fang shi tian shu

Chapter 174 A flash of dark green!

Jan Zhongshun and Qi Le looked at each other and quickly separated after a brief interaction. Qi Lekai and most of them followed Sun Yi up the mountain, while Jian Zhongshun took four people to turn around and go down the mountain.

And the neat and uniform guards are not careless in their hearts. The team, which should have been silent, suddenly heard an uncertain voice: "General, the cry just now should be a bracelet."

"Ah!" Suddenly, the scream came again, but it stopped abruptly in the scream! The interruption that seemed to have been suddenly choked off in the jungle for a long time, as if to announce to people that something had begun.

Hearing this sad cry, the team was silent for a moment and suddenly buzzed.

"Is the bracelet dead?"

This question is also the reason why everyone, including Sun Yi, is constantly fensive. These guards battalion soldiers have experienced hundreds of battles and have long had a clear understanding of their combat strength. Although they are not invincible and often have casualties, no matter what happens, they have never made such a scream!

Even if the opponent is the strange and unpredictable Southern barbarian royal guard Xiong Wangwei, even if he is a practitioner of the immortal gate with extremely high cultivation!

Sun Yi knows this best, so he seems calm, but his heart is also the most uneasy. Except for General Cheng and several other generals he met, Sun Yi was confident that no one could kill him quietly. As for those practitioners, if their combat power can be compared with the seven stars of the empire practicing strong gymnastics, they can't escape their keen feelings at all. Similarly, if powerful people such as Beiyi Batu, Nanman Bear Wangwei, and Dongli Peak Swordsman appear, they will also feel something.

However, why didn't their own people give any warning signs along the way!

It's not a practitioner, not a bear Wangwei, or a figure from other dynasties. What is that!

Is it really a ghost?

After two screams, everything returned to silence again. However, everyone's heart is no longer silent.

The winding path is illuminated. There were 54 people left in the whole team, but 23 torches were raised to illuminate the whole road and ready to meet the enemy at any time.

There have been missing people. Does it make sense for the team to continue to sneak?

However, what is illuminated is only this narrow path. Weeds and shrubs on the mountain are everywhere. A few meters away from the path, the firelight is all covered by vegetation and can no longer be transmitted behind.

A practitioner staggered at his feet. Although he didn't really fall down, the sudden chaotic step was extremely obvious at this moment, and even Sun Yi looked back.

"Why is the broken road on this mountain so difficult to walk! This time has tripped me several times!"

No one paid attention to his dissatisfaction. The difficulty of mountain roads is common sense, not to mention this kind of person who sits in the house and practices all year round?

The team continues to move forward.

You can't even hear the sound of insects. You know, the path here is full of vegetation, and there are no insects in the dense branches and leaves that tightly cover everything around you. What a dangerous place this is! Normally, how refreshing the dense green here would be, but at this time, the surrounding green has become green iron fences, locking everyone.

In such a dead silence, the sound of messy footsteps is extremely obvious. And this time, the one who tripped turned out to be a guard battalion soldier!

With the physical strength of the soldiers in the guard camp, even if a few ordinary stones appear at their feet, they can only be smashed and kicked by them. What's more, these people have so much survival experience, how can they be casually tripped?

Sun Yi suddenly remembered that he had been tripped once before, and suddenly "buzzed" in his mind and shouted, "Stop!"

Everyone looked at each other in con's face.

"Check if there are any obstacles under your feet!"

Everyone didn't know what Sun Yi meant, but they also bowed their heads to look for it. Although there is a layer of grass leaves on the ground, under the shallow grass leaves is a gravel path. Although the road is rough, it is flat. Where did the obstacles come from?

After groping for a while without any gain, the soldiers staggered and said together, "No abnormality."

When all the guards battalion soldiers made such a sound, the soldier who had just been tripped suddenly changed!

Sun Yi looked at him and said, "Xiaojiu, where did you just trip over?"

No one knew what Sun Yi's question meant, and the seven practitioners who followed were even more impatient and said impatiently, "Do you still blame the ground for walking unsteadily? Hurry up and go down the mountain when you get to the top of the mountain.

Xiao Jiu walked back eight steps with a gloomy face, stood beside another soldier and said, "That's it."

"Is that correct?"

"I remember correctly. After trip, I took six steps, which is this place.

Sun Yi's eyes looked at the soldier who was standing here.

The soldier was also confused and said, "Report the general, I just checked it, and there is nothing abnormal. The gravel road below is very flat and there is no protrusion.

