fang shi tian shu

Chapter 113 is also a strong body

Just when Wang San did not regain consciousness, the people of Yuantian Sect have come to the Iron Calculation General's mansion many times to urge Li Su and Wang San to seize the time to deal with the strange events in the imperial capital. Several batches of Yuantian Taoist priests looked extremely arrogant. Even after personally exploring Wang San's condition, they did not have any attitude relief. Instead, Wang San was responsible for pretending to be ill to avoid responsibility! Such a piece seems to have no connection, but the scattered events all point to the same reason, which Li Su can't help but suspect.

Of course, Wang San will not doubt it. At the time of Huyaguan, Wang San had already seen what kind of face and heart the people of Yuantian Sect were. After discovering that he was the murderer of the two Taoist priests, it was completely impossible for the Yuantian people to have a good face to themselves. With a sinister smile, Wang San asked, "Brother Li, how did you tell them about my injury at that time?"

Li Su said, "Although there is no fatal injury, the blow is too serious. You have to rest for at least three or five days to resume normal action."

Wang San laughed and said, "That's great. Then I'll really pretend to be sick for a few days. If they really dare to make a black hand, then let's see whose hand is darker!"

"Well," Li Su asked tentatively, "Can you fully recover tomorrow?"

Wang San nodded, but made Li Su feel that Wang San was a monster! When the street was hit by a mad horse and then exploded and fell to the ground from the second floor, even Li Su could not guarantee that this set would be safe now, but Wang San can recover in one day? Who on earth is the refinery?

After a conversation, Li Su said goodbye. Since coming to the imperial capital, there has been no daily trivialities in the general's mansion, but Li Su has more to do. More secret messages of intelligence continued to be sent to Li Su, plus some problems that he had to deal with himself. In the days of General Tiesun's mansion, Li Su had even been on the ground. There are many things, and naturally there is no time to gossip with Wang San.

Only Wang San lies in **. He must pack the disease, and he must lie on a stretcher with a quilt, so that he can prepare enough things in the quilt in advance for emergencies. As for Yunduoduo, he naturally knows that nothing can happen. Along the way, I made meat pads for her, and at most, she fainted. Asking Li Su anxiously before was just another emotional out-of-control when talking about Yunduoduo.

However, no matter how strong Wang San is, after all, he is just a follower of the young master of the Yuanshan General's Mansion. With Li Su's instructions that Wang San needed to rest, no one really comforted Wang San in order to almost rather go against everyone's will. Happy and leisurely, Wang San once again entered the inner vision.

Although Wang San seems to be a man every day, he is also practicing from time to time. How can it break out at a critical moment without daily accumulation? Although Wang San knows that even if it accumulates at ordinary times, it may not be able to break out at a critical moment. Under the inner vision again, Wang San was a little shocked! The sensory effect of my inner vision is a crisscrossing river, which is very different from ordinary people. Because I inexplicably absorbed some space turbulence and understood the power of space, there are more small fish in my meridians and rivers that are actually space turbulence. Because the way I practice internal skills is different from others, the meridians I see It is also crisscrossed and reciprocating. However, why are there water plants growing on the shore? The river is the meridians, the river is the vitality, and the fish in the water are space turbulence, which can be understood by these three kings. However, what's wrong with the grass growing on the river bank? How can grass grow in your own body?

He scolded an unknown person, and Wang San almost exhausted all his strength. But this has happened. Wang San can only come over and see what the grass on the river bank is. Trying to stimulate a few grasses with divine consciousness, Wang San suddenly felt a sudden ** under his left shoulder blade! This ** almost scared Wang San out of his inner vision. But after calming down and thinking about it, Wang San suddenly had an association. Are these small grasses because the vitality in the body nourishes the body, resulting in a higher degree of integration between their body and vitality?

I tried a few times, and it's true! The grass on the river bank really represents the strength of the muscles near the meridians! Under continuous experiments, Wang San has figured out that he forcibly put vitality into his body when he was hit by a horse and fell to the ground from the second floor of the inn, hoping to reduce some physical damage by vitality. This method, which has no time to elaborate, seems to work, and it is the same as the strong gymnastics connected with the army, which can strengthen their physical functions and strengthen their muscles and bones, which is of great benefit to the army. What's more valuable is that this method does not need to use forced completion of almost impossible movements and a large number of drug massages to complete the whole training like the strong gymnastics developed by General Yuanshan. Instead, as long as you learn to practice and open the second vein of Ren Du, you can nourish your body with vitality! Although the speed will be slower, this method is safer and more applicable!

Wang San is very satisfied. Although I don't lose to ordinary people in martial arts, I just don't lose to ordinary people. How could Wang San be an opponent to really let him fight with a soldier who has practiced strong gymnastics in the army? But this is not what Wang San valued most! Wang San's favorite is that if he often refines his body with his own vitality, then one day his physical and vitality will have a higher affinity, which will be so high that he can make a spell casually. This spell can be directly stimulated by his own movements without delaying the casting time by collating the external heaven and earth through internal vitality. . In addition, if his body can be friendly with his vitality, then Wang San can completely put part of the Taoist charm or magic array on himself! In this way, it doesn't even require any reaction and time to control the vitality, which can achieve real instantaneous hair!

You should know that only those who have completed ten meridians can achieve the instantaneous development of magic! For Wang San now, it may not take long to complete this kind of thing! Today, when he fought with the immortal gate, Wang San had already felt the bitterness that the spell could not be instantaneous. With this method, Wang San's ability to adapt to changes will be greatly enhanced!

Thinking of this, Wang San really retreated from his internal vision. Strong gymnastics has too many anti-joint movements and requires many conditions, which is naturally not suitable for Wang San's practice. However, if you box casually, how can it be difficult for Wang San?

(I'm sleepy, that's it, cover your face...)