fang shi tian shu

Chapter 170 Shadow of Death

This middle-aged man, who is not very famous, rarely said a lot of words: "You don't even want to suffer this much. How dare you say that you are an elite? Waste."

The Nanman general waved his knife and cut the silk vines that wrapped around his legs, but in a moment, those silk vines had crawled all over their bodies! Among these silks, all they can do is barely struggle to move their bodies, extremely slowly.

The young man wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, rushed up and kicked the general's head fiercely, and said angrily, "Damn, it's because of your useless incompetence that the current situation is like this! Still want to hurt me, I fucking turn around and kill your whole family, understand!"

The bound general struggled to say, "Are we incompetent? Your methods are so cruel that no one can stand it! Your magic mistakes are to blame us for not having enough endurance! You are scum!"

"You are the scum, and we are practitioners, understand? Your life and death are all in our hands. You have to do whatever you want. No matter how painful the magic is, you have to endure it, understand?"

Middle-aged man: "Throw it in." Therefore, the gangster skillfully tied the Nanman's collar tightly and threw it directly into the black pool.

Although his mouth was stuffed with dead grass, as soon as he entered the black pool, the southern generals let out a shrill howling sound!

Hearing the howling, the soldiers present trembled again!

The gangster saw the general's equally distorted facial features and said happily, "Master, not to mention that even if they die, the ghost soldiers made are more useful than ordinary people. How can ordinary ghost soldiers directly trap hundreds of people?"

"It's better to live."

"But master, do we really throw all these soldiers in? This snakehead mountain should be the last place for the imperial people to come, and the guards are only seven or eight hundred. Let's throw these people in, but no one will do cooli.

"Black water is rare."

Of course, the gangster knows what the master means. The ingredients contained in the black water here are similar to the raw liquid refined by Dixianmen, and the sharing of the two can greatly improve the effect of the original liquid! This refining ghost general was also temporarily tempted because the two happened to find this black water on this trip, but the original liquid was too domineering to be supported by the black water and has not been successful so far.

"Master, can't we take this black water away? Taking it back is also our first achievement, and we can also study it to dilute this black water or raw liquid. Isn't the success rate higher then?

"The time shift is invalid."

Middle-aged people speak extremely concisely, but others can't learn it. His bastard disciple has been learning, but he always doesn't understand. He can only add a word "understand" after he speaks, hoping that others will think that his words are concise, but the result is always funny and generous.

The apprentice thought for a moment and asked, "Master, do you mean that even if they are trained into ghost soldiers, their combat effectiveness is higher than now? Is it just that we can manipulate it?"

At this time, the soldiers in the black pool were angry again, and the middle-aged man nodded while grabbing the dead ghost soldiers.

"Look at them."

The apprentice understood, but the bound southern barbarian soldiers were full of despair.

Dozens of teams of the empire moved forward in an orderly manner. Although the road conditions were not good along the way, I didn't meet any barbarians!

Although this makes everyone have no damage and maintain good combat effectiveness, Sun Yi feels more dangerous. Other than the soldiers in the python pass, no one else knows their origin. Externally, this team is just a regular squadron that takes over the people in the cave. Normally, when the barbarians know such a team, they should at least send out sent outshaos to find out, and even directly send a large army to clean up, even in the area under the control of the empire. But what's wrong with this abnormal calm?

Have the barbarians identified their intentions without exploring?

I have discussed with Diao Hongwu, and Diao Hongwu is also a little unclear. A few days' journey, not even a barbarian nail? Has the barbarians' physique degenerated?

Diao Hongwu: "I don't understand the art of war, but there seems to be something wrong with it. We practitioners have been walking for a few days, and our physical strength has declined a little, and our vitality is not very full. It's better not to attack General Sun.

Of course, Sun Yi understands. These practitioners are mixed with the Jinwei camp. At first, these practitioners can also use their own skills such as transformation to help themselves move forward, but over time, no one can withstand this consumption. If it hadn't been for the meticulous care of the soldiers of the Guards, most of these practitioners would have been lost on the road.

After pondering, Sun Yi unfolded the topographic map and said to Diao Hongwu: "In this case, Mr. Diao, do you think it is feasible for us to raid the Snake Head Mountain tonight?"

"Snake Head Mountain?" Diao Hongwu was stunned when he heard the words. Sun Yi has mentioned this place name more than once, which is one of the four routes they set, but it is also the most unsuitable path Sun Yi said before. Because this snakehead mountain is a little strange, no matter which practitioner is, it is often inexplicably affected. And practitioners are affected. Whether it is the southern barbarians or the imperial team, their strength will be reduced. The other three places are slightly favorable to the empire.

Sun Yiyi: "Yes, it's Snake Head Mountain. Although this place is not easy to walk away, it is suitable for my guard camp to fight. Mr. Diao's team can just preserve its strength. And now our position is the closest to the Snake Head Mountain, so as not to let the practitioners work hard.

"But doesn't General Sun mean that the barbarians have discovered our intentions? This..."

