fang shi tian shu

Chapter 130 Struggle, Spell Implementation Plan

"Little sir, you are really... skillful and bold..."

Even General Tie Calculation couldn't think of any words to describe Wang San's behavior, so he could only say "the art is bold", which attracted the same speechless people to echo for a while.

Of course, everyone echoes that "human boldness" has nothing to do with "high art".

Wang San looked at Yang Hairuo, who was gloomy and unhappy, Li Su, who bowed his head and thought, and looked at Murong and his son, who were not surprised by his behavior or shocked, or afraid, or excited people, and simply said, "Everyone knows what these little Taoists mean. If I endure it, it will be bad for the general's mansion. Anyway, I took the money and made money.

Understanding that people will no longer be interested in eating and chatting in the future, Wang San sent Yunduo a look and went back to his room to rest.

In the general view of Yuantianjiao.

Seror Taoist priests knelt tremblingly in the hall.

It is not accurate to say that it is the hall. This Yuantianjiao is located in the imperial capital with an inch of earth and an inch of gold. Naturally, it can't cover a big yard. Among other necessary settings, there is not enough space to use as the main hall. Therefore, in order to reflect the majestic atmosphere of the General Hall of Yuantianjiao, the decoration was thought out. In the hall, the Pu Tuan representing the head of the Yuantian Sect and the eight elders of the sect is surrounded by a semicircle, symbolizing the absolute power core of the Yuantian Sect. Although the futon is not made of precious materials, except for the corresponding elders themselves, no one in the teaching is allowed to use these nine futons, and violators will be severely punished. Not only do they use harsh dogma to create a sense of mystery in fear, but these futons are even connected by formation! The futon on the ground and other arrangements under the ground make this small range full of vitality, but also the kind of fearful abundance. This kind of formation is not to absorb vitality and benefit its practitioners, but to shake the hearts of all those who enter the hall!

In such a wavering array, the little Taoist priest who was already empty in his heart was about to collapse, and in the face of the leader and three elders present, the little Taoist priest was even more unbearable in the face of the inadvertent pressure on these superior figures. He reluctantly told the experience in the Iron Calculation General's mansion just now, and the sweat of several people had soaked their Taoist robes and almost frailed.

"Go down."

Hearing the gentle voice of the seven elders, several little Taoist priests hurriedly saluted out of the hall.

There are only four old people left in the small hall.

Mo Zhi said unhappily, "I said that this doll is the eldest brother's apprentice. Why do you still want to test it? Aren't you afraid of the eldest brother? Are you afraid that this doll is the second eldest brother?

Listening to Mo Zhizhi's words, the three elders thought of a blind old man who described him as withered. Although his expression had not changed, his body was unconsciously stiff.

Seeing that several people's calm expressions were not natural, Mo Gao knew, "You guys, I have said so many times. Since you didn't stop us back then, why are you still so afraid of him? Does it mean that the establishment of the sect has made your conscience uneasy until now?

Zhou Jishan, the six elders, said, "What's wrong with us? The three points of practice, the heavenly master and half-immortal yin and yang master, which was originally summarized by the eldest brother. What we are doing now is just to make the practice of the yin and yang master public to the world. What we do is the system summarized by the big brother. How can the big brother have a problem with us? Although he said this, the obvious lack of confidence in his tone still exposed Zhou Jishan's real emotions.

Mo Zhizhi sighed, "Lao Liu, do you believe this? Let alone the attitude of the eldest brother at that time, but what is their attitude now? With their magic, they always look farther than us yin and yang masters!"

Without waiting for him to answer, Mo Zhizhi continued, "Now even Lao Si, who practices yin and yang like us, doesn't care about what's going on. Do you still think you must have done the right thing now?

Fan Wanyi: "You can't say that. Naturally, there will be no conflict between our brothers, and this practice is also left by the eldest brother, let alone which is good or bad. What we are doing now is just to promote the most suitable method for the public. There is no problem with this."

He Yuyuan, the seventh elder, said: "Lao Liu has so many thoughts about the current art of transformation, and it's not all for himself!" You have used this method to formally fight against the enemy today, and you can naturally understand the power. What's more, this spell is more suitable for public practice, which is beneficial but harmless!"

