The world is ever-changing

Chapter 102 Escape

It was only a while. The Lord and the three elders also fled, and the locusts also followed. At this time, the Stone Forest Array was also opened. These disciples in the perfect world quickly rushed out of the Stone Forest respectively, and the Lord and the Three Elders also followed closely behind them. Countless locusts and the six disciples who were still controlling the locusts, and the Ximen also rushed out.

As soon as he rushed out of the Stone Forest Array, the lord of the world shouted, "Don't run away in all directions!"

When they heard this sentence, everyone realized that if they ran together, they had to be completely destroyed, or they should run away separately, so everyone fled in all directions for a while.

And this Ximen saw that these people fled all away. First, he was stunned, and then said to the six disciples who controlled the locusts: "You go and kill each other's leaders separately, and the centipede and I will chase the world!"

After saying that, he took the centipedes to chase the world, and the six disciples looked for their own goals. The four elders themselves were their targets, and four disciples chased the four elders with some locusts.

What depressed Long Yuan at this time was that now a disciple who controlled locusts chased him with a group of golden-winged locusts. Long Yuan suddenly understood that he had just become the rooster and scared off the centipedes, so he naturally regarded himself as the leader. He was still a little wronged, because Not only is he not a leader, but he is even a newcomer, but now there is no place to reason, so he can only escape desperately.

Longyuan is now turned into a blue phancy, flying at an extremely fast speed. In addition, the reaction speed of Longyuan itself is relatively fast, but these locusts are not ordinary flying animals. They are small and flexible, and now they can follow Longyuan closely without lagging behind at all, and the man who controls the locusts, Now it has also turned into a huge bird. After all, it is also a person in the third level of transformation, and the natural speed is not below Longyuan.

Long Yuan also wondered why this man commanded these locusts to turn into locusts. This question is just a flash, because he really doesn't have time to think about anything else.

Now the true qi in Longyuan's body is also consumed quickly, so Longyuan is also very anxious. If he is caught up with that he must have been eaten by so many locusts, how can he get rid of these locusts? ! He had an idea. If he could get into the water, couldn't he get rid of these guys?

Don't mention that Long Yuan just had such an idea that a river really appeared under him. Long Yuan swooped down and rushed directly into the water. With the moment when his body came into contact with the water, his body changed rapidly, and a swordfish inserted into the water at a very fast speed. He swam into the water, and Longyuan's heart was much more secure in the water. He thought that they would be dumped by himself now!

But before he could be happy, he felt the sound of water behind him. To his surprise, the golden-winged locusts also got into the water and rushed towards him.

Ah! Why are these locusts not afraid of water, and he saw these guys swimming quickly and not slowly in the water, closely following the swordfish transformed by Longyuan. The swordfish swims faster in the water, but now he can't get rid of these golden-winged locusts.

After a period of running and chasing, Long Yuan finally did not get rid of the golden-winged locusts and came out of the water again. However, as soon as he jumped out of the water and had not changed his body shape again, he felt a wind above his head and a giant claw caught him. It turned out to be the disciple who controlled the locusts. Staring at him above the water? As soon as he appeared, he stretched out a sharp claw to grab Longyuan.

Long Yuan did not dare to be careless when he heard the wind on his head, and did not care about the change. He directly escaped into the water. His huge claws were excited on the surface of the water, forming a column of water. Although Long Yuan hid in a hurry, he still hit the swordfish tail turned into by Long Yuan down and almost couldn't control his body to the bottom of the water.

What made Long Yuan more nervous was that he had no time to pause at this time, and the golden-winged locusts were closer to him, so he had to spend a lot of real energy to speed up his escape.

He now wants to drill into the soil, but although he can change animals in the soil and drill very fast, after all, it will not be faster than in the sky or water, and although these golden-winged locusts may not be able to get into the earth, if he drills into the soil, it will leave a hole behind it, and with the small body of those locusts It was easy to come up, so he can only run blindly now to see if there is any chance to escape on the way.

