fang shi tian shu

Chapter 190 Collapse in an instant!

Sun Yi stood opposite the little eagle, but did not move. At this time, he felt extremely strange in his heart, but this strange reason could not be said. You can only continue to ask, "If other vines want to attack us, but you stop them, won't it cause other vines to attack you?"

When Xiaoying heard this, he smiled and said, "As I just said, I have tried to assimilate the main trunk of this vine. Although it didn't work, I also controlled part of the backbone in my hands. In this section, no other vine will attack me!"

Then, he moved casually, and a circle of vines outside the open space grew like a dyke. Then, the little eagle continued, "If you are worried, I will block the vines I can control, so that nothing else can directly attack you. You have to rest assured this time. Hurry up and look for it."

With the assurance of his comrades-in-arms, every soldier was cheered up. He learned that there must be something in this land that could threaten the vines, and they completely concentrated on digging the ground to find possible clues.

Sun Yi frowned and looked at the little eagle in front of him. After looking at it for a long time, he asked, "How can you go back to the barracks with us like this?" Can you leave this place?"

Hearing this, the little eagle who had been laughing and scolding suddenly became lonely and sighed, "General, do you still think I'm a human?"

"What? Are you afraid?

"Yes, I'm afraid. I'm like this, and I'm a monster in anyone's eyes. How can I live with normal people?

Sun Yi took a deep breath and continued to ask, "Don't worry about anything else. I just ask you, can you leave here and go back to the barracks?"

Xiaoying was stunned and heard some of the hidden meanings in Sun Yi's words and said, "Not now. Give me some time. I want to assimilate all that backbone into my body. At that time, you can leave."

"Isn't the previous assimilation unsuccessful?"

"But it has been assimilated a little. If my essence recovers, I can assimilate a little every time. As long as you give me some time, I can become the backbone and control the growth of these vines. Saying this, Xiaoying couldn't help asking, "General, I know you can't feel any breath from me, not even the smell of plants. Even if I can go back like this, how can I make everyone accept it? I'm not a human anymore..."

Sun Yi firmly interrupted him: "Don't worry about this, just explain it to General Cheng. It's enough for us to accept you, and it can be said that you are a practitioner who has practiced the method of controlling plants, and no one will question the strangeness of the practitioner.

The little eagle seemed to see some hope, but immediately said sadly, "General, our guard camp has seen the world and can accept monsters like me. But what about my family? How will I face them in the future?

This is human's normal. Family members are the closest people to themselves, but how will they react when they know that such a big change has happened to them? Others are easy to accept their changes, but because they are just spectators, just take a look. And family members are the ones who really think about themselves. They will pay attention to their own changes bit by bit, and ups and downs for even a trace of change.

Many people think that family is troublesome, family has many things to do, and that friends are people who really understand themselves. In fact, it's just that friends don't take you seriously and make you feel that they have left your own space.

So Xiaoying is afraid that his family will not accept this change. This kind of fear is the same for anyone else.

But when Xiaoying said this, Sun Yi's face suddenly showed a cautious expression!

"Aren't you an orphan? Where did the family come from? Sun Yi blurted out.

Little Eagle's expression was suddenly frozen by this question, and asked stiffly, "Yes... I'm an orphan... But what should I do to ask my wife in the future? If I go back..."

Hearing this, Sun Yi suddenly entered a state of preparation. He pointed the knife machete directly at Xiaoying in his hands and said, "How can Xiaoying please his wife? Real eagles are only interested in men. Who are you?"

This "eagle" suddenly became extremely embarrassed. I'm only interested in men... When I found that I didn't feel right, I immediately replied, "No, I'm actually interested in both men and women, but after I become a vine, I don't have this kind of biological instinct. I'm really not interested in men now. Men and men can't reproduce! General, don't get me wrong. I'm affected by these vines!"

When the alert rose again, Sun Yi suddenly understood what he had been warning about. During the whole process, this "eagle" has never called the names of the rest of the soldiers! Moreover, Sun Yi's eyes fell on the foot of the "eagle". His foot was still in this open space, and the vines on his feet were still falling off and falling into the ground under his feet like melted water.

Sun Yi asked coldly, "Isn't this area harmful to you?" Why don't you take your foot back?"

Suddenly, the little eagle with an extremely embarrassed expression suddenly laughed and said, "Really, it's not funny for you to find out!"

As soon as Xiaoying's voice started, a guard battalion soldier behind Sun suddenly shouted, "I dug something in the ground! It's also that kind of vine!"

These people have been focused on finding things under the ground and have never paid attention to Sun Yi's conversation with this "little eagle". Attracted by such a shout, everyone surrounded the soldier who dug something and looked at the object that could be relieved by themselves.

A flash in the eyes of "Little Eagle"!

Sun Yi's heart suddenly felt cold!

There is no time to call for warning!

I saw the ground surrounded by everyone, and suddenly the fountain spewed out countless vines! These vines are like tarsi-bone maggots. Once they fall on these guards battalion soldiers, they are tightly wrapped around them! Moreover, there are more and more vines spewing here, and the hole like a spring is actually hit by the vines!

At the same time, the so-called "threatening to the vines" ground, just like the outside, the vines began to grow wildly! In the blink of an eye, it grows to the same height and even lush like those aquatic plants outside the circle!

And the most frightening thing is that the vines outside the open space were like a dam. At this time, it was like a tide, like a tide of maggots, directly hitting the soldiers of the guard battalion in the open space!

All this happened in a moment, and the voice of "eagle" sighed at this time: "You're right, it's that kind of vine."