fang shi tian shu

Chapter 81 Shuntian Avenue, Demon Cultivation Nine Tails

Duan Liang looked at the spells in front of him and clearly felt that these spells seemed to have failed, and his breath was weak and tended to be gone!

However, how can the spell fail! Even the crude spell made by the apprentice can remain ineffective for decades. How can the connominator of his own spell make mistakes in this regard?

Someone is tripped!

At once, the joints were clear, and Duan Liang's face was extremely gloomy. I'm eliminating demons! Even the demon removal is blocked by someone. This person is not good! Without saying a word, Duan Liang went out and went straight to General Yuanshan's mansion.

And Yunduoduo has regained some vitality and gradually gained some strength at this time. How could Wang San let go of this opportunity! The little sister lies in ** and can't act rashly. She wants to bully her by the bed. After passing through this village, there is no such store!

"Duoduo, is Sange's lollipop delicious?" Wang San laughed.

Yunduo naturally didn't know what was hidden in Wang San's words and nodded and admitted it.

Seeing that Yun Duoduo didn't understand the meaning, Wang San felt bored and changed the topic and said, "I won't eat until I recover from my illness. I'll see when you get better."

With that, he reached out and touched Yunduo's forehead and pretended to touch the temperature. Yunduo was naturally embarrassed, but Wang San would not let Yunduo be embarrassed to stop his behavior. Ren Yunduoduo turned his head and struggled for a few times, directly held Yunduo's face with both hands, and said, "Don't struggle. Have you ever seen a patient prevent Langzhong from seeing a doctor?"

After rubbing his hands a few times, Yun Duoduo really didn't dare to act rashly and looked at Wang San aggrievedly with big eyes. However, Wang San clearly felt that Yun Duoduo's face was a little hotter.

With a bad smile in his heart, Wang San's hand let go of Yunduo's plump face and pressed Yunduo's forehead to check the temperature.

Yunduoduo has never had a skin relationship with other men before! Being bullied like this, Yunduo only felt dizzy, as if he couldn't even think about it. There was nothing in his head except the word "bad guy".

Wang San also didn't know that such a little fox could really be so shy! There are all rumors that the beautiful fox demon meets the romantic salary, and the cloud and rain are bound to be indispensable, and the initiative of this cloud and rain is even in the hands of the fox demon. But looking at Yunduo's appearance, it's not the bold and explosive fox demon at all! I'm so shy that I have a fever like this...

But in a short time, Wang San felt wrong!

Why is it still so hot! Looking at Yunduo's eyes again, they have burned to a daze!

With a bad heart, he quickly comforted Yun Duoduo, and then rushed to Li Su's room. He kicked open the door and asked rudely, "Has anyone touched those spells?"

Li Su was sorting out the mountains of materials on the table at this time. Seeing Wang Sanfeng coming in fiery, he pointed to the table next to him and said, "I haven't moved there. I've been watching. Is there any problem?"

Wang San pounced on the table where he placed the charm. Sure enough, there is no change in the 28 spells. This pendulum is very different from the conventional order of the three-day spell, which can greatly reduce the effect of the three-day spell and maintain it. Except for Wang San, few people will know this pendulum. However, using this pendulum, the power of this three-day spell array is much stronger than before! Even stronger than before you do it yourself!

Wang San turned his head and said to Li Su, "Brother Li, get ready. The master here is here."

"Mr. Duan Liang?"

Wang San nodded.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Brother Li wants you to lead that person to the cloister, which is the dark eye I said, and I'm waiting there. In addition..." Wang San said, took out a small bottle and handed it to Li Su, "Brother Li, you are a general's talent. Your blood yin and yang is called 'General's blood'. Please help me do it."

Li Su did not hesitate to take out a dagger and made a small cut on her left arm: "What else do you want me to do?"

Wang San said, "Brother Li will listen to me for a while. There is no need to be soft."

Li Su nodded and went out to welcome the arrival of Duan Liang.

And Wang San held the spiritual disk with all kinds of items and flew back to Yunduo's boudoir.

At this time, there is no consciousness, and there is almost no difference from fainting. Seeing this, Wang San was cruel and directly patted the charm on the spiritual disk. These spells suddenly rose a blue inexplicable fire, leaving only ashes!

Wang San walked to the bed, shook Yun Duoduo and said, "Duoduo, it's okay. I'll get rid of the curse that hurt you!" Wake up!"

Yun Duoduo's face was really better. He opened his eyes and looked at Wang San and said intermittently, "Third brother... I... I'm fine..."

Hearing the title of "third brother", Wang San felt a pain in his heart and hurriedly comforted Yun Duoduo and said, "Don't be afraid. Third Brother is here, and you will be fine soon! Trust me!"

Yun Duoduo closed his eyes and replied to Wang San, "Third brother... I still feel dizzy... It seems that it's getting worse and worse..."

