fang shi tian shu

Chapter 172 Caught in Prison

"All be on alert and rush up the mountain as fast as possible!"

Under the order, everyone no longer hides their breath. The soldiers of the Guards camp picked up heavy steel knives and quickly rushed to kill them. And the casual practitioner no longer hides his cultivation. He saw that the wide bat wings suddenly unfolded, and there was a vitality riot under the feathers. Eleven chains suddenly stretched, and all twelve practitioners were tied together with one person as the center, and the previous wings as protection suddenly shook!

Although it didn't fly, everyone suddenly felt that their feet were light! With this strength, everyone rushed up, and the speed was much faster than the Jinwei camp!

Sun Yi rarely rushed to the front of the team, but stood still to observe the number of people.

sixty-two people.

Is it really a misjudgment just now? Is it really wrong to count just now? Looking back at the empty rear, Sun Yi shook his head. Now that such an order has been issued, exposure is inevitable. In that case, let's fight!

With a sudden stretch of his foot, Sun Yi was also staggered.

"What a bad luck!" With a bang, Sun Yi rushed forward quickly.

The more you hit the mountain, the more powerful the traps on the road will be. Obviously, it is close to the key area of Snake Head Mountain! The movement to break the trap along the way is getting bigger and bigger, but no one cares about hiding, and the momentum of the group's impact is getting stronger and stronger! This mountain road seems to become a gunfire. The commandos are getting faster and faster in the gunfire, and the momentum is getting louder and louder, waiting to give a head-on blow after meeting the enemy!

I saw the big tent at the top of the mountain!

A few huge shadows appeared in the distance. There is no doubt that they must be the target of this operation!

The machete in the left hand, the long knife in the right hand, and the soldiers of the guard battalion surged on both sides like a tide, and the sharpness in their hands turned into a solemn autumn wind, flashed by!

The twelve big tents were each impacted once by several guards and soldiers, and then collapsed!

And the remaining five big accounts in the middle have no chance of collapse! The transformational power of the twelve practitioners is displayed.

As soon as the chain that bound all the twelve practitioners was loosened, it turned into eleven iron swords and stabbed forward! The tent in front of it is like paper paste. Once it is stabbed, it will be torn apart by these eleven chains!

The man who transformed into bat wings has become a bat! In the rapid flight, between the mouths, silent sound waves suddenly emitted! Even the inhuman soldiers of the Jinwei camp and the practitioners below also suddenly felt that their qi and blood were unstable, not to mention those ordinary people whose physique and vitality were far from comparable to it?

These two are two of the four practitioners of the seven meridians on this trip. They are smooth in the iron cable and happy in the sky!

With the first blow of these two people, the attacks of the remaining ten practitioners came one after another, and the remaining five large tents did not even leave fragments, turning into flying ashes in an instant!

A wave of attacks rushed like a tsunami, without any breathing, no gap, and all 17 big tents on Snake Head Mountain were cleared at just one time!

There was no shout of killing. When Sun Yi arrived here, all the battles were over!

However, the battle to clear the big account is over.

Because there is not even a single person.

The soldiers of the Guards Camp stood on guard on the broken tent, or three, or six people, carefully looking for any living things in the tent.

But, no.

What the hell is going on? Sun Yi's heart became more and more uncertain. Even if it is a trap that lures you to be fooled, it is time to close the net. Why is there still no movement at all? Snake Head Mountain, a southern barbarian road separating the empire, is there no living person?


More than ten torches suddenly lit up, and the whole mountain became bright and everything became extremely clear.

This is obviously a resting place for southern barbarian soldiers. From this point of view, this should also be the only place to rest on the mountain, and the rest of the place is still a path, which is rarely visited. Even these 17 large tents are full of traces of human survival. Why is there no one here?

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Sun ordered: "Round array outgoing, strengthen vigilance!"

All the soldiers gathered quickly to protect the practitioners in the middle to prevent the enemy attack.

But Sun Yi felt something wrong.

Why do these people act in groups of three and six people? I ordered 50 people to come out at that time, if it were a group of three...

Two people are missing!

Sun Yi shouted desperately, "Check who is not here!"

The soldiers in the circle looked left and right blankly and couldn't understand Sun Yi's order. But in an instant, their confusion turned into panic!

"General, the bracelet and Dafei are missing!"

Sun Yi's heart sank when he heard the words!

is missing! My brothers know clearly that bracelets and Dafei are definitely the backbone in it! Although the two are the thinnest, their strength is no less than that of others, especially explosive power, and it is difficult to find opponents among these people! How could two elite warriors have disappeared like this?

