The world is ever-changing

Chapter 216 The Return of Longyuan

On Qingjiu Peak, in Xiong Tianba's cave, there are some people gathered beside him, including Fu Kuan, Xiong Wu, Tao Shanxing, and Caidie and other people who were relatively close to Longyuan. Now there are two ways to this magic door. One is to disband them and go back to their own homes, and the other is to sell the magic door directly to For some big sects, this meeting is very dull. Xiong Tianba is just a brief introduction to the current operation of the magic machine door. Most of them are which stores have been scattered now, and which areas are no longer operating. These can show that the business of this magic machine door has become less and less at this time, and Finally, it is concluded that almost every business now has more losses than profits.

Just as these people remained silent and couldn't decide how to develop, suddenly a disciple rushed in. As soon as the disciple entered the door, he shouted, "Master Xiong! Master Xiong! The Dragon Master is back!"

These silent people couldn't think of why this disciple ran in so excitedly, but when they heard what the disciple said, they couldn't help but be stunned, because this time they really didn't have much hope for Longyuanbao for so long, and those who went to Yanyu River Many people did not come back. Now that Long Yuan is back, they naturally don't believe their ears, but they were silent for a while, and finally someone broke the silence and ran out.

A flying eagle at the foot of Long Yuan floated on the top of the mountain of Qingjiu Peak. Seeing many disciples of Shenjimen and excited below, his heart couldn't help but be moved inexplicably. He had never thought that there were so many people who paid so much attention to him, and he couldn't help but feel a trace of bitterness in his heart. Chu, think that since the establishment of this magic machine door, this magic machine door has always been ups and downs. After a lot of wind and rain, several times it almost failed completely. This magic machine door was founded by him. He should have been responsible for everyone who came to the magic machine door, so now Long Yuan thought to himself: This The magic machine door is the foundation of Longyuan. No matter how difficult it is, he will develop this magic machine door.

Long Yuan's return was not only surprised by the people of this magic machine door, but also caused a lot of sensation in this cultivation world. Some people said that Longyuan fought with monsters in this Yanyu River for more than three months and finally escaped. Some people said that Longyuan was also killed at the beginning and finally came back to life, but there were also Some people said that Long Yuan colluded with those monsters to save their lives, but these people said that it was a fact that this divine machine door had Long Yuan's return and came back to life. Those large and small sects that had been coveted by the divine machine gate have now disappeared.

And now the business of this magic machine door is gradually getting better, because many businessmen know that this magic machine door has a dragon Yuan who escaped from death, and Longyuan's reputation has also risen, and his skills have also been passed down to his own power.

Long Yuan remanaged some things of the magic machine door. It took a full month to rejuvenate the magic machine door, and Longyuan also began his cultivation at ease.

Longyuan now has the most real elixir with this wooden attribute. Now Longyuan still has a total of 23 elixir, and there are also the resting elixir given to Yincang Zhenren, and the other is the colorful stone given to him by the Yunshi Shenjun, which he has never been useful.

Longyuan is now refining this Ning Zhendan and practicing together with this calming Shen Dan. As Long Yuan enters the fourth layer of this abnormal realm, the amount of Zhenyuan needed in his body has also become very large. In the past, it took two or three days to absorb this Ning Zhendan, but now he can condense this one in less than a day. Zhendan has been absorbed.

Long Yuan's current idea is that he can reach the fifth level of this realm, but now he feels that the real yuan in his body is very thick, but he has always been unable to break this layer, so Long Yuan thinks that he still hasn't practiced at that time.

In a blink of an eye, Longyuan has been absorbing those Ningzhen elixir for half a month. He wants to use these elixir to break through to the fifth layer at once, but unlike what he imagined, his Ningzhen elixir has been used 13 in half a month, but now the Zhenyuan in his body is more than before. Surging, the flesh and blood of the body have been tempered more powerfully, and the consciousness seems to have improved a little, but he has never been able to break through this layer.

However, there is another phenomenon that made him feel that the cultivation during this period was not in vain. When he used his mind to explore in the sea of knowledge, the animals transformed by two single-attribute Zhenyuan have changed. At this time, the wooden attribute Zhenyuan snake has become more burly and bigger than before. Duo, and two small claws seemed to be stretched out under the abdomen of the little snake, and the beard on the snake's head became longer, while the blue phoenix became more powerful, and its feathers and claws became sharper.

