerged in Longyuan's mind. This feeling is actually a perception of his own body, but at this time, Longyuan's body It has not changed with this imagination, and at present, it is only through the communication and dialogue between ideas and the body. After the appearance of this animal, it is imprinted in a corner of Longyuan's mind.

When Longyuan runs the skill again, another animal appears. Next, for each operation of Longyuan, there will be a new animal connected with Longyuan's ideas, which is also stored in the corner of Longyuan's own mind.

With the increase of the number of exercises by Longyuan, there are more and more kinds of animals that he can feel in his body, and more and more animals are perceived by Longyuan's divine thoughts. Fortunately, Longyuan now has the absorption of the aura of this dragon crystal, so there is no lack of true qi in his body, because every time he moves his skills, the true qi in his body is consumed. Most of them. Without the assistance of this dragon crystal stone, I'm afraid Longyuan's cultivation speed will be much slower.