fang shi tian shu

Chapter 133 Preparation

General Tie Calculated stood on his feet and said, "Be careful not to affect others, let alone shock injuries."

Looking at the general's light weightlifting, the giant spirit behind the young Taoist priest changed again! As soon as the seven- or eight-meter-high virtual shadow appeared, it once again shocked people's bodies and minds! Even if it is just a light and shadow, it is beyond the cognition of ordinary people.

The giant spirit appeared again, attracting the attention of more than a hundred people present, and even the people within a hundred miles around were fascinated by this huge figure! Seeing the giant spirit raising his fist as if it was about to hit the ground, the boundless deterrent made all those who saw this scene couldn't help exclaiming!

But the young Taoist priest has all kinds of flavors in his heart. Looking at the standing iron general again, he saw that the general once again signaled that he could attack with all his strength. He was a little worried and punched the giant spirit behind him!

A fist the size of a carriage suddenly fell from a height of more than ten meters, mixed with a huge wind, which can be heard far and near!

Hearing a dull and huge smashing sound, the general was suddenly dusty and sighted. This blow actually smashed the ground that had been compacted countless times and covered with blue stones into dust!

Without waiting for the exclamation of the onlookers, a steady voice came out from the dust: "It's powerful. With more practice, you can fight against thousands of captains without falling behind."

Hearing this sound, everyone knew that the general was unsound and the uneasiness in his heart naturally disappeared. But thinking about the general's words, another different emotion spread.

This Taoist priest is so powerful that he can even make a slate into powder, but he can't hurt the general? More importantly, such a great power can only be compared with the commander in the army?

The dust settled, and the general's whole body was stained, but he was not embarrassed at all. He said to the young Taoist priest, "Why didn't I resist this fist? It seems that this fist hit the ground directly through me. Did you retain your strength?

This Taoist priest was also shocked by the general's hand! It is rumored that the strong in the army can fight against tens of millions of people, but that's just a rumor. People take this statement as a story, even the well-informed Yuantian Taoist priest. But now that I see the bravery of General Iron Calculation, I have a stronger sense of reverence in my heart and respectfully said, "I dare not disobey the general's order. I did use all my strength just now. However, the general's strength was so strong that under a full blow, the giant spirit's fist could not withstand it and hit the ground through the general.

The general nodded and said, "Your ability is good. If this move is used on the battlefield in the future, even the strong man of the other party can't completely resist this blow, which will still cause death and injury to the weak next to him. Your magic is very good."

General Xie praised. The preparation time for this preaching conference is in a hurry, and the invitation is being prepared, and it will be delivered to the general's palace in a moment. I would also like to invite the general to come to the venue. I am very grateful to Yuan Tianjiao.

The young Taoist priest was respectful but not humble, said a few words to the general, and then took more than 100 people behind him to the Guiyuanmen venue. Later, he had to go back and walk through many streets to bring unknown people to the venue.

Seeing the crowd going far away, the general still stood still staring and thinking. Murong Jing stepped forward and said, "Dad, you know how powerful the Taoist priest is, why do you have to compete with him?"

General Iron Calculation said in a low voice, "You know, but those people don't know."

Murong Jing was puzzled and asked, "What if the people don't know?" The military with conscience and persistence never needs to show off its power to the people.

"But when the people see that those people of Yuantian Religion can make such a big momentum, they will naturally think that Yuantian Religion is more powerful. In this way, imperceptibly, all the resources of the people and the dynasty will tilt towards the more powerful Yuantian religion. The reduction of our military's supplies is small. What if the country is lost because this flashy Taoist priest replaces the strong?

Murong Jing did not expect that the seemingly simple transmission could cause such a serious chain reaction. He continued to ask, "But if everyone has practiced this spell, how can they not distinguish which one is more powerful?" Speaking of the practicality of fighting in the army, strong gymnastics is indeed more effective than practicing methods, and everyone will always understand.

"Human nature is unwilling to believe the facts, because the facts are too cruel and boring. These people will be more willing to choose spells with stronger impact and better visual effects. In their opinion, having airs and momentum shows their power. If it is proved that the un fancy close combat is more powerful, where can they find the talk after dinner?

Murong Jing, who has always been calm and restrained, can't hide his emotions at this time and dares not believe: "Is it just the people's talk that we fight to protect our country by practicing martial arts?"

General Tie Calculated turned around and patted his son on the shoulder with a smile, "That's why we are not in a hurry to let you go to the front line. There are always many truths for you to learn in this world. Our purpose is not to become their talk, nor to change them to make them more deeply sober. Our purpose is to create conditions for them to talk about the story after dinner. Go home and get ready. Let's participate in the law-chuan da hui in the afternoon!"

