fang shi tian shu

Chapter 123 Enmity, Collision, Strength!

"Kid, can you die?" Among the tall birthday star, Mo Gao's voice came.

Wang San wiped the blood on his chin and said hoarsely, "I can't die, but I don't have the power to protect myself."

Although I don't know who the person in front of me is, the person who dares to stand in front of him at this time is not malicious to himself at least at this time.

He turned his back and held the unconscious Yun Duoduo tightly in his arms, but Wang San did not dare to leave. It's not that he trusts Mozhi, but that he doesn't know if there are any people around him who are hostile to him. Another one, even if he is a big man who can't practice, Wang San may not be able to resist.

Mo Gao said in a low voice: "It's really..." Immediately, he said loudly to the two people opposite: "Your fairy gate is really bold enough to show off the love of the imperial capital? Do you really think that there is no one in heaven?

Du Jian was not surprised to see Mo Kochi protecting Wang San, as if he had known this would happen: "Mo Kochi, your cultivation is not much higher than mine. Do you dare to stand in our way alone? You couldn't stop it in the past, but you still can't!"

Is that right? What about adding me?" In half of the house that had not yet collapsed on the street, a figure slowly walked out. Before he could see his figure clearly, he quickly turned into a ferocious and horrible eight-eye demon!

Du Jian narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay, just in case you come too!" Do you two think you can eat me? If I fight hard to get hurt, kill the boy and then run away, none of you can do anything about it. It's useless to delay the old story."

The eight-eye demon and the birthday star stood side by side and completely protected Wang San.

However, secretly, Fan Qianyi said, "Aren't you locked in the palace by the Holy One? Why did you come out at this time?

"Second, your movement is so big that I have to come out. This boy can't die."

If they hadn't sneaked into the body of this eight-eye demon, everyone would have seen Fan Wanyi's surprise that had hardly appeared at all! He asked in disbelief, "You came out to save this boy? He killed many disciples of my religion.

"He is the apprentice of the eldest brother."

Mo Zhizhi only replied one sentence, and Fan Wanyi's surprised eyes almost burst out! Big brother's apprentice...

Regardless of Fan's chaotic thinking in the eight-eye demon, Mo Zhi said lightly, "Since you know I'm procrastinating, why don't you leave? A mention that the people of Yuantian Sect will come soon, that is, if there are only me, you can't take the life of the doll behind me.

The Japanese side understands that their cultivation is lower than that of the three people present. It was because of his short board that Du Jian did not dare to launch a strong attack. So he also secretly said, "If you can drag me away, I can break up for a while to control the high-cultivated breathing."

But before Du Jian's statement, he saw Shoutao in Mo Gaochi's hand, the Shoutao who had just blocked the attack of the two, and the Shoutao, who had become normal, was directly shot into Wang San's body by Mo Gaochi's backhand!

I don't know what's going on, but Du Jian and Fan Wanyi's eyebrows jumped together! Especially Fan Wanyi, I can't believe it at all. Even if this boy is really a big brother's apprentice, he can't get this treatment!

Mo Gaochi's hand "retaining peach life" is not an attack or defense technique at all, but extracts the essence of his body and constantly warms it, and finally turns into this peach. Just now, the attack of the two opposite was blocked, not because the peach's defense was strong, but because the vitality in it was pure, which directly disrupted the vitality of the opponent's attack spell and turned it into invisible.

The real beauty of this peach lies in its extremely pure nourishment, which is easily absorbed by the body and even has some healing effects! This peach-sized vitality will be significantly improved if it slowly feeds itself back. In wartime, it can be regarded as an additional reserve of vitality, which is equivalent to having more vitality out of thin air. And more importantly, if you are injured, you can beat this peach into your body and even save a life! This is the true meaning of the so-called "long life of peaches"!

Similarly, this group of vitality is not easy to maintain. Fan Yi clearly knew that the peach Mo Gaochi had melted now was his accumulation for several years! It is difficult and slow for others to imagine. However, today, is it used like this?

Children's play!

And as soon as this Shoutao entered Wang San's body, Wang San suddenly felt that a pure and abundant vitality was almost overflowing in himself! Not only are the meridians of the whole body completely full, but even the muscles and bones that are extremely difficult to absorb the qi of heaven and earth seem to be filled with this pure vitality, and even the lung damage that caused him to cough blood seems to have heal most of it!

With no doubting whether there was any problem, Wang San, who curled up and half knelt on the ground, suddenly stood up and said, "Thank you, elder. Do you want me to have the energy to protect myself?"

At this time, Wang San did have the confidence to escape. His state was almost restored to full prosperity by that vitality, and Yun Duoduo in his arms was also nourished by Wang Sandu's vitality and opened his eyes to look at Wang San with fear.