Longyuan swam quickly along the small river. The river is not very deep. Longyuan can clearly see the bottom of the river. Some places are some mud, and some places are some gravel. While he was urgently searching, a round hole suddenly appeared in front of him, rather than a hole to It's better than a deep pit with a diameter of about one foot, and there seems to be a small vortex on the hole. Long Yuan thought for a moment and got in without hesitation, because he knew that there was a vortex to prove that the water here must be flowing to somewhere, so there should be an exit, not a dead hole. If he gets in, there is still a chance to escape. Now he thinks that the more complex the terrain, the greater the chance of escaping.

Down the hole, the hole was downward, but only a short distance, and the hole became horizontal. At this time, the hole became narrower, and the light was getting darker and darker, and these golden-winged locusts were still chasing after them, which made Longyuan feel a little surprised.

The hole was getting darker and narrower. Longyuan suddenly felt that the water was shallow, and the front was also a little brighter. Could it be that he arrived at the exit of the cave? Longyuan thought to himself that the idea of Longyuan's speed was just a thought, and Longyuan came out of the hole. At this time, he found that he seemed to be In a wider hole, and there was no water or land under him, Long Yuan had to change into a blue phans and fly forward, and the golden-winged locusts behind him also followed. Long Yuan not only flew forward less than five feet, but also found himself as if he was going to hit the wall, so he now faced two choices. One flies up and the other flies down. This flight should find an exit, but the golden-winged locusts behind them are also easier to chase themselves, and if they fly down, they don't know what will happen below. Because the bottom is very dark, they can only use their thoughts to sense, but in this way, those golden-winged locusts are naturally not easy to catch up. Myself.

Thinking of this, Long Yuan gritted his teeth and decided to fly down. Although it was risky, this was also the only way to get rid of these annoying locusts at present, so Long Yuan's wings flew down. Long Yuan now let go of his mind and leaned down, only felt the bottom. It seems that there is no bottom, and Long Yuan has no time to stay and fly down. Although his heart is also a little uncertain now, fortunately, Long Yuan now finds that these locusts are getting farther and farther away from him. It seems that they are also afraid of the black hole below, or the controller of the locust does not dare to explore. Go down.

Long Yuan flew for a while and felt that the golden-winged locust behind him was really thrown away by himself. He was secretly relieved, but another worry hit his heart again. Now he is underground, and now he seems to be in a big well. At this time, he can't fly up. Otherwise, the locust on it would still haunt him, so Long Yuan stopped in the air for a while and wanted to look down again to see if he could find out to the end. This simple exploration really made Long Yuan feel that he really came to the bottom of the hole.

According to Long Yuan's idea, there must be some water at the bottom of such a deep hole, but Long Yuan seriously released his mind, but he felt that it was not water below, and Long Yuan put his mind to his side, but felt some sound of running water behind him.

Longyuan now understands that the hole in the water that he just escaped from is connected to this well, and the water there also flows into this well, so the bottom should be water, but now it seems that there is no water, which means that his feet are not the bottom of the well now, and the water is from the body. The back flows into the bottom of the well below, and then I don't know where it has flowed.

When he understood this truth, Long Yuan wanted to try to fall down. He didn't dare to fall down. Who knew if there was any danger here, so he flapped his wings down in the air and felt it. He let go of his six senses and couldn't hear any sound. He couldn't see it, but he only smelled a trace of dampness. Taste, and when his consciousness is released, it seems strange that there is something below, but if he wants to know what is below, he still can't feel it. Long Yuan hesitates in the air.

When Long Yuan was hesitating, he suddenly felt a dangerous breath coming, which made Long Yuan immediately alert. He waved his wings and was about to flee up. However, before he flew up, he felt that there seemed to be a big net covering from above. Long Yuan wanted to escape from the side, but he had not come. Then, this net covers itself in an instant, and this net is still different from the world owner's net. The world's net is made of silk, silky and flexible on the body, while this net is different. It is not only not slippery but also sticky when it meets the body, and it is full of resilience and difficult to break free.

Long Yuan's heart secretly complained, it's over! I just escaped from the chase, but now I have been caught again. It seems that it is more and less auspicious!