How can it be! I just got rid of that spell! But Yunduo's sadness is not fake at all! Two charms appeared in Wang San's hand, and the vitality in his body was rioted, and the two charms were fiercely slapped in the air by Wang San! Regardless of many, he directly lifted the quilt on Yunduoduo's body, patted his palms on Yunduoduo's body, and then shouted loudly, and a mass of breath directly emitted from Yunduo's body, visible to the naked eye!

Yun Duoduo was shocked by Wang San's two shouts and slowly opened his eyes, but he saw that he was in an unknown light. Regardless of his physical condition, he wanted to ask, "This...this is..."

Wang San saw the blue light rising on Yunduo's body mixed with black, and this black was also a little blood red! Wang San said with a gloomy face, "Does it count? Dare to use the spell in front of me! Now, I'm sorry if I don't kill you!"

Yun Duoduo couldn't understand what Wang San was talking about, and he was too weak to think. Just as he was about to speak, Wang San patted Yun Duoduo's arm and said, "Duoduo, stay in my arms. I promise you will get better soon!"

Yun Duoduo couldn't hear the previous words clearly, but this sentence "showing the original shape" made Yun Duoduo excited like a light back. He stared at Wang San with wide eyes, and his face was incredible!

"Oc's it, the little fox is about to appear, or you will leave sequelae. Listen to the third brother."

Yun Duoduo stared at Wang San, and the expression on his face was panicked, surprised, sad, mixed with all kinds of emotions, and said, "How do you know..."

Wang San rubbed Yunduo's head dotingly and said, "Little fool, if you can't find this, can you still call you third brother? Hide in my arms quickly. This is a curse. Only by my side can I keep you and be obedient!"

Yun Duodu still couldn't believe it. Wang San saw that the black light on her body was getting heavier and heavier and said urgently, "Hurry up! Otherwise, it will be too late! If you don't obey, I'll use the symbol!" He said and took out a piece of rune paper.

Although Yunduo doesn't know the charm, the breath on the charm can still be felt. The breath on this charm really makes me feel visible! With mixed feelings in his heart, Yunduo closed his eyes hard, and his body suddenly shrank!

Wang San lifted Yun Duoduo out of the clothes he had worn before. But as soon as he saw Yun Duoduo, Wang San was dumbfounded!

Four tails!

Four tails!

She cultivates divine consciousness! Shuntian Avenue! Take the nine tails as the most!

And, it has been repaired to four tails now!

What is this concept? After observing Yunduo's consciousness, this little fox is only 20 years old according to human age, and has cultivated four tails!

Wang San's chin is about to fall off! However, the black light around the curled little fox immediately woke up Wang San! Now is not the time to study these at all! So he carefully picked up Yun Duoduo and put it in his arms, and Wang Sanfei rushed out to the dark eyes in the house.

Li Su stood at the gate of the general's mansion and chatted with the doorman. Sure enough, it didn't take long to see Duan Liang approaching the general's mansion with a gloomy face. Li Su greeted him warmly and said, "Mr. Duan! Didn't you finish the practice class earlier? Do you want to give more advice to my general's mansion? Welcome!" With that, he quickly gave up Duan Liang to the house.

Duan Liang didn't say anything and followed Li Su into the house.

Li Su said attentively, "Sir is a distinguished guest. He is very here. Let me tell his wife to welcome him."

Duan Liang shook his head and said, "No, I lost something. Come and look for it."

Li Su said, "If you have lost anything, please tell me. There are many servants in my general's mansion, all of which will help you find it quickly."

"It's not a valuable thing, it's a small piece of wood, but it means a lot to me. It's inconvenient for you to do it. I'll look for it myself.

Li Su recalled the appearance of a so-called mahogany charm found with Wang San and tentatively said, "Sir, the servant in my house picked up a piece of wood when cleaning, but he felt useless, so he threw it away..."

Duan Liang frowned and said, "Wood chips? What kind?"

Li Su vaguely said the appearance of the peach wood charm. Then he said, "Sir, that piece of wood should have been thrown into a place in the house. Sir, let me go and I can get it immediately."

Duan Liang has doubts. Is it true that someone has carefully cleaned and destroyed his layout? So he followed Li Su.

Wang San sat on the corridor and felt that the clouds in his clothes were still trembling slightly, as warm as his little heart. The more you realize the cuteness of Yunduo, the deeper the resentment towards that Liang. A few charms appeared in his hands and directly urged him to a semi-excited state, waiting for the arrival of Duan Liang.

"Mr. Duan, you haven't been to this place before. This is a remote place in my house. First, there are some flowers and plants but not lush, and second, the things that the servants clean may be useful, or the things that the owner does not use but we need to use are all here. This is not a place to store garbage. Don't worry, sir. I still have these proportions, and I will definitely not make my noble body dirty..." Li Su couldn't help talking, and his voice was vaguely preaching in Wang San's ears.

is coming!

(The nine-tailed foxes have come out! The fight will start tomorrow! Throwing and rolling for collection!)