Such a change can't help but make Long Yuan come up with a truth, that is, the condensation elixir of this wooden attribute will improve the ability of these two wooden animals after refining. Long Yuanzhen doesn't know what these two animals can become if he continues to refine. Now he can be sure that if he refines this The condensed elixir of fire attributes can improve the ability of the two animals with fire attributes, which means that if he refines the condensed elixir of other attributes, it should also be able to turn into animals with corresponding attributes. Although Longyuan transforms the condensed elixir of this single element into other attributes in the process of refining and then absorbs it, The essence of this true element has enough single attributes, while the transformation into other types of true elements is only easy to absorb. Now the dragon element is transformed into animals with two attributes: fire and wood, and there are also animals with less three attributes: gold, water and soil.

From here, Longyuan couldn't help thinking about whether he could break through this level of realm for a long time. Will it have something to do with this single-attribute animal? Longyuan also read those books about the cultivation of this alien realm. The book said that from the fourth level of this alien realm to this fifth level, you need to Cultivated animals undergo a big transformation. This transformation varies from person to person, and the form of transformation is different. Most of the animals in the body are completely dissolved with their own bodies, becoming a layer of protection for their own body. Assuming that there is an ape and an eagle's blood species in the body of the practitioners, then he When you enter this fifth level, you can turn the spirit of the ape into your body, and it is easier to change yourself into an ape, and you already have some characteristics of the ape in your own body. For example, your body is flexible, you can react quickly, and you can easily climb to the tree. Of course, this fifth There is no need to climb trees, and he comes to dissolve this eagle into his body, and then his body can have the characteristics of an eagle. For example, if you use it well, you can fly by yourself, with sharp eyes like an eagle, and so on.

In fact, Longyuan's entry into the fourth layer of the realm of transformation is beyond his expectation. At present, it is even more difficult and surprising that he wants to enter the fifth layer from this fourth layer, because some people in the cultivation field once said that after taking Putan, he can only stay in the third layer of this realm of transformation, and Longyuan is now at the fourth level. Although this statement is self-destrous, it is obvious that the more difficult it is to use this Pudan to practice later.

Long Yuan thought that if he would dissolve the thoughts of nearly 10,000 kinds of animals into his blood and body according to the ordinary method of advancing to the fifth level, the time it would take to cultivate to the fifth level could not be estimated by himself. Long Yuan wanted to find a shortcut, but in some books There is no record of how to take this ten thousand elixir, so he had to explore it by himself.

Long Yuan thought about it again and again, and still kept the remaining ten Ningzhen elixir, because he knew that although he had gained a lot of Ning Zhendan himself, this elixir could not be obtained easily.

With the assistance of this elixir, Longyuan's cultivation seems to be much slower. Now he only transforms the aura around him into the true qi in his body. Although the speed of cultivation is slow, it is very stable. That is, he finds that although he uses the surrounding aura, the true qi cultivated by practicing less, it runs solidly in the body. Unlike those Ningzhen elixir, there are some impurities.

These days, the Yunhua mainland has been very calm, which makes Long Yuan think: it is difficult for the wooden demon king to go to the Rus mainland over there, or go to another place to hide and practice. Although the Yunhua mainland is as calm as usual, the wooden demon king has always been a disaster, no matter where he is. Yes.

On this day, a light boat floated from north to south from the sea of the Seven Lihai Sea. The light boat swayed on the sea and looked very lonely. The boat did not travel fast on this boat. If it was a distant ship, it should be a big boat, because the big boat sailing on the sea is more stable than a small boat and not easy to be overturned by the strong wind, while the small boat only It is used for taking a closer waterway.

But at this time, several people on the ship were dusty and looked tired. Obviously, they had gone through a long journey, and the clothes they were wearing were a little ragged, as if after a fight. From the direction they came, they seemed to come from the boundless sea in the north.

The boundless sea and the Seven Sea are connected. From this boundless sea is the Seven Sea, but the north side is sparsely populated. It is estimated that they floated along the water.

There were seven or eight people on the ship. At this time, standing on the bow was a teenager and the only one who was the most neatly dressed. Although there were some cuts by sharp weapons on his body, they were not exposed, and there were only two or three tattered places, and the clothes on the other people were torn. .

At this time, a middle-aged man standing next to the teenager said to the teenager on the shore, "Young master! Look! Does it seem that there is someone there?