fang shi tian shu

Chapter 186 Civil Disturbance

When I came to the abandoned barracks again, the scene in front of me had completely changed. Those vines have spread to the whole open space at this point! It gives people the feeling of facing sea grass in their eyes! These vines twisted out of thin air, as if they were struggling to grow up. It is only because of the lack of nutrients that the current length is maintained.

What are the nutrients? These people know the habits of plants in the wilderness, and the nutrients that feed them are naturally human lives!

Out of the narrow passage, the attackers hiding in the grass also disappeared. Still can't feel the breath of any creatures, but Sun Yi is sure that as long as they go back, they will inevitably be attacked by things hidden in the grass.

It is dangerous behind you and dangerous in front of you. Seeing the few soldiers left, Sun Yi said cruelly, "Go over and we will go back through the swamp next to us!"

As soon as Sun Yi's words came out, he suddenly heard a soldier behind him say, "Walking through the swamp is purely looking for death."

Sun Yi was furious when he heard the words! These soldiers of the guard camp have always obeyed the orders of the officers! It is also their absolute obedience to orders that the team will never fall behind in the face of all kinds of enemies. However, now, someone openly resists his orders! This has never happened before!

Suddenly turning around, Sun Yi stared at the rebellious soldier and said angrily, "What are you talking about!"

The soldier's face did not have any expression, and he was completely saying an extremely normal thing: "That wilderness is more dangerous than these grass. If we don't care about the speed of the march, we can spend more than ten days barely through the grass. But what about that swamp? Even if it is the guard camp, do you have the experience of successfully crossing a large swamp?

Speaking this sentence, the soldier looked extremely calm. However, the mood in the scene was extremely unquiet. Sun Yi stood at the front of the team with a gloomy face, and all the soldiers behind him moved back together to completely isolate Sun Yi from them! It's clear!

"Ghost, do you want to reverse it?"

The soldier known as the "ghost head" still maintained his calm appearance and said, "The reason why the general is a general is only three points. First, the force is stronger than us. Second, the experience of commanding in battle is richer than ours. Third, the judgment of breath on the changes in the battlefield is sharper than ours. We are not as good as General Sun, we all know. I have been doing tactics for so many years, and I won't have this vision."

As he said, except for large-scale actions that must be formulated by Cheng De, small-scale action plans are almost completed by this ghost. Relatively speaking, Sun Yi's responsibilities are more like approvers and executors of the plan. If Sun Yi is the skeleton of the whole guard camp, then this ghost head is the head of the whole guard camp. It is precisely because of his function that his words cannot be ignored.

Sun Yi: "What on earth are you trying to say?"

All the soldiers looked at the ghost head. The planner of this guard camp has almost always been silent. Even in the battle, his responsibilities are mostly to support and respond to the winger. It can be said that except when making a plan, the existence of this ghost is extremely low. It is also for this reason that no one can ignore his words when he opens his mouth or even takes the initiative.

The ghost said, "The current situation is, first, the enemy is in the dark, and the force and bravery can't prevent the attack of the monsters in the dark at all. If it goes on, you will be left alone in the whole team and then die. Second, the terrain here remains unchanged, and there is no way to say the command of the incoming battle. Most of them still depends on the reaction ability of each of us. Third, our enemies now have no breath, so the perception of breath can't help us in any way. That is to say, the reason why the general became a general is not true now.

The reason is not true, that is to say, his grandson can no longer be a general! Sun Yi snorted coldly, "Now that we are still in danger, do you want to usurp power? Are you looking for death?

The ghost said, "It's not that I want to die, but the general that you want to die. Don't you know that if we walk from the swamp, we will be completely destroyed?

"We are the Guards Camp, how can the whole army be destroyed! As long as you are not suspicious, we will act as usual against the enemy and will naturally be safe.

"But this is just your wishful thinking. Don't you know the danger in this wilderness? A single jungle on Snake Head Mountain can block us for many days, and there are just all kinds of extremely dangerous plants in it. And what about that swamp? Didn't you hear the cry from inside just now? The plant inside is not as dangerous as Snake Head Mountain. What's more dangerous is that the animals inside are more difficult for us to resist. It's easy to get in. How can we get out? Don't you know General Sun?

Sun Yi sneered and said, "The plants in the swamp are scarce. Where is the dense danger on this mountain? If it's an animal? Which animal is more dangerous than us?

Sun Yi is telling the truth. They all understand that as soldiers of the guard battalion, they all practice strong gymnastics, and their bodies can no longer be described by common sense. Those so-called dangerous animals are just a piece of cake in front of them. It can be said that only large equipment, a large number of people, and the same practitioners can compete with them.

"But the creatures in the swamp will also use the attack of monsters in the grass and try their best to drag us to the bottom of the swamp. Didn't the general think of this?"

Sun was furious and said, "Why are you talking so much nonsense? What the hell do you want to do? Do you want to do the opposite?"

"I'm just saying that the general's order is wrong."

"Is I wrong? So what do you think I should order? Continue to this path? Passing through the grass? Or rush over by yourself and don't care about the team behind? Give me another choice!"

"General, haven't you noticed that the place where we are standing now is very safe, and the vines before and after don't attack? You rely too much on the sense of breath and past combat experience, so it is difficult to make a correct judgment in this situation. Now, the formulation and implementation of the plan should be separated, that is to say, you should do what I say.

Sun took a look at his feet. Sure enough, from the intersection of the mountain path to the seaweed-like vines on the other side of the abandoned barracks, there were actually less than 20 meters in diameter, and there were almost no vines to survive!

"General, instead of considering why this zone was formed, you gave a plan to die. I doubt your current sobriety and the correctness of your decision."