fang shi tian shu

Chapter 147 Instant End of the Battle, the Fourth Battle!

Although he is in the body of black and white impermanence, Qi Jingduan can still feel the chaotic tearing power of black and white impermanence! If black and white impermanence is torn and disappears, he will also be devoured! In the crisis, the vitality in Qi Jingduan's body rushed into the black and white impermanence, and he wanted to shake the chaotic power with the amount of vitality!

Sure enough, the power of the whole array became less strong. Just when Qi Jingduan was about to stand it.

As soon as the decline appeared, it was like an irreversible torrent, quickly devouring the power of the array! And the blurred vision on the stage returned to normal.


Although Qi Jingduan was a little weak again, there was no hesitation. The body did not come out of the impermanence at all. He hit out again and directly hit the earth and stone shield.

This time, this earth and stone shield no longer recovered its previous strong defense, and was directly beaten into a piece of flying ash by the combination of black and white impermanence!

Everyone exclaimed! A huge shield was hit and turned into ashes. Can the people in it save the whole body?

However, there is no one among them. With the earth and stone flying, there are only Taoist charms, densely flying in the sky, and inspired by Taoist charms.

The Taoist priest in charge of hosting stood up and said, "Why are you missing!"

On the stage, there are only Qi Jingduan and black and white impermanence, as well as dust and holes in the ground.

"The man ran away from the ground!"


"Keep an eye on the people around you and don't run away from that person!"

Without the order of the elders on the stage, the disciples of Yuantian Sect around them took action one after another to implement the plans formulated before. However, after a while, nothing was found! Xiao Sheng rebelled and disappeared like this!

Only Qi Jingduan was on the stage, looking at the sandstones on the ground that should not exist, and were speechless.

Brother, I can only send you here.

With a silent sigh in his heart, Qi Jingduan received the impermanence of black and white, turned around and walked back to the stage.

The shape is single, full of loneliness.

No one bothered Qi Jingduan. Everyone understands whether he has used all his strength in this battle. However, the mood of fighting with his brother... No one knows how he agreed to this battle. All we all know is that Mo Zhi talked with Qi Jingduan alone for half a night last night.

The atmosphere will eventually return to normal. A group of disciples of Yuantian Sect ran to the platform, checked and repaired it, and the fourth battle was about to begin!

"In the next battle, the military strong will play together! General Yuanshan Mansion, Li Su!"

Wang San and Yun looked at each other in many aspects. Li Su? He is not a Taoist priest who cultivates vitality!

"Li Su?"

"Why is this name a little familiar?"

"Oh, my God, it's not General Sword!"

"General Swordsman?"

"Swordsman General Li Su? The general who guards one person and one sword for a day and one night?

"Nonsense, have you heard of which general's name can be preceded by 'xia'?"

Aren's surprise, the noble son Li Su flyed up with a sword. The light blue wide robe moves with the wind, and the water sleeves swing gently, but it can't wave away a trace of red dust. The pattern on the slender scabbard is simple and elegant, and the fresh wind comes to my face. The long pure white on the hilt or a trace of impurity swings with the skirt, bringing a breeze, but it turns into a breeze, which is extremely elegant. However, this dusty scribe-like dress was tightly tied up by the wide blue and white belt around the waist, and a trace of ability in the elegant. The bun was gently tied and showed the beautiful and elegant face that made women ashamed of themselves in front of the world. With the unforgettable charming smile, Li Su just came on stage, and everyone's exclamation suddenly stopped. The venue of tens of thousands of people can be heard!

Next, countless cheers swept over like a tsunami!

Li Su arched his hand slightly and said, "If you are not talented, you are Li Su. It is an honor to have the same name as the swordsman general. Xiaosheng is not a monk, but an ordinary housekeeper of General Yuanshan's family. I don't know the strange skills, which makes all the fathers laugh.

How can anyone pay attention to what Li Su said? Seeing Li Su's temperament on the stage, the women under the stage, from eight to 80 years old, were all captured by Li Su. Those fantasies, the protagonist or himself, or his own nephew, are staged in the minds of all the women present at this time. Men also can't believe it. Is this really a man?

Li Su kept arching his hands on the stage, but only Yang Hairuo in the rear did not like it. Looking at the ladies and ladies of the officials who came to watch the battle, and looking at their fiery eyes becoming more and more unscrupulous, Yang Hairuo was in a worse mood.

"Xiaohai, don't be jealous of men."

When the voice of General Tie Calculation came, Yang Hairuo's heart suddenly shocked and hurriedly restrained his expression and bowed.

"Li Su, the housekeeper of Yuanshan General's Mansion, can't practice the method, but he is a fierce general who rushed out of the front line with blood." The Taoist priest held the manuscript in his hand, read this, and couldn't help looking up at Li Su's weak appearance. Bloody killing?" Since childhood, he has studied martial arts with the feng shui general and studied military tactics, and the swordsmanship has won the true biography of the swordsman general. Although he can't practice, his combat power is unparalleled. Odds, one to three.

"Lang Cang, a native of the Dixianmen, opened up the cultivation of seven meridians. External power is a variant of the Tianjiao's "transformation of all things", which is also mainly based on soul transformation. The original life turned into a fog. Odds, one to seven."

