fang shi tian shu

Chapter 116 Demon Law, Eight-eye Demon!

When Fan Yi said this, he was extremely calm. He saw that the faces of everyone in the living room were a little unnatural, but he turned a blind eye to it.

Mrs. Murong doesn't have so many calculations. Her husband is often by her side, and her son is competitive. She is really the most nourishing one of all the general wives. The complete retreat behind the scenes also makes Mrs. Murong have little experience in dealing with this situation. Seeing that the situation is wrong, I dare not talk nonsense.

But Murong Jing and Yang Hairuo also dare not talk nonsense. Just now, their behavior has offended the actual No. 1 person in power of the Yuantian Sect. At this moment, even if what Fan Yi said is unreliable, it is not easy to tit-for-tat again. This is the only way to scale, and further down, there are only disadvantages and no benefits. Thinking of this, Yang Hairuo couldn't help but glance at Wang San again. It's Wang San, who must be Wang San. Let Li Su pass on those messy words and abruptly drag down the reception of Fan Yi! How can Wang San be kind-hearted?

Sure enough, with a slight coldness, Wang San replied innocently with a wry smile, " Elder, this is not my job! Shouldn't Yuan Tianjiao do this? Why is it my responsibility? I'm a little follower of the general's mansion. How can I have such a big responsibility?

Fan Wanyi: "It is your responsibility to say that it is your responsibility. You have to contribute to this matter. As a citizen of the empire, you naturally have the obligation to contribute when something happens in the empire.

Wang San didn't care so much and asked directly, "But this is the responsibility of your Yuantian religion. If something happens, it is also your Yuantian religion to deal with it improperly. Does it have anything to do with me?"

There is no rotation at all, and it is extremely direct.

Fan Wanyi said angrily, "Do I need you to teach me to do things? Naturally, there are more important things to do in my teaching! Now that something happens, you not only don't think of a way to solve it, but also blame me for Yuan Tianjiao. What's your intention?

Although Fan Wanyi's words are completely nonsense, the well-sighted people understand that his fist is big and what he says is reasonable. Otherwise, who dares to compare a few tricks with him Fan Wanyi? If you really shirk your responsibility, the sentence just now "there are other important things to do" can throw away all responsibilities. Although people know that they don't do anything, they can't find anything wrong.

However, just when everyone was shocked by the angry Fan Yi, Wang San, who was sitting in a wheelchair as if he was about to fall, said coldly: "The most important thing in Yuantian religion is naturally to keep time safe! Now that something happens, you not only don't find a way to solve it, but also blame me. What's your intention?

The voice is silent.

Everyone doesn't even dare to breathe!

That's Fan Wanyi, the second elder of Yuantian Sect! Not only is the cultivation high and strong unreasonable, but also the cultivation is strong and unreasonable!

In case Fan was really angry, although his expression was gloomy and did not break out, the vitality around him could not help flowing, and the servants standing beside him were a little shaken. Murongchi, Yang Hairuo, Li Su, Zhang Fugui and others, who had a strong sense of breath, suddenly fell to the bottom of the cold pool. Even Yang Hairuo was not in the mood to scold Wang San's idiots. In an instant, these strong physical skills were completely shocked by the breath emitted by Fan Wanyi.

can't resist, and it can no longer be described as a car!

The only person present who can not be affected by Fan Wanyi is Wang San. But even Wang San felt a little regret for his recklessness just now. If you are not careful, you will kick the iron plate! If he really wants to kill himself, he doesn't even have time to react! The absolute gap in power!

However, fear is useless. Wang San's innocent look is still the same: "I was originally a help, but how did it become my responsibility? That's at most half of the responsibility of Yuan Tianjiao and me. I'm a small follower. I get a salary of a few silver a month, but let me carry millions of gold. I'm wronged to death!"

In the whole set, Wang San showed weakness from the beginning, pretended to be innocent, then angered the other party, and finally complained like a joke. A few short words have completely trapped Fan Wan, a person who is in a high position but can't do anything wrong. Sure enough, Fan Wanyi really caught a sentence in Wang San's words and sneered, "Okay, okay! As you said, you Yuanshan General's Mansion and Yuantianjiao each have half of their responsibilities! From today on, Yuantianjiao is in charge of the East City, and you are in charge of the West City! Whoever slows down the demons and eliminates monsters will bear this great crime of disrupting the order of the empire!"

It didn't give everyone any time to react at all. Fan Yi suddenly stood up, and the vitality around him suddenly broke out, and the vitality between heaven and earth did not collapse out. Instead, it gathered against Fan's own vitality! In an instant, a huge virtual shadow appeared behind Fan Wanyi!

It is inappropriate to say that it is a virtual shadow, because the shadow quickly condenses, as if it were solid, and suddenly appeared behind Fan Wanyi!

Wang San was shocked! Eight-eye demon!

Everyone was suppressed by Fan Wanyi! The monster that suddenly appeared after Fan Wan was full of two Fan Wan's heights. The skin is flat, and the hands and feet are proportionally long. The skeleton is huge and prominent, and the skinny skin and bones are nothing more than this, but this body gives people a strong feeling of explosive power. The body is still this demon, and the most prominent is the monster's head. Recognized as an eight-eyed demon by Wang San, it is naturally eight eyes! Eight eyes of different sizes, shapes and colors are spelled irregularly on this face, which is more frightening than the big mouth of the blood basin with two huge fangs protruding on the jaw. As soon as this strange thing came out, the people in the living room were stunned and fled.

It was several bigwigs in the house who did not escape. But not escaping doesn't mean you're not afraid! Mrs. Murong is fine. She doesn't know much, but keeps the dignity of the hostess. And the remaining people were shocked by the huge vitality and pressure emitted by this eight-eye demon! As soon as this eight-eye demon comes out, it's really like a demon god!

Fan Wan looked at Wang San in the wheelchair and said, "Kid, this is the soul attack technique developed by our Yuantian religion. As long as disciples who have more than two meridians can practice, they can achieve the unity of soul and vitality. With this technique, those gloomy ghosts are also easier to feel. Do you think we didn't do anything? You don't know what the world is! Let's see who solves the chaos in the imperial capital faster than one!"

After saying that, Fan Yifei retreated and floated straight into the body of the eight-eye demon transformed into his soul! At this time, the eight eyes of the eight-eyed demon suddenly came to life, and they kept turning and scanning, and then several ups and downs flew out of the iron general's mansion!

(This chapter is only 2000. I just had a brainstorm with an S13, which took a lot of time. This is also my prediction of the natural disaster in China. They will definitely rescue the disaster first, then promote love, harmony and responsibility, and then take some results to show that they have worked. After that, they will use the exaggerated praise of other events to show that they have indeed done the right thing, but they did not solve the water problem first because of their limited energy. Finally The question has been successfully transferred. If it's over, I'll do it again next time. If you guess wrong, don't shoot me...)