"King's bracelet! Xu Yingfei!"

Sun Yiyun shouted with all his strength but didn't get any echo. There is not even an echo.

This is a flat land near the top of the mountain, and a platform with a radius of dozens of meters is very rare on the mountain. All the plants here have been completely flattened in order to prevent the poisonous insects on the mountain from disturbing the normal life of soldiers. But in addition to this platform that has been eradicated, it is a thicker vegetation! Those weeds that are too tall cover everything outside the platform, leaving a gap, like a barrier, but now they form a cage!

Even above the head, there is a huge canopy that covers the whole sky! In order not to be found by the enemies outside, the surrounding trees can be guided by the southern barbarian soldiers stationed to make a natural cover for the platform with dozens of thick canopy trees. The usual good barrier has become the most important part of clasping this cage at this time! Don't even leave a gap!

There was no echo, nor did he hear any feedback from his companions at the foot of the mountain. Sun Yi realized that they had been isolated!

Sun Yi quickly walked into the team and ordered, "Narrow the defense circle, seize the time to rest and recover."

More than a dozen torches burned, illuminating the whole space.

But it just illuminates this space, and there is no light to reveal the cage.

Qi Le said, "General Sun, are we waiting here?"

Sun Yi looked at the five paths around the platform and said, "Of course, we have to wait for us to recover ten times of our combat effectiveness. The other party can make the arrangement so excellent, which means that everything has been prepared for a long time. Even if we break through immediately, we will not meet them for temporary troop transfer. At this time, the ambush does not appear, which is more obvious for us.

"Then your two missing soldiers..."

"The two of them will never disappear without any sound. If they are really defeated, with the fighting power of our guard battalion, they will not be able to sound the alarm until they die. I will send someone out to pick it up later.

Sun Yi's words make sense. Even Qi Lekai and Jian Zhongshun's joint efforts may not be able to kill a remote mountain camp soldier quietly, let alone suddenly kill two people at the same time during the march?

Quiet. Deadly quiet. I only heard the torch crackling.

The two soldiers quietly touched over and said to Sun: "General, we have been walking in the middle just now. We haven't encountered any situation. We don't need to rest. We can go out to pick them up."

Sun Yi looked at the two seriously and said, "It's two people who are missing. Now let them look for them again?"

A soldier said, "General, they should have found something that can't be said. In the past, at least four people could break through. The situation is unknown now. You can't go out of the big team!"

Sun Yi was silent.

A practitioner said, "General, if you don't trust me, I can pass. They may have met practitioners, and it is safer to have a practitioner together.

Sun took a look at the practitioner. Although this person's cultivation is not as good as Qi Lekai and Jian Zhongshun, his transformation is deeply remembered by Sun Yi. The transformation of this man turned out to be a pair of wings, and the feathers on the wings turned out to be a black flying knife! Although the combat power is average, these flying knives composed of vitality are extremely difficult to detect. Through his vitality manipulation, the power is not inferior to the elite assassins in the army! In addition, the number of flying knives changes with vitality, and hundreds of rounds can be reached in an instant, and the range of killing is also horrible!

Qi Lekai said, "Liang Baosheng's magic is powerful enough to protect himself, and there should be no problem with the cooperation of several people."

Liang Baosheng nodded, and the two soldiers also nodded. Just now, this man's flying knife in the sky really impressed the two of them. With this man's pressure, it can indeed be guaranteed to be foolproof.

Sun Yi asked, "Our people who have practiced strong gymnastics are very sensitive to practitioners, but we haven't found anything along the way. How can it show that there are really practitioners behind?"

Qi Lekai asked, "Then shall we wait for all of us to rush back and take the troops up to patrol the mountain?" The general made a decision early.

Sun Yi narrowed his eyes and nodded deeply.

Seeing this, the two soldiers and Liang Baosheng immediately stood up and tightened their tight shape. Under the gaze of everyone, they walked firmly into the path.

The other two soldiers took a look at Sun Yi, ran quickly to the path to the entrance of the platform, and said, "If you find any situation, shout out. We will listen to your voices outside."

The figure of the three disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Time passes.

exchanged three shifts, and everyone rested twice, but there was still no news.

The time of rest is very fixed, and the time of incense is rotated. Three rotations, it's half an hour! The barbarians don't attack, but the people sent out are gone! What the hell is going on!

Rao is a guard battalion general who has experienced a hundred battles, and at this time, his heart also began to feel a little weak. What kind of power can make five very powerful people disappear silently! At this moment, although everyone is still silent, everyone's heart is constantly beating drums.