The world is ever-changing

The thrilling scene I just experienced has now disappeared like a dream. If Long Yuan hadn't seen it, if it hadn't been for the remaining half of the iceberg on the sea, and if it hadn't been for the chill from the iceberg, Long Yuan would have really thought it was a dream!

Long Yuan looked at all this in front of him for a long time before he recovered and flew north with the crane.

Longyuan flew all the way north to his Jinqiao Mountain. Because he had experienced many things on the way back and forth, Longyuan was still very careful along the way. Although the crane flew at a fast speed, Longyuan did not delay on the road, so in half a day, Longyuan's eyes had arrived. In this Jinqiao Mountain, in front of his own green nine peaks.

Originally, Longyuan wanted to fall in front of the mountain gate and enter directly, but at this time, the situation in the mountain surprised him. There were white spiritual flags floating in many places on the mountain, as if someone had passed away. Although most people were in the cave at this time, Long Yuan felt strange. What's going on? Who died? The whole magic door shows a sad feeling!

Long Yuan left the crane outside the mountain in a hurry and turned himself into a blue falcon and flew into the green nine peaks at a fast speed. What surprised him was that the disciple guarded the door seemed to have no intention to guard it. It was as if he had not seen Long Yuan at all. Long Yuan first flew back to his cave and let him Unexpectedly, there was no guard outside his cave, so he entered the cave and looked around. Seeing that there was nothing strange, he flew out and went to Xiong Tianba's cave.

At this time, Xiong Tianba's cave was also full of people. Everyone was covered with filial piety. Long Yuan saw this situation and moved his heart. He was afraid of what was going on with his divine machine door, so he decided to find out the situation first. At this time, a disciple came to Long Yuan's side, and Long Yuan's body turned back into a human form in a flash, and instantly arrived at this disciple. Behind him, he reached behind the disciple, and the disciple fainted. Then he put the disciple in a relatively hidden place, and then his body turned into the disciple's appearance and went out.

Although Long Yuan did not know the name of this disciple, he knew that this name was brought together by Xiong Tianba. Outside Xiong Tianba's cave, Long Yuan was not in a hurry to talk, but listened to what the other disciples were occasionally talking about?

"Brother! We just wanted to have a good life, but now it seems that we can't live?

"Yes! As soon as the leader dies, this magic door can't continue to operate!"

"Yes! Xiong Tangzhu said that he wanted to dissolve this magic door?"

"Do you say you want to dissolve the magic machine door? Who died?" Long Yuan couldn't help interrupting and asking, because he heard that the head of the door seemed to be dead. How could he be said to be dead now that he is the head of the magic door?

"Oh! Chen Laoqi, have you been making out with your sister-in-law these days? The disciple who just spoke said.

"Hee hee!" Long Yuan had to giggle.

"The leader is dead, and the bear hall owner may dissolve the Shenmen. No one in our mountain knows about it. Now all the leaders on the island are here and are discussing and arranging something in it. Aren't we also on standby here?" The disciple took a look at Long Yuan and said.

Long Yuan was shocked when he heard this. Sure enough, there were rumors that he had passed out. What should he do? Long Yuan was anxious. It would be bad if he appeared at this time. One would scare these people, and the other was that the people on the island already thought they were dead. If he appeared at this time, Xiong Tianba would definitely have no way to tell the people on the island.

Just as Long Yuan couldn't think of any way, suddenly Xiong Wu came out of the cave and said to more than a dozen disciples outside, "Everyone can go in!"

So Long Yuan also followed this person into Xiong Tianba's cave. At this time, Long Yuan found that these disciples who entered the cave were also some small leaders of the Shenji Gate.

The people in this cave are really complete. There are Xiong's father and son, Fu Kuan, Tao Shanxing, and Caidie. Only the person hosting here is Xiong Tianba. Although Xiong Tianba's level is not the highest among these people, he is the oldest and has more experience in dealing with things, and Long Yuan also has this magic door. Most of the business is entrusted to him.

"Although the head of the gate unfortunately died in the waters of the Yunhe River, this magic door still needs to be operated first, and this matter should be kept secret. However, if our customers know about this magic machine door, it may have an impact on the operation of our magic machine door, so we now need to narrow the business scope of this magic machine door. Stop selling and buying in other places first!" After saying that, Xiong Tianba turned around and said to Long Yuan and others who had just come in and said, "Now there is a lot of rumors in the magic machine door, saying that the magic machine door is going to be disband. Our magic machine door was founded by the dragon master. Although the dragon master gate is no longer here now, it will not disperse for a while. As a disciple of this divine machine door, you should be Play a leading role and stabilize the confidence of the disciples, thinking that there can be no more disbanding words!"

