fang shi tian shu

Chapter 72 The Power of the House

After this day, it seems that everyone knows that Wang San is interested in Yunduoduo, and Yunduoduo seems to be able to avoid Wang San. The days of being a follower are also quite easy, except for being baptized by all kinds of people in the house all day.

After many days, everything was ordinary. Except that Yun Duoduo ran away with a red face every time he saw him, Wang San's task was to learn all kinds of things from the two young masters, and then reported to his wife every once in a while. The art of literature and martial arts is taught by famous figures in the court. All of these people are young and have a lot of experience. Wang San studies every day and earns a lot like taking a class. It's just that the two young masters can't learn together, as if the two young masters are accompanying Wang San.

On this day, General Mo Zixuan, who lectured on military tactics, really couldn't stand it anymore. He suppressed his anger and said angrily, "Two young masters, you are the sons of General Yuanshan. If you don't even want to learn military tactics, aren't you afraid of losing the title of general? What does it mean that a tiger father has no dog son? Why can't I see the prestige of General Tiger King in you?

The two young masters still looked like they bowed their heads and dared not speak, and Wang San had been accustomed to it for a long time and no longer laughed at the two young masters who did not want to learn at all. Although I don't know why the two young masters don't want to learn anything abnormally, they are not like ordinary dboys who want to indulge in law, but indeed, no matter who they are, even a prince and princess, they dare not dare to be presumptuous in this study.

Not to mention the second-grade general who resigned from literature and history for the first time, the General Mo Zixuan in front of him is the first staff of the Iron Calculation General, one of the seven-star generals of the empire, who is as famous as General Tiger King of Yuanshan! The seven-star general of the empire is Yang Yuanshan, the general of the first far mountain, the remaining tiger king general Wang Shitou, the greedy wolf general Qian Gui, the iron calculation general Murong Chi, the feng shui general Chu Wendu, the swordsman general Li Su, and the little general Cheng De. These seven generals either guard the front line to resist the enemy, or live in the court to dispatch grain and fodder military resources, and built the defense of the empire with the strength of the seven people. In recent years, if the steel knife Khan of Beiyi had not completely used suicide and had to fight against the imperial defense line with ten for one, there would have been no war in the empire. What's more, it is worth mentioning that these seven generals were all soldiers fighting against the southern barbarians in those years, and the seven were still living brothers of the same military account! With this relationship, the operation of the entire military defense of the empire is also unimpeded, highly unified and extremely efficient. This is also the reason why the emperor dares to hand over all his military power to General Yuanshan.

And this Mo Zixuan is the confidant of the general who has been stationed in the imperial capital for a long time and competes with large and small officials in the court every day to transfer resources and fodder. It can be said that half of the decisions made by General Tie Calculation are made by Mo Zixuan. Whether it is a daily plan or a trick to deal with various officials, Mo Zixuan is all good. With what Mo Zixuan said in class, all the strategies in the world can be regarded as military tactics, and the military tactics are also all-encompassing. The number of soldiers and weapons should be considered in the art of war. Therefore, what Mo Zixuan said in class also covers a wide range, and there is always a sense of opening up.

If Zhu Sishui, the resignation gentleman who is responsible for teaching, can be invited by all the officials in the court, this Mo Zixuan is really only invited by the Yuanshan General's Mansion. This is simply to look at the feelings of the seven old brothers of the military. They want the two young masters to have expertise and lead troops to build meritorious deeds in the future. But even if a court dignitary like Mo Zixuan came to teach in person, the two young masters didn't listen! The only difference is that because of the iron calculation general, the two young masters were more cautious in class and dared not breathe.

Mo Zixuan saw that the two young masters were still like this knife meat, and a sense of grief and anger rose in his heart, and he said, "You guys! The general's doorwind has ruined you! Look at what you look like!"

Seeing that Mo Zixuan's real fire seemed to come up, Wang San was extremely skilled in pouring a cup of tea for Mo Zixuan and said, "General calm down. The young master has never been to the battlefield. He has no practical experience and does not have enough understanding of military tactics. You see, the young master's martial arts skills are good. When he goes to the battlefield, he experienced life-and-death fighting and experienced the general's theory of military tactics. At that time, he made rapid progress, didn't he?

The two young masters lowered their heads and dared not move at all, but they have praised Wang San to the sky in their hearts! These days, just because Wang San is beside him to calm down his temper, he has been scolded less!

Mo Zixuan ignored it and pointed to the two young masters and sneered, "Is your martial arts okay? Are some of the princes who accompany the capital than those who are proficient in martial arts? Those will be civil servants in the future. What can you be proud of? You will not be civil servants in the future! It's on the battlefield! With this little three-legged cat'sgong fu, do you still want to live until the day you understand the art of war? I ask you, who is dreaming?

