The world is ever-changing

Chapter 312 Fire Phoenix

Baby Mud looked at Long Yuan and smiled and said to Long Yuan, "Brother Long! That's right! Why can't you find someone to replace this fiery phoenix to make this strange sound in heaven?

Long Yuan looked at the mud baby and knew that he had hit the idea on himself and didn't say anything, waiting for the mud baby to continue.

"I see that you have the magic idea of this phoenix hidden in you, and the phoenix you transformed is also very powerful. If you replace this fire phoenix, there must be no problem." Long Yuan saw that the mud baby also made some sense, so he turned to look at the dust-free.

Wuchen thought for a moment and said, "It is possible for you to replace this fire phoenix, but I can't guarantee that it will be feasible, because I don't know how these five mythical beasts made this strange sound in heaven. Now I can only give it a try!"

Long Yuan saw that Wuchen also agreed with the idea of the mud baby, and did not recommend it, because now they have no other way, but Long Yuan thought of a question and said how to try it? Now the jade tiger can't move in this Python Mountain, while the other mythical beasts are in the Sumen continent. Now they can't come together, so they can't perform the strange sound of the heavenly world.

Of course, the problem that Long Yuan thought was also what Wuchen thought. For a moment, both of them were silent for a while. Finally, Wuchen thought of a way and said, "Let's go to Yuhu first, listen to his opinion and see if this method is feasible!"

Longyuan also nodded, because they know that their thinking is just an idea now. If Longyuan wants to replace the fire phoenix to perform the strange sound of the heavenly world, and the heavenly strange sound jade tiger will naturally know some of its mysteries. It is still necessary to ask him, and then make a plan for the next time.

Wuchen placed the fire phoenix in a safe place, and then went to the Python Mountain with Longyuan. The two arrived at the Python Mountain in only one hour.

This Python King Mountain is the birthplace of Long Yuan. He can't say that he is familiar with it, because there are many places that he couldn't reach when he was a child. The next time, he returned to the Python King's heart and had a different taste. From a distance, he saw that the Python King Mountain was like a giant python coiled there, but the body of the python was coiled With a column within a radius, this column is naturally the deterrent iron mentioned by Wuchen, and now in Long Yuan's view, this deterrent iron is the peak that he took a lot of effort to climb when he was a teenager.

The two people directly reached the deterrent iron. Wuchen flew to the middle of the deterrent iron with Longyuan. From afar, they saw a huge rune in the middle of the deterrent iron. There was a thick white fog on the rune, which made people flying in the air unable to see the following situation clearly.

Wuchen and Long Yuan floated on it. Master Wuchen smiled and shouted down, "Yuhu, I also saw you come and brought you a friend!"

As soon as the words fell, a white shadow rushed out of the thick fog. A huge white tiger flew up in a white cloud and saw Wuchen saluted and said, "So it's Wuyou Buddha? I don't know what friends you brought to me?"

Long Yuan next to Wuchen asked, "Yuhu! You know him!"

The jade tiger looked at Long Yuan, then moved his eyebrows and said with a smile, "He! I really saw it, but it happened hundreds of years ago. At that time, he was still a mortal. I didn't expect that he had reached such a state now!"

"Oh! Have you seen him?" Wuchen was a little surprised, and so was Long Yuan, because he had never seen this jade tiger.

"I did see him. When he was a mortal, he once stole my six spiritual springs here and was found by me. I was trying to stop him, but I was stopped by Yueer at that time. At that time, I saw that he was a little similar to Joy Buddha. Now it seems that he is really reincarnated by Happy Buddha." The jade tiger said slowly.

"Ha ha! Yuhu is worthy of being the head of the five mythical beasts. Is it really witty? Wuchen also smiled.

This Yuhu's praise for this dust-free did not obviously be too happy, but asked indifferently, "If you don't come to me, I still want to find you?" In recent years, there have been many floods and soil troubles, and recently I have felt the existence of fire troubles. Even my Python Mountain has had several fires, which have been calmed down by me. I don't know what happened? Is there something wrong with my brothers?

"This matter is long. Shall we go down and talk about it?" Wuchen said. As soon as Ding Yuhu nodded, he fell down, and Long Yuan and Wuchen also fell to the Python Mountain.

After this fall, Longyuan saw a neat grass. Longyuan suddenly remembered a previous thing in his mind. When Longyuan was still in this chemical realm, he had come. At that time, he also saw this green grass, and then he only saw a white fog here, with a strong breath. After drinking away many cultivation circles, Long Yuan still knew that there was such a mythical beast in it at that time.

