The world is ever-changing

Chapter 122 Python, Lizard, Wolf

Yingman was still very careful to let his disciples fall to the side, but did not dare to fall directly to the center of the battle. As soon as this group of nightingale fell, their bodies kept changing. In a blink of an eye, a group of lizards appeared on the hill. This clear lizard was already flexible and fast. After the change, it quickly turned to the dragon. Yuan ran away.

Originally, Longyuan was the only one who resisted the wolves at this time, but he was above the momentum and overwhelmed the other party. This is also the reason why he changed into this beast. He himself did not know what kind of animal he had changed, but he knew that the beast was extremely sharp and fierce, so he turned into This thing also makes the enemy unable to understand his details, but it won't work in a long time. Although he can kill a giant wolf with one palm, he consumes a lot of physical strength and strength, and now there are as many as 40 or 50 giant wolves rushing up.

Even if he has three heads and six arms, he can't always have an advantage. At this time, these wolves' horror of the beast is gradually getting smaller, because they can see that in front of so many wolves, this beast can't have an absolute advantage. With this confidence, there are more wolves rushing up to fight. Longyuan's The greater the pressure.

At this time, these nightingales turned into a group of lizards and rushed up. If these lizards are connected with these wolves, Longyuan is no matter how powerful they are. After all, each of them is a master of different realm, so Longyuan has only one way to escape first.

Long Yuan slapped a giant wolf, then lifted his body up and stood up. Then his body kept changing in an instant. However, in the blink of an eye, Long Yuan turned into a gibbon. There was an extra chain knife in the hand of the gibbon, and the chain knife flew out of the giant wolf nearby. After slashing, a giant wolf dodged. It was stabbed in the abdomen and fell to the ground with a tear scream. The other giant wolves also retreated.

Longyuan danced the chain knife again, and the giant wolf retreated a little further. Longyuan took this opportunity to turn into a blue falcon and rushed to the sky in an instant. Then his body moved, and the blue falcon immediately became bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a roc bird and spread its wings to fly in the sky. When he got up, the reason why he first turned into the blue falcon was that the falcon took off quickly and could escape the attack of the wolves and the coming lizards as much as possible. However, the falcon's defense ability was very poor, so he turned into a Dapeng bird in the sky. The roc bird Longyuan once saw the world master of that perfect world turned into Therefore, he is also quite loyal to this kind of bird. His offensive and defensive forces are very strong and fast.

Long Yuan wandered several times in the air and fell on another hillside. At this time, he had thrown away the wolves and lizards, but now these

Lizards are obviously faster than those wolves. They can not only crawl on the ground, but also shuttle back and forth on trees.

Soon these lizards approached in the direction of Long Yuan. Long Yuan was about to fly again and suddenly felt a movement around him. With a feeling of his mind, he knew that it was the people in the cave who came out to help the battle.

Long Yuan turned around and saw the two people coming out of the cave. Of course, he knew where they came from.

"Brother Tao! Brother Fu! Why did you come up?"

"We are watching you fight too hard here alone, so we come up to ease you!"

Longyuan originally wanted to deal with these people by himself, because he knew that the people in the cave now are useless. Except for the two different realms of Tao Shanxing and Fu Kuan, who can help themselves, other people are still in the realm of transformation. Xiong Tianba has not yet broken through the realm of growth, so now There are only two people who can help themselves.

So Long Yuan found a way to deal with these people by himself, but Long Yuan still had other plans in his heart. Now it seems that these two friends have come to slow themselves down, and he can no longer choose to avoid it, so he said to the two people, "In this case, you should be careful and get ready to fight!"

As soon as Long Yuan finished his words, he saw Tao Shanxing's body moving and the structure of his body constantly changing. In the blink of an eye, he became a giant ape. This giant ape was twice as big as the ordinary one and looked very fierce, and Fu Kuan did not slow down. His body also turned into a big black bear in the blink of an eye. It's not lower than that giant ape.

The change of Longyuan at this time shocked everyone present. Longyuan turned into a giant python. He knew that the python was the natural enemy of the python. Now that so many lizards flew over, Longyuan naturally tried to restrain his opponent.

