The world is ever-changing

Chapter 150 Heavenly Sword

This is the first time Longyuan has participated in such a competition. He feels a little novel. Because he is also trying to try his luck, he is not too nervous. However, since he has participated in the competition, he should also be treated seriously, especially when he still represents the magic machine door. This is the first time since the magic machine door was revived. Such a big occasion must not humiliate the magic door. Although it may not be able to get a good ranking, it can't be too bad.

With such an idea, Long Yuan also became serious about the game. As soon as his mind turned in his mind, a weapon appeared in his mind, and his hand began to move as his mind emerged.

Since each sect can only send one contestant to compete, the competition is now the best refiners in each sect. Some sects do not participate because they do not have refiners. However, some refiners sent by some sects are very poor and want to mix the ranking, but most of them have Some levels are just different levels.

In this event, there are about 60 or 70 refiners who are refining weapons at the same time. This scene is spectacular. At the beginning, everyone was watching with great interest, but after a long time, these people have lost interest and are busy with their own affairs. The time limit of this competition is relatively long and takes two days. Time, if you keep refining in two days and building it, it really takes extraordinary energy. However, these people are all profound practitioners. Usually, even if they don't rest for ten days and a half months, they won't be too tired, because they can absorb the aura of the outside world and turn into this true qi to nourish the body. So that your body will not be damaged by fatigue.

At this time, the scene was full of local blows. Most of the practitioners used this time to adjust their own breath and wandered around. At the same time, some practitioners went to the town to find a quiet place to relax.

In a blink of an eye, two days have come, and it's time to hand over weapons. Today, the square is full of people again. Because of this weapon event, this stage is the most exciting time, which can be said to be the highlight of this conference.

The host of the meeting counted a total of 72 sects participating in this competition, that is, 72 refiners in the competition. Among them, a total of eight people gave up due to failure in the process of refining or suddenly losing confidence, and the remaining 64 completed the construction of weapons.

At this time, 64 sea lions held 64 trays with red brocade on it, and 64 weapons were placed on the brocade.

The red brocade is extra dazzling in this white town, which makes the practitioners present feel a little excited.

At this time, the loud voice of the big man sounded again in the field and said loudly, "After two days and two nights of tempering, our refiners in the world of cultivation have completed the forging of this weapon, of which 64 weapons have been successfully completed. These 64 weapons can be evaluated in the first round. This first The round is the evaluation of the "shape" of weapons, and this round of defective products will be eliminated. Because this round of evaluation is relatively simple, please ask the judges to select three highly valued predecessors to evaluate!"

"Please recommend three judges?" After saying that, the big man waved to the judges of these 20 people. After talking for a while, three people came out of them. These three looked relatively young, and their realms were also different from the fourth level. Obviously, some really prestigious practitioners had to do this job, and these three should be this comment. The prestige of the committee is slightly lower, but the evaluation of the 'shape' and other surfaces of this weapon is more than enough.

The three practitioners came to the side of the 64 weapons respectively. One of them picked up the weapon and looked at it by himself, and then showed it to the other two. Then he gently brushed it on the plate and went to check the next weapon. After looking at it, he also brushed it on the plate, and quickly on the three people. With only one cup of tea, these 64 weapons have been evaluated.

At this time, the big man waved to the sea lion holding the tray and said, "The black card on the plate shows two steps back, showing that the red card is still!"

At this time, some of the sea lions retreated. At this time, people knew that there were black and red signs left on the plate, and the judge's action was to open the card.

There are more than 30 retreats this time. It seems that it is not easy to make a qualified weapon within two days.

At this time, the big man stepped forward and said, "The row of sea lions behind are all weapons that have been rated as unqualified. If anyone has any objection, you can come forward to bring up your own weapons and re-identify them?"