Seeing that the three were speechless, Mo Zixuan sighed and said, "Five tactics, do you think you can't use the tactics except to command the troops to charge? If you don't know the art of war, how can you compare with those civil officials and Cheng? If you don't know the art of war, you don't even understand the distribution of military supplies. How can you fight? If you don't want to learn, you can! I won't come next time! Are you happy now?"

Many gentlemen have said this many times, and the two young masters have become accustomed to it. Only Wang San was aside and faintly saw that this did not seem to be a casual angry word!

The young master doesn't want to hear what I call, I want to hear it!

Wang San hurriedly said, "General, you must not leave like this! If the young master goes to the battlefield in the future, he will think of your teaching at this time, which will save the lives of the soldiers! General, you can't go!"

Mo Zixuan was too lazy to talk to Wang San and said, "I won't come here in the past month or two. I don't think I can get rid of anything from the military department. Other people don't have time, so no one will call you again. Do you like to learn or not? It happens that your wife has found a teacher to teach you to practice. You can practice if you want. I'm leaving." After saying that, the meteor strode out of the study.

Teaching and practicing? The remaining three people in the room were stunned. The two young masters don't know why they still need to learn to practice! It is said that if you practice, you have to spend a lot of time practicing every day. If you learn this, don't you have time to play? And Wang San has no choice but to learn anything else in other classes, practice classes, and what is there to learn? I can teach them as a gentleman!

At this time, in the lady's bedroom, Yang Hairuo stood respectfully at the lady's hands and answered.

"The child thinks that this may not be for us to have one more craft, but to increase the influence of their Yuantian religion."

Madam looked at her daughter with relief and asked, "Then why do you think so?"

Yang Hairuo said, "Although my father's military and the civilian power of the prime minister are gradually becoming a game between the two sides, Yuan Tianjiao does not seem to be willing to just promote his skills. He felt that Yuan Tianjiao should want to get a place in the empire and compete with the two systems of military defense and civil servants to form a strong momentum.

Madam asked, "But what's the use of teaching you ladies?"

Yang Hairuo said, "If the child is right, there should be two ways to make such a choice. First, after teaching us to practice skills, then our master is the Taoist priest in Yuantian religion. In the future, we will have gained power in officialdom, at least it is also related to his Yuantian religion. At least we can't do anything to them. And in case a family loses its power, Yuantian Sect can also take the opportunity to bring these people with struggle experience into the power of Yuantian Sect. Doing so will definitely accelerate the development of Yuantian religion in the dynasty. Second, if the imperial capital accompanies all the official children to practice, it will inevitably make the whole empire go up and down. Soon, the empire will be proud of cultivation, which makes it more convenient for them to expand their influence and even tap talents at different levels.

Madam nodded and said, "Then what should we do?"

Yang Hairuo said, "We don't have to do anything, and we can't do anything about it. Even children can think clearly about this kind of thing, not to mention the emperor and the adults in the court. Since the court allowed this request of Yuantianjiao, it means that everyone has thought of a way to deal with it. At least after practice, it should be the general trend of the development of the world, and we can't stop it. Moreover, if Yuan Tianjiao really intervenes in the disputes in the court, it may not be able to take advantage of it. If he could attract party members by teaching, the Prime Minister would have resigned like Mr. Zhu.

Madam said, "You're right. But what does the emperor think?

Yang Hairuo thought about it and said, "Isn't all the way the emperor does now decentralization? The military is given to Dad and the administration is given to the Prime Minister. Now the two sides are also staring at each other. Except for the slow decision-making, it may also need the emperor to make a decision. Other things can be done well without the emperor's inquiry. It should be that the emperor thinks that this kind of thing is not a big deal. Anyway, it is a comparison between the ministers below, so he doesn't care about it.

Madam looked at Yang Hairuo and asked, "If that's just like this, why hasn't your Uncle Murong come to our house for a long time? Also, why doesn't your brother Mo call your two brothers the military tactics in the future?"

If Yang Hai hadn't thought about this kind of thing, he said, "There are many things on the front line... Is it... Dad's side..."

Madam said andly, "Stupid girl! Curse your father!"

When Yang Hai saw his wife's appearance, he stuck out his tongue and said, "Mom, just say it!"

Madam said, "Do you think your father and your uncles are living well? Whether it is the supplement of military supplies, which one does not need the dispatch of the prime partner? And does the Prime Minister need us to handle things? Therefore, it seems that both the military and civilian forces seem to be, but in fact, your father's life is not easy at all. The idea of the emperor is nothing more than to balance the forces of all parties, so that these powerful people can supervise each other and reduce fraud and politics. However, in the current situation, the Prime Minister's side is too powerful. Therefore, this Yuantian religion should be instructed by the emperor, and the purpose is to further balance the power of the dynasty, so as not to be too big.

(It's the first update, what's the mentality of not collecting it~O(∩_∩)Ohaha~)