Fan Wanyi and Zhou Jishan were both worried and nodded and acquiesced. However, Mo Zhizhi didn't think so. Instead, he said coldly, "Yes, I admit that this operation is efficient. But why do you respect Lao Liu's magic and claim that other methods are evil? What will the big brother think? What do they think, boss? What do the practitioners and people in the world think?

He Yu was not in a hurry to answer and said, "I don't care what others think. What I want to care about is whether Lao Liu's transformation technique is easier than other external practice? Is it more practical than other external skills? Is there no extra threshold? Also, if you already have the foundation of a heavenly master or a semi-immortal, will it affect your original ability to practice this art of transformation? Not at all!"

Looking around a few people, He Yu said, "Now no matter from that aspect, this metamorphosis is the best spell, so what else do we have to push if we don't implement this spell? Is it possible to let all kinds of magic coexist when promoting the art of transformation and let people choose for themselves?

Mo Zhiqi said, "Is it wrong to let everyone have their own right to choose?"

He Yu smiled disdainfully and said, "Let people choose freely?" But what will they choose? Let's ask, those who have practiced other spells before have tried their best to practice a realm and power, and are originally complaous. But as soon as the new practice method came out, those latecomers took less than half of their strength and time to reach it, even beyond their own level. What would these people think? They will be upset, unwilling, jealous and angry, because the new method can be said to deny all his previous efforts and prove that everything he has done before is in vain! Even if they learn a new method at this time, it is just a waste of their previous great time and energy and stand on the same starting line with the latecomers! How can they be willing to do this?

"What can I do if I am unwilling?" Mo Gao knows.

"Then prove that your previous efforts are valuable. So these people will try their best to slander new methods and slander those who practice new methods. Only by slandering new things as completely useless can you prove that what you originally did is meaningful and that all your previous lives are not in vain! In this way, when will the updated and more practical techniques benefit the public?

Mo Zhizhi looked at He Yu's almost fanatical expression and wondered, "But the original practice of spells is also useful. Why do you suddenly understand practice?"

He Yu's eyes were still fanatical, and he smiled enthusiastically, "Because you have never understood people's hearts."

The sudden change of topic caught the other three off guard. Only He Yu continued, "What is the meaning of life? Is it the continuation and inheritance of life? This is the purpose of all life in the world. But what about us? I always think that I can't go in the past like this. I always have to do something to prove my existence and prove that I am not just a node of inheritance of life. Only by proving that their existence is meaningful can people feel that they are really alive. However, if we spread a new method, those who practice other methods will lose the meaning of their previous practice. What they had tried before became a futile and meaningless proof, destroying all the ideological foundations on which they lived. This is equivalent to a new method that kills the first half of their lives! In order to save their efforts in the first half of their lives and the meaning of their survival in the second half of their lives, what they can do is to hinder or even destroy the spread of new methods.

The three were shocked and speechless, and even Zhou Jishan did not expect He Yu to say such a thing. Even Fan Wanyi, who had been silent, was not sure and said, "But this is just your own imagination. What if this is not the case?"

He Yu smiled and said, "Is that so? You will understand after we strongly implement this law. At that time, I don't mind suppressing the rebels by violent means.

Seeing the thicker fever under He Yu's increasingly calm smile, Mo Zhi said angrily, "Are you still going to use a fierce move? He said that he was spreading new spells for the world. Are you trying to kill all the world?

He Yu said more indifferently, "The information in the world is naturally unequal. You and I know more than the public, and only you and I can make better choices. What I have to do now is to make a choice for the public who can't make a wise choice, so that they can enjoy the benefits of this choice in the future.

"What's the difference between you doing this and those who play with power to satisfy their inflated desires!" Mo Zhizhi said angrily.

"The difference is that" He said unhurishly, "after me, there will be an environment where people can truly choose independently, and no one can play with the public for this matter again."

The three did not react, and He Yu explained more gently: "This is the difference between a dictator and a saint. I want to be very big.

Mo Zhizhi was silent for a long time and said, "If the eldest brother is still here, he will definitely not ignore it. You are playing with fire.

"Big brother will build a stove for this fire instead of extinguishing the fire with a basin of water."

(I guess if I continue to write like this, my book may be cut off because it involves ** topics... In this precarious situation... Collect it. If you don't collect it earlier, you will miss this book! In addition, I have completely arrived at this chapter, and there are no good books in online articles. Because under the requirements of this update speed, the author will not be given the time to think about the modification at all. Alas, it's still a collection!)