At this time, everyone understood. Xiaojiu was not tripped by something on the road at all, but was... what?

And the key is that since they walked into the bushes that were used as a shield, the feeling of being gently tripped has been like a shadow, and everyone has been tripped at least twice!

Sun Yiyi: "Dig the ground for inspection and see what kind of trap it is!"

All the people around retreated, leaving an open space, and Xiaojiu and the soldier took out tools to dig on the spot.

The grass leaves on the ground were swept away, revealing a gravel paved toilet.

There is no exception.

The tools in their hands dug down, but in order to prevent the plants from growing below, the path was first dug out a deep trench on the ground and then dumped the stones. The whole gravel road and the surrounding soil have been dug to find out what kind of trap is below.

Everyone's eyes are on the ground. If this trap is found, it can reduce a lot of danger for the army to advance.

But there is nothing on the ground.

A small half-meter pit was dug. Although the stone did not bottom out, no abnormality was found. What kind of trap is this that can be buried half a meter deep and affect people on the ground?

Everyone stared intently. Years of experience in marching told them that if such a trap is found and a way to break it, it is likely to be equivalent to breaking most of the arrangement of the barbarians! The barbarians have endured until now, probably to lure the enemy deeper and maximize the role of these hidden traps!

Everyone's attention is on the ground dug by the two people.

And just then, a dark shadow suddenly jumped out of the grass next to it! Everyone only felt a flower in front of them, and a dark green thing grew out like a rainbow bridge and disappeared on the other side! The whole process was caught in a flash, which caught people off guard!

As fast as these soldiers practicing strong gymnastics do not have any warning, and even Qi Lekai has no time to react to the practitioners behind!

And at this moment, the two people digging the ground disappeared like evaporation in the world! There is no sound!

I saw Sun Yi jump forward one by one, and the long knife in his hand was fiercely split before! However, this long knife can only be cut into the dark green, cutting off a little debris, but it does not slow down even a trace of the dark green!

In the grass on the other side, I only heard two rustling sounds, followed by an endless silence!

At this time, these soldiers reacted, and the two soldiers closest to Xiaojiu got up and rushed into the grass!

"Do not act rashly!"

Sun Yi's voice sounded at this time, and his soldiers were shocked, but the obedience that had long been integrated into the blood made them stop their bodies flying forward.

Without the impact of soldiers, practitioners will naturally not act. What's more, all this happened too quickly, and so far, they haven't recovered!

The slow reaction of the practitioner did not fall into Sun Yi's eyes at all. What he cares about is why there is no sound after sinking into the grass!

He clearly remembered that the two people who rushed in behind shouted angrily! But once you enter the grass, the loud shouting stops abruptly!

There is a layout in the back!

But why didn't they have any feelings until now!

What exactly is that dark green thing?

"Cut off the grass, regardless of the poisonous grass!"

Sun Yi's order made the soldiers who stopped rushing forward and picked up the long knife in their hands and slashed the grass!

When the first knife goes down, a sweet smell comes out. The soldiers skillfully took out their masks to cover their mouths and noses and continued to cut them off.

With the second knife, a pale yellow juice suddenly splashed from a thick weed, splashing on two soldiers nearby, and the thick military uniform was corroded with several small holes!

The third knife went down, I don't know what kind of insect nest it had, and a flying insect rushed to the crowd! The soldiers quickly applied large doses of insect repellent to their bodies so that these flying insects would not interfere with their actions.

However, the seven practitioners did not have any insect repellent. Therefore, these flying insects that were shocked and then angered by the insect repellent flew to the practitioners one after another!

At this moment, the faint sweet smell also came. When they smelled this smell, the practitioner suddenly felt disgusted, and the fishy sweetness made them feel upset. And the arrival of flying insects left a huge lump on them! Unlike other bugs, as soon as this flying insect stung the skin, the extremely strong burning, soreness and severe pain came, and the redness and swelling on the skin appeared rapidly. The toxicity is too strong!

In a hurry, everyone hurried out, no matter what their transformation is, they protect their bodies tightly.

It was not until this time that these practitioners really saw the horror of this grass! After only a few knives, they made themselves tired of dealing with it. If they fall into the depths of the grass, even they can't guarantee that they will walk out intact!

(I want to complain, but it's too late... Simply put, I feel that my still life description skills are too thin. In addition, I haven't called for collection during this period, so I really haven't collected it...)