The world is ever-changing

Chapter 198 Flying over Lannanhai

"This bead is called An Shen Dan. This An Shen Dan is refined by decades of using my Dinghai silver beads. Its function is to remove the remaining divine thoughts in the body of the practitioners, make people fresh and natural, and drive away evil. I will give you this one. You occasionally use it when you practice. Take it out and refine it, and it can play a certain role. You can also continue to use the Ningzhen elixir transformed by these wooden demons!"

The Yincang real person slowly sent the bead to Long Yuan's hand. After Long Yuan took the bead, he explored it with his mind and found that the bead was really like what the Yincang real person said, which contained quiet and bright substances, so he put the bead away.

"Thank you for giving me pearls!" Long Yuan thought that such a valuable thing, Yincang Zhenren, was willing to give it to himself because he wanted to owe him a big favor.

In fact, Longyuan's idea is seven or eight points correct. This Yincang wants him to owe a favor. More importantly, when he saw Long Yuan sucking those elixirs crazily, he was really worried that once Longyuan's heart was not strong and was affected by the thoughts of those wooden demons, things would become very bad. This Long Yuanfei But he could not be saved, and he may be assimilated by these wooden demons, and in the end it was unfavorable to him, so he gave up this elixir to Longyuan. Naturally, he not only refined this elixir, but ten, and it didn't take decades, but only four or five years. Naturally, he said so was thinking Let Long Yuan feel the preciousness of the beads and owe him more favors.

Another silver light shined from his left hand, emitting a trace of silver light. Then he raised his left hand. The silver light in his hand seemed to move with his heart and rotate freely in his palm. Then the real heart moved again, and the silver light floated to Long Yuan.

Long Yuan knew that this was the second thing given to him by Yincang. He did not dare to take him carelessly in the palm of his hand. Long Yuan fixed his eyes and saw that it was a thin silver needle. The silver needle was shining. Although it was small, it could be seen that it was a boutique.

Long Yuan was puzzled. At this time, Yincang Zhenren said lightly, "This silver needle is specially refined according to the laws of geomagnetism. He may point you in the direction. If you can't find a position on this sea, you can use this thing."

Long Yuan looked at the silver needle and couldn't help thinking of his small pointer made of that day's hanging magnet. The small pointer also has this function, but Long Yuan was made of that day's suspension magnetism, and this Yincang real person was refined by himself. It seems that this Yincang real person still has two more.

"I named this silver needle as the search policy, which is used to find the direction. When using it, you just need to gently lift it with your true element, and then let him float in the air, and he will automatically find the direction. The needle points south and the needle tail points to the north! Don't underestimate this little thing. It can really play a big role when you need it, especially when you get lost on the sea!"

Long Yuan held the approach in his hand, and then his mind moved and raised a colorful butterfly from his hand. The butterfly picked up the silver needle and slowly flew up, and then stopped in mid-air. Longyuan saw the silver needle turn slightly and finally stopped in one direction. It seems that the silver man said Yes, this small silver needle does guide the direction.

And when Yincang Zhenren saw the butterfly rising in Longyuan's hand, he also admired Longyuan's skills. He knew in his heart that such a delicate butterfly was not easy to transform.

The butterfly fell back to the palm of Longyuan's hand and disappeared, and the silver needle was carefully put away by Long Yuan, because he knew that this thing could indeed be used on the sea. Now the sky suspension magnet he made in the direction had already been broken when fighting with the ice and fire.

When Yincang saw that everything was ready, he smiled at Long Yuan and said, "I'll send you out now. After you take out my silver beads, you will go all the way south. At your speed, I estimate that you should walk for about half a month to reach this Rus mainland. See you later!" After saying that, he didn't see any action of the Yincang real person. Long Yuan felt a gentle force behind him. Although this force was gentle, it did not allow Long Yuan to resist. He took Long Yuan away from the teenager transformed by Yincang real person and flew out.

At this time, Longyuan felt that there was still a trace of silver light floating outside his body. His body kept flying forward, during which he flew for a long time. Longyuan has been in this silver **. If anyone looks under this sea at this time, he will see a silver branch separated from the silver beads of the sea, like a tongue. Like the head, it stretched very long and stretched into the distance in an instant.

After a while, Long Yuan felt light all over his body, and the silver around him suddenly disappeared, and what appeared around him was the cool sea. Long Yuan knew that he had now come out of the silver pearl of Yincang. Now that he has arrived in this sea water, Long Yuan's body turned into a small cyan in a flash. Fish, go upstream to the surface of the water. He wants to identify the position first and then go, otherwise it will be troublesome once he goes in the wrong direction and returns to the nest of the wooden devil.