"Yes!" Yes!" Several of them are the original subordinates of Xiong Tianba. Under their lead, these disciples nodded and said yes. Long Yuan thought to himself: It seems that the dissolution of the magic machine door is just a rumor. It is likely that these disciples heard that the leader of the gate is dead and think that the magic machine door will not be operated for a long time, so that such a thing can be heard. In fact, this is not surprising. If Long Yuan is really away, I'm afraid that it won't take long for this magic door to be torn apart.

Long Yuan thought of this but suddenly came up with a solution. Chen Laoqi, who turned into Long Yuan, suddenly stood out of the crowd. Xiong Tianba was stunned when he saw Chen Laoqi and then said, "Chen Qi! What's the matter with you?"

"Master Xiong! There is one thing I don't know whether to say it or not!" Chen Laoqi said with some hesitation.

"Just say it!" Xiong Tianba waved his hand.

"Yesterday, I had a relative from the south. According to him, our dragon leader did not die!"

"What? Can you say it again?" Xiong Tianba suddenly stood up, and the others were also stunned.

"I mean there is news that the Dragon Master is not dead!" Chen Laoqi repeated.

"Chen Qi! This matter is not small. Who did you hear from?

"I'm a distant relative who listened to me. He is a businessman. He went to Dinghai Island to do business some time ago and came back recently. He said that he heard that a man in Dinghai Island was repairing a defensive array for Dinghai Island. It is said that this came from our magic machine gate and thought that our magic machine gate could repair the defense of Dinghai Island. It's just the island owner, so I think maybe the island owner is still in the world!"

"Ah!" The people present sighed, and no one spoke for a moment. Finally, the butterfly spoke.

"It seems that the Dragon Master may not have died yet. That's great!" Since Long Yuan came in, he saw that the colorful butterfly was listless and his eyes were red, probably because he heard that Long Yuan had died.

In fact, the Shenji Gate has been very calm in the first few days when Longyuan left, but one day Caidie heard a news from a pruner in the south that an important figure in the Shenjimen was killed in a sea in the south. Caidie was very sad to hear the news. He knew that if this news belongs to In fact, then the character of this magic door is probably Longyuan.

So Caidie rushed to Qingjiufeng to discuss with everyone, so everyone wanted to confirm the news, so they sent people to visit some places in the south near the Yunhe waters, but the news of the visit made everyone a little desperate.

The news from this came back said that there was a character in Shenjimen who was robbed and killed by a powerful practitioner in a dense forest going south, then seriously injured, and finally chased to the seaside to kill. There are also rumors that he was seriously injured in the dense forest, and then killed by another powerful practitioner in the sea. .

The last information that came back was all the news of Longyuan's death. In addition, Longyuan did not come back for two months, so everyone at the divine machine door thought that Longyuan had died now. As soon as the news spread in Qingjiufeng, it caused a lot of riots. The whole magic machine door was panicked, and some people were with Long Yuan's close people were very sad, so Xiong Tianba had to call everyone over and set up a spiritual hall for Long Yuan, and all the people of the magic machine door were filial.

"Hmm! This is good news, Chen Qi! Where is your relative? Hurry up and invite your relative here. I'll ask about the situation in person!"

"Yes! He's in Waihai Town. I'll invite him right away!" Chen Laoqi replied.

"All the spiritual flags will be collected immediately, and the spiritual hall will be scattered first!" Xiong Tianba ordered that there was a riot among the people in the magic door.

Long Yuan came out of the cave, and then he found Chen Laoqi and held Chen Qi to avoid all his disciples. He transported Chen Qi to his cave, and then Long Yuan turned back into his original shape and woke up Chen Laoqi. As soon as Chen Laoqi woke up and saw Long Yuan, he was so scared that he trembled all over and kowtowed repeatedly. He didn't know that Long Yuan was He was expensive. Long Yuan comforted Chen Qi with a smile. Chen Qi recovered and knew that the dragon leader in front of him was not dead. Finally, Long Yuan ordered him to go out of the city to go around the sea town and come back. Chen Laoqi himself did not dare to have any objection.

Long Yuan turned into a parrot and landed on Chen Laoqi's shoulder. Chen Laoqi took Long Yuan out of the Qingjiu Peak. Long Yuan asked Chen Laoqi to go to the outer sea town. He found the crane himself, then walked around outside, drove the crane back, and fell out of the mountain gate of Qingjiu Peak.