fang shi tian shu

Chapter 86 speechless, facing

Murong Chi said angrily, "Bullshit! The officials can't be cured, and you are so embarrassed to talk nonsense! There is not even a clean official in the world, and you still have the face to live in this world! Live up to the holy grace, live up to the holy grace!"

"Why can't I live in this world? Why do you say that there is no clean official in the world? Have you met all the officials in the world? Do you know how they live?"

"Then give me an example, who else is a clean official in the world!"

"Me! You have an opinion!"

No one has any objection. No one made a sound.

Mo Zhichi was too embarrassed to get together again. He turned his face and looked down to him.

Guo Qishi was as if he was out of strength, and his figure was no longer straight as before. He said slowly, "Do you think the Prime Minister is so good? I tell you, can I become the prime minister just because I am a clean official? Those corrupt people have too many dirty things on their hands and too many handles to climb up at all. Those who are not corrupt can't buy * officials, or they are depressed, or they also find ways to buy officials to do corruption. I have a good life! Such a dilapidation scholar was looked at by the emperor and brought me from the down-and-out county official step by step. Do you know my county? Huxi County. The poorest county, the county in the Great Gobi, the county seat is about 100 years old and young who can't move out, and those stupid people who are extremely ignorant and relocated! Ha ha. You think it's easy for me to be suppressed and desperate when I'm depressed. I have to suppress others when I'm exhausted. My mind is full of how to assign the reasonable arrangement of things that I know I'm an asshole. If you want to try it, how can we do it?

Murong Chi can't speak. After fighting with Guo Qishi in the court for so long, how could he not know what kind of person Guo Qishi is? Although he did not refuse to give gifts from his subordinates, and the reputation of great greed was very popular, only a truly powerful and resourceful person like him could find out that the bribes that Guo Qishi dealt with were all thrown into the treasury in addition to being a facade. Only Guo Qishi's real confidant and seven generals who had a horrible intelligence line could speculate on this matter.

"If you don't seek official rule in his position, it's your dereliction of duty and you are not qualified to cry here." Mo Gao knows.

Guo Qishi sneered and said, "Old Mo, don't you believe it? Ask this Abacus General, which are the officials in the court, which are my real subordinates, which are the cultivation of his military, which are the supporters of your state religion, which are the hidden nails of your majesty, which are the backhands of the barbarians, which are the spare efforts of the elders in the front hall, and which are the little ghosts tied to a soul-grabbing rope? Move? Let me ask you, there are 18 counties under the jurisdiction of Gushan County. If I dismiss every county official and cut off his head, would you like it? How many officials along the grain and grass transportation line after the four passes of Hukou are not good for you mountain kings? Can you stand it if I treat them for the crime of withholding military's military? You all have people in the south. Who dares not look at Xu Muzhi's face when they go to that place? Push all these things to me, okay, as long as the emperor gives me a gold medal, plus four big characters: cut first and then play!"

These words really made Murong Chi and Mo Zhizhi speechless.

The sentence is true. Even Mo Zhida, who has been having fun all day, dares not excuse himself.

Murong Chi said for a long time, "If it hadn't been for the delay of military aircraft on the way, how could we have killed so many people in anger?"

Thinking of that scene, Murong Chi's heart was still mixed. Five years ago, after the Beiyi disaster, the soldiers and exiles attacked crazily. Several of their generals personally ordered people to eliminate the barbarians who broke into the imperial defense line day and night. It was during that time that a total of 117 local officials who innocently delayed the military plane, obstructed the military department, and took the card, all of them were beheaded and killed. It was because of that that the Yuanshan General's Mansion was forced to move to the capital, and the houses of the remaining six generals, together with the three groups of ancestors, were all moved to the imperial city of the imperial capital. The meaning is too obvious. It was also after that war that in addition to Murong Chi, several other people were assigned to various places and rarely returned home in a few years. As for the reunion of the seven brothers, it is even more ridiculous.

And also after that time, the military arranged some military officials in the local area in order not to be angry again.