This odds are not reasonable, and the odds of a draw between the two sides are indeed extremely low, and it is another 1.5!

With no time for the people under the stage to think, Lang Cang has been lifted and walked to the stage.

is another big shot.

This world has changed only in just a few years. The elders and leaders of the Yuantian Sect, as well as the rulers of the wild faction such as the Dixianmen, are only the cultivation of ten meridians, and the cultivation of more than ten meridians, only the elder of the Yuantian Sect who is dedicated to practicing Taoism, is speculated that it may rush to the cultivation of eleven meridians. For. Further down, opening up the nine meridians is usually the cultivation of so-called masters. They can't achieve the instantaneousness of magic, which is an almost insurmountable difficulty, but in terms of vitality and magic power, they have faintly overwhelmed all sentient beings and are the real top power.

The person who has opened up seven or eight meridians is a force that ordinary people can reach and is also the backbone of the cultivation force. Their magic molding and cultivation are often entrusted with heavy responsibilities. Such a person can be regarded as the backbone in any action. However, the Dixianmen was in chaos in the imperial capital and sent so many backbone forces. What's more surprising is that Yuantian Sect can really catch so many backbone forces in a hurry! The so-called inaction of Yuantianjiao before turned out to be a cover!

Lang Cang came on the stage and looked even worse. Looking at Li Su's appearance opposite, the woman loved and hated men, and then thought of her own situation. She spat fiercely and said, "Wax gun head, little white face!"

Li Su was not rude and didn't care. She smiled and said, "I'm not very good at it. I'm laughing."

Lang Cang snorted coldly: "Laughing? When you see blood, let's see if you can still laugh!"

Li Suping shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't think I will see blood for a while."

"There is no blood?" Lang Cang laughed, as if he heard an extremely funny joke, "You said no blood, no blood?" What kind of cultivation am I? I opened seven meridians, and how many Taoists in the Yuantian Sect are better than me? What about you? I don't even know what practice is, but I'm just a martial artist, or an incomcient white face who doesn't know where to be gilded. Why do you fight with me?

Everyone listened carefully to Lang Cang's words. They don't know how to practice, but Lang Cang knows how to practice. This seems to be reasonable. However, how can the odds be so strange? Let everyone go to the draw? Does it mean that this elegant man can only hide from the whole audience for a while?

"I'll know later." Li Su said indifferently, with a smile on her face.

"Well, don't wait, now you will know!" With a loud shout, a thick fog suddenly rose around Lang Cang's body, covering up all the conditions within a few meters radius of his body! Only a voice full of resentment came from the fog, "The spell I practice is simply the magic of Yuantian Religion! Your whole body turns into fog. You are a reckless man, how can you hit my entity! If you can't even fight, how can you win! Don't think my fog is not aggressive!" With that, a huge thorn suddenly stretched out in the thick fog! Although the giant thorn was composed of fog and dissipated in an instant after formation, when the thick fog thorn came out, a fast sound of breaking through the air clearly reached everyone's ears!

"How can you beat me! What I practice is the skills of Yuantian Sect, but Yuantian Sect actually said that I didn't inherit it and didn't accept me! What can I do! Is it wrong for me to join the Fairy Gate? But what about you? When you didn't join the Dixianmen, you pushed me out and chased me after joining the Dixianmen? What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of me!"

No one pays attention to Lang Cang's resentment. Everyone is thinking about whether it will be impossible to suppress Li Su, even if it blows Li Su to his mind.

At this moment, *start!

"Third brother, can Brother Li win?" Yun Duoduo turned around and asked Wang San without worry.

Wang Sanyi smiled and said, "Take that word away!" All my family beat Brother Li to win!"

With that, he raised his right hand and raised all the silver tickets previously exchanged for gold and silver as a reward. The disciple in charge of the collection of Yuantianjiao urged his own fate, and the huge eight-armed skeleton quickly came to Wang San. However, he didn't come to receive Wang San's*. He bent down and said, "Is it dedicated to Wang San?"

Wang Sanyi was stunned: "I'm Wang San."

The disciple said, "Please come to the council."

Wang San and Yun Duoduo looked at each other and didn't believe it. Did he change his title so happily?

The two left with this disciple and still didn't forget*: "Don't forget, my silver tickets are all overwhelming Li Su."

The thick fog on Lang Cang's body became thicker and thicker with the passage of time, and Li Su's smile became more and more indifferent.

Finally, *time is over! The Taoist priest gave an order: "The third battle! Let's begin!"

Lang Cang shouted crazily: "Come on! Let's see how I deal with you!"

But before the last word was finished, Lang Cang's face changed! Li Su's body suddenly turned into a light blue lightning and came straight towards him! In a hurry, a spell was stimulated, while Li Su's speed remained unchanged, and the left and right two wrong steps turned into a lightning symbol and dodged in an instant. The sword did not come out of its sheath, and a straight stab into the thick fog!

Lang Cang didn't have time to react! And his self-defeated atomized body was hit by a non-fancy blow by Li Su and directly hit his diaphragm! The breathing and heartbeat suddenly paused under this blow, and the whole person fainted directly!

The fog dissipates!

At this time, the floor that Li Su had just stepped on by two wrong steps was blown up!

Second kill!