fang shi tian shu

Chapter 215 Extreme Impact!

Wang San did not blush at all. Pretending to lift half of his body with difficulty and looking at the barbarian cavalry that have appeared in the distance, Wang San said, "There is no need to die. There is no doubt that I will lose. I will be the same whether I have it or not."


"They are disobedient and insist on rushing to fight regardless of other people's ambush. Since I can't help now, I'll refresh myself and wait to escape.


"The wound in my body is still far from healing. Now I basically seal the things in the meridians with all my strength, and it is difficult to use magic. But when the injury is healed, there is no need to prepare other arrangements, which can let you go through the disaster directly.


"Well, why do you only ask this sentence? After the injury is healed, the new spell can directly let you avoid the punishment of heaven.


" because the third brother studied hard in order to get through the disaster."


Wang San suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. Why? I'm not the creator of the world! However, when he saw that Yunduo was not energetic but looked at his big eyes, he felt the weakness that she could not hide. Wang San hugged Yunduo's waist and hugged himself tightly, saying, "Because you are the little baby of the third brother~"

All the words of Wang San and Yunduoduo are transmitted through sound, and naturally outsiders can't hear them. It was also because he could not hear that the soldiers carrying stretchers for the two only witnessed their movements at this time. First, they looked at each other affectionately, then looked at each other, and suddenly hugged each other! What about hugging together? Are you going to roll on this stretcher for a while?

The enemy's troops are about to attack, and the two of them still have this interest?!

"Damn! Whoever let these two people lie on the stretcher and don't have to come down, just do whatever you like!" The soldier behind carrying the stretcher simply closed his eyes and didn't look at him rudely.

Some soldiers on the side also felt a sense of absurdity and powerlessness when they saw it. However, there was no time to pay attention to the two of them and stared at the barbarian cavalry running in front of them.

Wang San's hand swam on Yun Duoduo's back. As soon as he put several new prohibitions composed of simple space spells into Yun Duoduo's body, he heard the shouts of the barbarian cavalry!

So fast!

It's not only Wang San who was surprised, but Fang Jin was even more surprised!

These barbarian beasts in the southern barbarian territory are huge and powerful, and the difficult place to walk is like flat ground. However, it is precisely because of these characteristics of barbarian beasts that their travel speed is not particularly fast. These mammals look like giant lizards, and their four feet are as thick and short as lizards. However, it is these huge reptiles that are completely contrary to common sense and are faster than the Beiyi horse! In little time, everyone seems to have smelled the heavy sand and dust rolled up by the barbarian beasts!

"Strengthen vigilance! There are practitioners on the beast!" Fang Jin shouted, which was completely for the practitioners in the team.

Sure enough, when they heard Fang Jin's shouts, all the practitioners who had taken turns to participate in the battle became energetic and stood in the battle position to prepare for the battle.

Dao Hongwu walked to Fang Jin with great dissatisfaction and scolded, "What order are you issuing indiscriminately! Do you know that there are practitioners on the opposite side? Who is responsible for the problem?

Fang Jin looked at the barbarian beast on the opposite him getting bigger in his eyes at a very fast speed, and was so surprised that he almost dropped the knife in his hand! With his marching experience, the speed of these beasts is no longer slower than that of the soldiers of the Guard Battalion when they hit with all their strength!

How terrible is the impact speed of the soldiers of the Guard Battalion? The extreme speed brought by their powerful explosive power is slow to say that it is a horse, and even the faster mountain leopard can't catch up!

And those barbarian beasts the size of a hill, once they have the speed of a guard battalion soldier, how destructive it will be!

70 or 80 barbarian beasts, not to mention attacks, these barbarian beasts alone rush through the array and hit them, can also knock the whole team into meat foam!

At this time, there is no time to talk nonsense with Diao Hongwu! Raise the long knife in your hand and quickly give the order: "The rest of the people are scattered and prepare for a long-range attack! Charge all the guards battalion! Stop them from approaching!"

After saying that, I only heard an explosion! Under the full outbreak of the soldiers of the guard camp, everyone was stepped out of a big pit, and everyone rushed to the barbarian cavalry!

D Diao Hongwu was ignored!

This is a great shame! Diao Hongwu blushed and had a thick neck. He almost didn't breathe. He was really stunned for a moment before he recovered and said angrily, "How dare you order without authorization! You don't know who the officer is? You are disobeying the military order! Don't scatter! They all gathered in place and hit the attack to prevent each other from breaking!"

Who do you listen to?

Two completely opposite commands.

But at this time, it was too late for everyone to react, and the barbarians running in the distance collided with the guards camp without fancy!

The smoke suddenly rises!

When the soldiers of the Guard Battalion quickly rushed forward, they could still dodge on a small scale, dodged the arrows and short spears of the barbarian soldiers on the barbarian beast, and cut the long knife in their hands sideways on the scales of the barbarian beast!

The knife is an ordinary knife. It's just that the user's power is too strong.

But the scales are no longer ordinary scales!

The long knife cut on these scales and made a sonorous metal sound! These scales have been refined with unknown magic blessing, or simply the thick steel armor hanging outside these barbarian beasts. The long knife of the guards battalion soldiers cut on them, and they can't cut these scales, just let these scales sink deeply!

And the long knife in his hand broke without exception!

After the lightning crisscrossed, the soldiers of the guard battalion who rushed through the barbarian beasts were actually unarmed!

Thirty-six guards battalion soldiers stood together like nails. The huge stepping force blew up a piece of sand again.

The barren and wet mud land was hit by great power and lost all the moisture in a moment, like the gravel of the desert, stirred up into the air, and the dust lasted for a long time!

The huge smoke and dust caused by the impact of the barbarian beast and the sudden stop of the soldiers of the guard battalion echoed, as if the two huge shadows would cover the spirits of all the people present.

It was not until this time that I heard a roar of wild beasts!


Even people who have never seen a beast can hear it. These roars are absolutely painful roars. Only the severe pain deep into the bone marrow can cause such a heartbreaking howl!

The next moment, 36 soldiers of the Guard Battalion all rushed out of the smoke and dust of the small regiment. He put on the wide-edged knife at his waist and rushed to the beast behind him again.

And at the same time, a group of beasts also rushed out of the smoke and dust!