When Long Yuan was still a mortal, when he drank the six knowledge springs, he did not look at the tiger. Now he knows that the jade tiger had already found him, but deliberately let him go without shocking him. Long Yuan couldn't help but be grateful to the jade tiger.

In fact, Long Yuan not only remembered the past, but also had some puzzled about the current grass, because he found that there seemed to be a strong atmosphere in the grass. Yuhu saw that Long Yuan was a little dazed at the grass and explained: "Joy Buddha! Under my green grass, there is a spiritual charm hidden to cooperate with this deterrent iron in order to better suppress this easy song!"

Long Yuan nodded secretly, and he understood some of the truths. At this time, as soon as the jade tiger fell on the grass, it turned into a human form, but it was an old man who was all white. The old man was wearing a white robe, his hair, eyebrows and beard were white, and his face was kind, and the three people sat opposite each other.

Wuchen began to tell the jade tiger about these recent events, which is not a good quiet thing for the jade tiger. First, the water artifact Dinghai Dinghai Ding was destroyed, and then there was a flood in the world, and the black dragon was forced to escape, and then the earth ring beads were also destroyed. With the help of Long Yuan, the old turtle also After escaping, the most unusual thing is what happened recently. That is, the fire attribute artifact guarded by the fire phoenix on Dinosaur Island has also been destroyed. What's more, the fire phoenix is seriously injured and can't be cured now.

Hearing these, the jade tiger also feels that the current situation is very serious, and it has reached a critical moment. If the Tianmu charm and the deterrent iron here are also destroyed, the world will be destroyed and irreparable.

"Worry-free! Joy, what are you going to do now? Yuhu couldn't help asking.

"We now want to let Yuyang know what happened here as soon as possible. The best way to inform Yuyang is for your five mythical beasts to send out this strange sound of heaven at the same time, which will definitely attract Yuyang's attention!" Wuchen said.

"You're right. Our five mythical beasts can make this strange sound in heaven together, but now the fire phoenix is unconscious, which is difficult to do. It's impossible for any of the five of us to have that kind of heavenly sound without one!" Yuhu explained.

"Naturally, we also thought of this problem, but if we want to use others to replace this fire phoenix, can we also make this strange sound of heaven?" Wuchen asked tentatively.

But the jade tiger shook his head and replied, "No! No way! No one can replace her. The true vitality of our body is formed on this extraterrestrial planet, and this Yiqu star can only be cultivated. Our original aura is still dominated by the aura of extraterrestrial bodies, which is also a reason why the fire phoenix is not easy to heal.

The true spirit of the origin of our five mythical beasts is formed by spiritual fire, rare gold, strange wood, heavenly root water, earth, etc. These are not available on this Yiqu planet, that is, our five mythical beasts are unique, and it is impossible for anyone to replace them.

Wuchen also felt a little disappointed when he heard this, but he still didn't want to give up, so he said, "You have a point, but this unbounded strange sound can't be unchanged. Look at the person I'm looking for first, and then judge whether it can replace Huofeng!" After saying that, Wuchen took a look at Long Yuan.

"Who are you looking for instead?" Yuhu asked doubtfully.

"Happy Buddha, you turn into * and let the jade tiger have a look!" Wuchen said to Long Yuan.

"Good!" Long Yuan answered, and his body moved, and a red fog emitted from his body. Then Long Yuan's body moved, and a huge * flew up out of thin air. A hot true spirit emitted from this * body, and the hair and beard of the jade tiger were bulged by the heat wave.

This * chirped in the air, and the birds between the mountains and forests were shocked.

Looking at the * Yuhu in the air thinking, Longyuan * wandered in the air for a while, and then fell down, and Longyuan also turned back to its original shape.

"Your * power is indeed not small, which should not be inferior to the fire phoenix, but one thing is that most of the true vitality of your body seems to be obtained from this Yiqu planet. I don't know if it can work with the true vitality emitted by our other four beasts to make this wonderful sound of heaven together. I'm not sure now either."

Hearing Yuhu's words, Wuchen and Long Yuan were somewhat relieved, because this can show that Long Yuan still has hope to replace this fiery phoenix.

"In this case, let's find a way to give it a try first!" The jade tiger said with a beard that had just been blown by the heat wave.

"Okay! That's it. I'll arrange it first so that you four mythical beasts and dragons can get together, and we can't give those demons a good opportunity. Wuchen's face showed a trace of joy.