After saying that, the big man looked at the refiners who were still in the front row in front of him and did not reply for a moment. The big man asked again, but no one raised any objection. It seemed that each refiner knew what he had refined and knew where his problem was, and his weapons had been evaluated. When he came down, there was no need to come out to humiliate him, so after two voices, no one came out. Some refiners who were rated as poor lowered their heads,

"Since everyone has no objection to these evaluations, I will announce that these weapons will be eliminated in this competition. Later, these weapons will be unified on the broken stones over there and destroyed." After saying that, the big man waved to the row of sea lions, and the sea lions lined up and shook their funny waist branches to the other side of the square. After a while, they heard a jingle from there. Obviously, someone interrupted the weapons there. After a while, a big sea lion said in his mouth. A bag of white silk came over and handed him to the big man. The big man gave these silks with the name of the sect to a disciple beside him with a wooden box in his hand. The disciple put these in the wooden box, which means that this round of competition is over and he can proceed to the next step.

"There are still 30 weapons left, and the Shen Yun will be carried out in the second round of this weapon competition to verify the weapon. Everyone knows the importance of this item as the main item of evaluation, and it is also very difficult, so it needs to be verified one by one, and every judge present needs to give an opinion! "

After saying that, the big man waved his hand and the sea lion on the far left came over. The big man picked up the weapon from the tray. This is a chain hammer, and the workmanship is quite fine. On one hand, a hand is connected by a chain, and on the other side is a hammer head, but the hammer The head looked too small. Originally, the hammer should have been a big weapon, with its strength and heavy strength as its strength as its strength, so the big man picked up and frowned, and there was a strange expression on his face that seemed to smile. Because the big man wanted to laugh very much, but it was not easy to laugh in front of everyone, so he had this expression. His face was red. Fortunately, his face was red. Now he picked up the chain hammer and it was like holding a toy. No wonder he wanted to laugh.

"How about this chain hammer? How about his charm? The big man resisted laughing and asked the judges. At this time, the judges had already laughed. At this time, each judge had a sign in his hand, which was red and black, and now almost everyone raised the sign on the black side.

In fact, the rule of this round is that more than half of the black people will be eliminated, so this chain hammer will be eliminated with absolutely poor results.

The big man hammered the chain back into the plate. He asked the sea lion to stand the plate in a specific position on one side, and then waved his hand and let the second sea lion come over with the plate. The plate was a big scissors, which were very strange in shape. If it came out, it gave people a great murderous atmosphere. If it was cut by this big cut If you cut the knife, it is likely that the bones will be broken and broken. It is likely that the little JJ will not be able to protect it. It can be said that this big scissors have an advantage in Shen Yun, so naturally most people raised red cards.

The big man asked the sea lion to stand on the other side again. Obviously, the red one stood in a row and the black one stood in a row.

There are a total of 30 weapons, and now black critics are the majority. At this time, when the big man saw the weapons on the tray in front of him, his spirit was shocked, and his eyes also emitted a trace of light. Everyone knew that there must be a magic soldier who was about to appear.

The big man took out a sword from this tray. The sword was straight. He raised the sword high and saw the cold light of the sword flashing for nine days. The big man held the sword in his hand and suddenly glowed. Everyone knew the extraordinary at first sight. The big man's face was excited. How he wanted to dance the sword Move to see how magical this sword is, but now he can't move too much, because at this time, his task is only to demonstrate to the judges, and he also treats him like an ordinary weapon, like other weapons, so he can't help turning the sword over and watching.

At this time, two or three of the judges couldn't help but stand up. They were a little excited to look at the sword. Needless to say, this sword was naturally the Tongtian sword made by the Sword School that day. As soon as the sword came out, other weapons suddenly lost their light and were covered by this Tongtian sword.

Long Yuan was naturally very excited to look at the Tianjian School. Everyone had a proud smile on his face. It seemed that the leader of this weapon had been in their bag, and the middle-aged man in white, although he still maintained a silent demeanor, could not stop the corners of his mouth with a trace of joy. Sex, but it's no wonder that these people are so excited. Just seeing the expressions of the judges, they know that these people have regarded this sword as the leader of today.