Long Yuan and three other people fought on their backs at this time, which was much safer than Long Yuan's own. These jumping lizards were afraid when they saw the python. Almost all the lizards stopped in place and did not dare to move, and some lizards on the tree were scared to the ground.

If animals are natural enemies, the advantage can be imagined, because there is an inevitable hostility in their blood between their natural enemies, especially if an animal encroaches on another creature with an overwhelming advantage, there is irresistible fear in this nibbled creature, so even if In the case of the same strength, the person who is encroached on will be defeated by the fear in his heart.

Of course, there are also two kinds of animals that are natural enemies, but they are invincible. These two animals are very prone to fight as soon as they meet.

So although Longyuan's realm is not much higher than these lizards at this time, the animal he turned into really scared the other party and dared not move forward.

At this time, the giant wolves also followed, and some giant wolves were not scared under the control of Sirius, but rushed over.

At this time, Sirius was also secretly surprised, because he found that there were too many animals that the dragon could change. Flying on the ground, four or five animals changed in a blink of an eye, and each of them was so surprising, but it was not the time for him to consider these. He had to concentrate on direct these wolves to enter. Attack.

Although he now sees that Longyuan has two more helpers, he doesn't pay attention to it, because he has seen that these two people are just two people at the first level of the different realm, which is not enough to do anything to him, and the main target is still the Longyuan.

He did think so. Although Fu Kuan and Tao Shanxing are also in a different state, both of them are only the first layer, and now they have not reached the second layer of attachment, so the power of the animals they have turned into will be halved.

Fortunately, most of these giant wolves are also the first layer of the realm of transformation, and the size of the animals transformed by the two of them also have an advantage. Now those people of Yingman dare not come forward at all, so Sirius is very angry and thought to himself, "I have spent so much effort to ask them for help, but now it seems that they are not helpful at all. No, look at the animals they turned into, and a snake casually turned into a snake. It seems that such a small sect really can't be elegant!"

In his heart, Sirius was also urging Yingman and others. Yingman and others when she saw her disciples meeting natural enemies, Yingman did not dare to move forward. In desperation, Ying had to order all her people to turn into adults. Most of them were graceful women. At this time, each of them rushed to Longyuan and others with a long sword.

Now I only see a group of giant wolves and a group of women surrounding Longyuan and other three attacks. These women have now turned into themselves, so their defenses are much weaker, so they dare not attack from the front. They just took the right time to stab, but even so, they have moved to a lot of energy of Longyuan and others.

Now, it can be said that the giant wolf clan has a large number of people, so it has an advantage. Since the other two are only in the first realm, the main attack force is still Longyuan. Longyuan has now turned into this python, and the attack and defense have become more organized and are much more skillful. It is much better than turning into that kind of giant beast, mainly because of the formula. The giant beast Longyuan himself doesn't know what it is, so he doesn't know what it is, let alone owning the animal's magic formula, so he can only use half of his skills and can't use it skillfully. The reason why he turned into a giant beast before is mainly to give it to give it to the other party. Scar the other party with pressure. If you want to talk about the proficiency of attack and defense, this python is better and can almost exert more than 90% of the power of the python. The main reason is that among the 30 skills recorded by Long Yuan, there is a "Tips to Make a Python". Longyuan naturally has practiced many times with reference to the above method.

Many skills and moves, such as the python winding peak, the python out of the hole, the wild python swimming rope, etc., were used by Longyuan one by one. With each move, the giant wolf was killed, or several giant wolves were shot away. Although Longyuan and others are at a disadvantage, these women and giant wolves can't take them for a while. The wolf is a little anxious.

"Hong'er! You stay here and I'll kill them!" The Sirius was going to do it himself. While the Sirius spoke, his hands pressed on the gray wolf below, and his body rose to a height of two feet in an instant. In the air, he saw the Kirito's body constantly changing, and there were gray shadows around his body. In the middle of the gray shadows, he changed quickly, just in the blink of an eye. Rito turned into a white giant wolf. This giant wolf is about the same size as other wolves, but surprisingly, the giant wolf has a pair of white wings on its back and flew to Longyuan and others with his body. If anyone can see clearly, he can see that the flying wolf has no two hind legs.