Long Yuan slowly got out of the water. He thought he would not disturb the monsters around him, but what he didn't expect was that as soon as he got out of the water, he found that the wooden demons around him flew in this direction one after another. At this time, he couldn't help thinking that the silver vicissitudes sent him out. The wooden demon king must be able to It can be sensed, so it must have commanded these wooden demons to surround them.

Seeing this situation, Long Yuan did not hesitate. His body turned up and immediately turned into a fiery red phoenix under his feet. Then when his body moved again, the fire snake instantly separated from his body and protected him around him. Seeing that he was temporarily safe now, he quickly took out the silver from his arms. The needle was placed in the palm of his hand, turned his true yuan into a colorful butterfly to hold up the silver needle, found the right direction, and then put away the silver needle and rushed south. Because Long Yuan's series of movements were very fast, these wooden demons had just surrounded a small circle and were rushed by Longyuan before forming a siege. When they came out, some of the branches that came up were burned by Longyuan's fire snake, and many of them were broken.

Long Yuan rushed out of this small encirclement and went all the way to the west. At first, there were several monsters intercepted in front, but they were easily killed by Longyuan. There were fewer and fewer wooden demons on the road. Finally, Longyuan was not in a hurry. He killed some alone wooden demons one by one, and there was still time to refine them into Ningzhen Dan. At this time, Longyuan left so many demons behind, so he found a small number of wooden demons on the periphery to kill, and then refined them into this elixirs. He did not dare to go back. Although now he felt that it was still easy for him to kill these wooden demons, he did not dare to be careless for fear of falling into this siege. It's not easy to do.

Long Yuan collected some Ningzhen Dan on the periphery, and then flew all the way south. An hour later, Long Yuan stopped on the sea of Lannanhai, which was far away from the position of the wooden demon king. There is no shadow of the wooden demon in his current position, Dragon Yuan stopped in the air at this time. He wanted to repair it here. Long Yuan first released his mind. After making sure that there was no danger nearby, he put away the fire snake beside him, and then directly turned the * under his feet into a sea swallow, because he turned into an animal with this fire attribute, which consumed more real yuan than ordinary animals in the sea. A lot.

Long Yuan sat on this Haiyan and thought to himself whether he would go to the Rus mainland or return to the Yunhua mainland. The biggest reason why he wanted to return to the Yunhua continent was that he could not rest assured of the magic machine door, but he had already promised to give the Yincang real person, so he still didn't want to miss the appointment. Long Yuan now knows this very well. The power of the wooden demon king, he is also sure that if the wooden demon king cannot be eliminated in this sea at this time, the practitioners in the world may face a big disaster in the future. Compared with his magic machine door, this matter is naturally much bigger, so Longyuan finally decided to go to this Ruth country first and ask for a real world for this Yincang real person. Rescuers from the world are coming.

Longyuan took out the silver needle from his arms and was in a more accurate direction, so he drove the sea swallow and carefully flew south. In the current state of Longyuan, he turned into an animal to fly. The consumption of the real yuan was not big. The real yuan in Longyuan's body was enough for Longyuan to keep flying for two or three months, but Longyuan was still not Always careful, he took out a Zhenzhen elixir and put it in Dantian to supplement the Zhenyuan in his body, so that the Zhenyuan in his body always kept a full state.

Because Longyuan knew that he may encounter any accidents on this sea. He still maintains enough combat effectiveness to avoid danger when he is in danger. In fact, Long Yuan is right. It is not a smooth wind on this sea. Sometimes Long Yuan will find that there is a huge tornado on the sea. He can't be involved in it. Although he may not be crushed by this kind of wind, he is likely to be swept to other places and waste a lot of his true elements, so he avoids these winds.

In addition, Longyuan will occasionally encounter sharks under the sea. These huge sharks will hunt animals flying on the sea, but Longyuan's divine mind can find him in advance, and then he let the seawift fly higher and escape the range of these animals's attack.

Although Longyuan can also control the shark and some animals in the water with divine thoughts, Longyuan does not want to consume too much Zhenyuan in this regard, so he can avoid it as much as possible.

One evening more than ten years later, on the south shore of Lannanhai, some fishermen had just returned from sea and were sorting out the harvest of the day and collecting their boats. At this time, a seaman suddenly found a shadow flying over the sea from afar. This was a young man in blue sitting on the body of a bird. Nian flew to this shore.

"It's another master of transformation!" One of the fishermen muttered.