In the depression, Mo Zhichi seemed to remember something and pointed to Murong Chi and said, "Yes, you have gone too much! I don't know if there is anything wrong with all the officials in the imperial capital now? There is nothing wrong with you far away from the General's mansion. What do you think is going on? Is it that you don't like the court and want to make the previous scene again?

Mo Gao's level of pounding is simply invisible to the ancients!

What he means is that after talking about Guo Qishi and then talking about Murong Chi, there is no reason at all during this period.

Of course, Murong Chi was angry with this old man and scolded, "You are ashamed to ask me about this!" Which of us will practice? Only you Taoists can practice! Now that so many things have happened, you have admitted that it was done by Dixianmen. It was you who didn't keep a close eye on it. How dare you put it on us. You are worthy of living to the hurdle!"

"Why, General Yuanshan's mansion is fine now. Do you dare to deny it?"


"Then how to make up for Guo Qishi? How are you?"

Mo Zhichi is completely the ancestor of the shrew scolding the street! A set of entanglement actually made Murong Chi unreasonable and wanted to fight! Resisting his anger, Murong Chi said, "These are all things that you practice in the world, and the solution should also be solved by your Yuantian religion. Even if you want to plant my Yuanshan General Mansion, you should find evidence from Yuan Tianjiao. You have so many masters of Yuantianjiao, why can't you solve those strange things now? You can't solve it, do you still want me to do it for you? Beautiful thoughts!"

Mo Zhizhi said leisurely, "That fairy gate is different from the magic practiced by Yuantian Sect, and it is quite difficult to solve. Besides, how many days can this world practice? Except for us old guys, most of the rest are apprentices. Don't worry about these apprentices who haven't learned all their skills, I don't worry!"

Guo Qishi said, "Yes, the clear person is turbid and the person is turbid. As long as the general's office find out the reason for the problem, is it enough to argue here?"

"It seems that you are fine. Your Prime Minister's mansion lost something, and in the end, the thief was also caught. Speaking of which, there is nothing in your family. How dare you say about me?"

"What the hell has happened to me? Look, the national teacher's family is really okay. Look, they are lively, so..."

"What does it have to do with me? I'm a national teacher. Does that child dare to move on Taisui's head?

"That's because you are more capable than them, so why don't you solve the problem and push me to the general's mansion? You are not doing anything."

"Can disease prevention and treatment be the same in your family? It's not the same thing at all. What do you know? Speaking of which, the prime minister is experienced and has nothing to do. You learn from him.


How shrewd Guo Qishi and Murong Chi are, but when they are provoked by Mo Zhichi, they are all no different from the idle men in the street. There is no technical content to fight, and there is no personal style.

The IQ of the whole hall is as low as the freezing point.

At this time, the will of the emperor had been conveyed, and the three immediately stopped arguing. They didn't know what to think about and came to the imperial study.

The imperial study is full of glazed fragments, and three embroidered piers on the fragments are crumbling.

"All three adults understand the emperor's will, so let's start working." Mr. Mu's pipeline.

The three people can't believe it. Originally, they couldn't believe the will of the emperor, but now they can't believe the office space left for them. For a moment, they forgot the hot quarrel just now and looked at each other blankly. Then they put their searching eyes on Mu Xiaoyu.

Mu Xiaoyu said without sadness or joy at all, "That's it. Each of the three adults is allowed to have an embroidered pier. Why don't the three adults thank the saint's grace?"

So, the first decree of the three people was issued jointly by squatting on the ground full of debris and taking Maza as the table.

Li Su received a letter from the court. In addition to the signatures of Murong Chi, Guo Qishi and Mo Zhi, there were only a few words on it: General Yuanshan's mansion was fully responsible for thoroughly investigating the chaos of the imperial capital's official residence.

Wang San sneezed.

Yunduo saw this and said worriedly, "Third brother, is it because you helped me catch a cold last night?"

Wang San shook his head and frowned, "It doesn't matter. I don't know who is counting on me."

(Well, since that book review came out, fewer people have read it! My mood is like this title, and my subtext is like the text scolding each other. I have written about the imperial regime today. Tut, so regardless, can't you get some collections?)