Not only the iron calculation general's mansion, but this morning, almost everyone in the imperial capital knew that a powerful law-chuan conference would be held outside the imperial city Guiyuan Gate. For a while, the crowd was excited, and the crowd either found the scattered Taoist priest to lead the way for the registration arrangement of Yuantian Religion, or rushed there directly to join in the fun. The bigwigs in the imperial capital were more or less aware of the significance represented by this sudden meeting and began to prepare in an orderly manner.

Some people wear their clothes and prepare heavy gifts, hoping to sit in the chariot of Yuantian Sect at this time; some people keep inking about the news, analyze the attitude of the emperor and the important ministers of the dynasty to this conference, and do not want to stand in the wrong team in panic; some people continue to enter the Taoist priest of Yuantian Sect through their own relationship. Communicate privately and want to find friendship without any force; some people begin to have different ways to constantly look for people who may have cultivation talent, hoping to cultivate their own strength.

"Jump up and down." Prime Minister Guo Qishi had no intention of attending the conference, but only said four words to himself and continued his rest.

In the general's mansion, the atmosphere is different. Not only Murong Jing and Yang Hairuo were asked to be ready for battle, but even Li Su and Zhang Fugui, the two housekeepers and the guards in the house were also required to be on standby. In the small playground in the general's mansion, a few people pretended to stand and were trained by the general.

So the people in charge were busy with their business, so no one remembered Wang San and let Wang San sit in the hidden place next to the playground and watch the fun.

I have never heard of such a thing as being held by a man in broad daylight! Even a dusty woman can only be light with people in the room! However, Wang San didn't care about this. He settled on Yunduoduo's quiet, calm and good girl's personality, hugged Yunduoduo tightly and did not let Yunduo continue to struggle in his arms.

However, struggling, Yunduo has a little joy in addition to shyness.

"Duoduo, did you feel anything different last night?" Sticking to Yunduo's ears and asking questions in a tone of love words, Yunduoduo couldn't help itching and his heart.

He blushed and whispered, "Nothing, I just feel so lonely."

"Will you still be lonely with me next to you?"

"Bad guy, it's not that kind of loneliness! It's just that I feel the emotion coming from heaven and earth. It seems that there has been some change in the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

"Can you feel that emotion has something to do with the change of heaven and earth? Who else do you think can feel the change of heaven and earth besides you?

"I don't know, I also vaguely guess, and I can't count it." Turning around and looking at Wang San's calm face, Yun Duoduo said, "Third brother, you are a little strange."

"Me?" Wang Sanrou laughed and said, "What's wrong with me?"

Yun Duoduo said seriously, "I can feel that you seem to be in a bad mood. And you should know all the questions asked me. Also, why do you want to watch the ladies practice? I don't know how many times you have watched this kind of exercise.

Wang San smiled evilly and said, "Isn't it said that girls in love can't think? Why do you think things are so clear? Don't you like me?"

Yun Duoduo knew that Wang San was teasing her again. If I don't like you, will you still hold me in public? With a pout, his little hand made a finger at Wang San's waist.


A scream made everyone in the playground look sideways. But when I saw that it was Wang San, I didn't care. Although he didn't live in General Tiesan's mansion for a few days, the people in the house have understood what kind of personality Wang San is. Anyway, if you have the ability, you won't be bad or messy. You can do whatever you like.

Only Yang Hairuo is cruel in his heart.

Seeing everyone turn around again, Yunduo shouted angrily, "Bad guy, you deliberately shouted so loudly!"

"No, it really hurts!"

"You just want others to turn their heads and see my jokes!"

"This is my joke. It hurts me, not you!"

Yun Duoduo looked at Wang San quietly for a long time before saying, "You changed the topic again."

Wang San restrained his joke: "You are so rational again."

"What's wrong with you, third brother? Tell me, I'll help you figure it out."

Wang San sighed and said, "To put it bluntly, I have some skills. But what I want is not to rely on my ability to earn a wealth and power. It's good that life can be plain but happy, as long as you don't have to worry about food and clothing. Do you think this is the reason for living?

Yun Duo nodded. Not to mention Wang Sanyou's behavior of "hidden in the city", even if there are many clouds, as a fox demon that cultivates the way of the natural world, he does not show off his magic, but carefreely acts as a little maid who is extremely spoiled by the young lady in the distant mountain general's mansion. Regardless of life, if you only talk about life, this is already the best state.

"But there are too few people who think like us."

(the long-lost "first update"! Isn't it? It's reasonable to collect it!)