Despite other people's reactions, Mo Zhizhi smiled and said, "Now that the strength of this doll has all recovered, do you think you can still kill him by bypassing us?"

Du Jian frowned and said coldly, "You Mo Zhi are indeed an imperial master. What a great courage! Unexpectedly, I gave the things at the bottom of the box directly to others! Now that you don't have that trick, how can you fight with me?"

This kind of delay is naturally beneficial to the people of Yuantian Religion. Mo Zhizhi is also happy to talk nonsense and sarcasticly: "Do you think the only birthday star is Shoutao? What's wrong with not seeing New Year pictures? In the New Year's painting, which birthday star doesn't have a big stick in his hand?

After saying that, an old branch appeared on the shaped Shouxing's hand. Nodding with satisfaction, Mo Zhizhi began to show his joking old child's temper: "Do you think the walking stick in Shouxing's hand is used to help him walk? Too naive. Let me tell you, the walking stick in Shouxing's hand is to hit people! If you can't beat others and be killed, what kind of star will you live? Having greater ability than others and ensuring that you will not be killed by others is the foundation of longevity. Don't think that the birthday star can't fight!"

So much nonsense just shows that "I still have the strength to fight".

Wang San marveled that this old man was really talkative.

But Du Jian and Cheng Rifang are not in the mood to sigh at this. Du Jian nodded and said, "Have you finished talking nonsense? After such a long delay, it's enough for your Yuantian people to come.

Mo Zhizhi laughed and said, "Alas? Do you know I'm procrastinating? Do you know that you don't stop me from procrastinating? My purpose is not to defeat you, but to arrest you. So the more natural people, the better. What, I just found out now, are you afraid!"

Du Jian is also laughing: "So you don't know that I'm also procrastinating. Only the people of Yuantian Sect came here, and it was convenient for me to leave the imperial capital unconsciously. I guess they have all gone out of the city gate now. Mo Zhi, you are really a mistake!"

"It's enough to catch you. Big fish is more valuable than shrimp."

"Would you like to try it?"

The vitality around Mo Zhizhi and Du Jian suddenly fluctuated strongly!

I saw Mo Zhizhi's transformed birthday star become more solid, and appeared like a real birthday star coming down to earth! The atmosphere of heaven and earth swept over is even more around, and the virtual shadow of three cranes can be faintly seen!

Although Du Jian has no other incarnations, he has completely become a storm eye! The magnificent atmosphere of heaven and earth revolved around him crazily, wrapped in air and became a huge tornado! In such a terrible vitality tornado, the strange triangular stone disk in Du Jian's hand is trembling violently!

"Three talent array, this is the only one in the world. I didn't expect to see it again many years later. I don't know if you have practiced the corner of heaven.

"I didn't see this soul in the early years. Let me see how powerful the strange things made by your new drums are.

The two of them have been so powerful that they have already made Fan Wanyi wake up from shock! But what also shocked him was that these two people were going to do their best? How can it be!

Calm, only the wind.

And for a while, the two of them took action together!

The crane virtual shadow around Mo Zhizhi's body suddenly moved and circled straight into the vitality tornado around Du Jian's body! The power contained in this tornado is so great that it is definitely not affected by the vitality carried by these three cranes. However, after three, there are 30, 300 and 3,000! The crane that turned into a virtual shadow suddenly rushed to Du Jian! For a while, the rotation of Du Jian's vitality tornado obviously slowed down!

And the rotation speed of the vitality tornado is one of the decisive factors for the power of the three-talent array!

At this moment, Mo Zhizhi walked straight into Dujian's middle gate with his cane!

It's going to be killed close to you!

Du Jian will naturally not leave a chance for Mo Gaochi. The stone plate in my hand suddenly changed, representing people. On the two corners of the earth, the mysterious pattern grew crazily! The power of the sky! With the change of the stone plate, the rotation of vitality suddenly stopped! This sudden change makes the vitality more tyrannical! At this time, the sky corner of the array flashed gently, and the violent vitality suddenly appeared a breakthrough and rushed out from Du Jian!

This violent vitality has no law of flow to follow. Such a chaotic vitality can even interfere with the flow of vitality in the human body!

But Mo Zhizhi did not avoid it. The cane was horizontal in front of him, and he used his head as a hammer to hit forward without fancy!

The birthday star's forehead is strangely large, does it just represent deep luck?

Here in Mo Gaochi, it represents a completely strong force! The so-called fortune is just the tendency of personal results that can be affected by strength, behavior, personality and habits. And in this battle, the so-called luck is strength!

(Thank you, and then continue to collect! Then, next week, I will go to the homepage announcement below the boutique... I'm not pretentious, but the key is that it will become a problem! A part-time writer who often works overtime... can only work hard on weekends. Please collect and stimulate me! If there is excitement, there will be more outbreaks!)