"Even if they find out, judging from the current situation, they are just shrinking the defense, which is just right for us to make a quick breakthrough. Instead of consuming our strength on the road and concentrating all our strength at several gates, it will be more difficult for them to effectively encircle and suppress us after we break through to the southern barbarian territory. It's time to hurry."

Dian Hongwu nodded, Sun quickly made a few pigeons in one bite, and the whole team quickly gathered!

However, Wang San in the rear regarded the collection whistle as nothing, holding Yunduoduo in one hand and constantly rotating the hexagram disk with the other hand.

Yunduoduo couldn't understand the complicated changes on the hexagram plate and asked, "Third brother, you have calculated so many times. What on earth have you calculated?"

Wang San said strangely, "There's something wrong. After several hexagrams, it seems that there is something wrong with me!"

"Is it beneficial?"

Wang San put away the gossip and said, "It doesn't mean that the action is beneficial, but that I don't need to arrange the next battle at all, and it is bound to make the two sides close to the fighting team."

Yun Duoduo thought for a moment: "But didn't you say that the harder they fight, the more likely you are to take power?"

"No. This is not the characteristic of human nature. I have to participate in the process of defeat, so that I have a reason to take the initiative. If I didn't participate in their defeat, the subsequent takeover could only be regarded by them as taking advantage of people's danger. Or, if I help them win from the beginning, they won't appreciate me and think I'm just the icing on the cake.

"Third Brother!" Yunduo shouted seriously.

"What are you doing?"

"You think things are too complicated. Aren't you tired?"

Wang San sweated violently. Looking at Yunduo's flashing eyes full of puzzlement, he simply patted his thighs and said, "They can toss as much as they like. Let's talk about it then!" Play with you first!"

Snake Head Mountain is named because it is shaped like a snake's head. However, unlike the relative safety represented by other peaks in the wilderness, Snake Head Mountain is in danger. Although there are no swamps, there are many poisonous snakes and other highly poisonous animals and plants on the mountain! This mountain is the only north-south channel within a radius of dozens of miles, and there are relatively more organisms passing by. If there are more prey, how can there be fewer hunters?

Even the southern barbarians who control here only explored a few key paths on the mountain and guarded them. Even if the rest of the position is broken through, the invaders will pay a huge price. Naturally, it is impossible to deal with such a dangerous terrain, which the defenders dare not go deep into, and can only attack the main road!

At night, the imperial sergeants were ready outside the Snake Head Mountain.

The west side of the snake head is a cliff, and an almost vertical cliff cuts the north and south. The east side is an open land, but this open land is simply a trap, because this seemingly calm ground is a deep swamp with a radius of hundreds of square kilometers! What's more horrible is that there are giant creatures like water monsters. If they cross by boat and raft, they will definitely attract all kinds of swamp monsters to attack!

There is almost no sound on the left and right sides, only the chirping of some animals on the snake head mountain.

The only breakthrough.

In the dark, Sun Yi personally shot 50 guards battalion soldiers, and they were the arrows of this raid!

The path of Snake Head Mountain is narrow, which is suitable for the elite team! Snake Head Mountain is full of poison traps, which is suitable for these people who are not afraid of minor injuries to survive! Snakehead Mountain interferes with practitioners casting spells, which is suitable for strong people who fight only by their bodies!

Fifty elites of the guard camp went out, and there was no sound in the pace of action, as if this team had been completely hidden in the night!

After the guard camp, 12 practitioners quickly followed. Although Shetou Mountain has inexplicable interference with practitioners, this interference is also unstable and does not exist from time to time. Just in case, these 12 practitioners were carefully selected by Diao Hongwu and only overwhelmed 50 pioneers.

These twelve practitioners did not have the iron discipline and skilled jungle skills of the guards. They walked loudly and made a tripping cry from time to time. However, as soon as the voice was emitted, an extremely weak tremor suddenly appeared beside a practitioner walking in the middle! Then, a pair of huge bat wings stretched from his back!

These giant wings are eight meters or even longer, and as soon as the wings are stretched out, they are closed into a circle, covering all these practitioners.

With their wings closed, these dozens of practitioners are as if they have disappeared in the night and can no longer be explored!

A shadow has floated to the foot of the mountain!

(Let's make a complaint. When I first started writing, I really didn't expect the control problem of the article. That was the case when I wrote more than 100,000 yuan. But now that I have written nearly 500,000 yuan, I suddenly found that the control of the article is a big problem. For me, this kind of control is a question of how to fully express what's in your mind. In terms of the plot, the backbone of my outline is extremely clear, and it is right to follow, but some branches and branches are more casual. For example, according to my opinion, the environment of this battlefield should be capitalized with a close-up of 500 words, but... I didn't dare to write it, so I didn't write it. The current situation is that the story has developed to this day, and many things cannot be arbitrarily. For the needs of the whole story, you must choose your own ideas, which is very aggrieved, and I have been aggrieved these days. Try your best to adjust it. I almost forgot how the previous battlefield was written. Next is a big plot. There is no logic in complaining, please forgive me. Then someone really followed my book, thank you.)