fang shi tian shu

Chapter 221 Escape and Falling

"Where did the evil spirit come from!"

Recovering from the stunned god, almost all practitioners came up with this idea.


However, there is no time to think. The two teams are interspersed together again and fought together again!

And the follow-up troops of the Southern Barbarians, which can only be vaguely distinguished, have completely appeared in the rear at this moment!

One party wants to leave.

One party should stay.

The fundamental conflict will inevitably lead to the desperateness of both sides!

However, the barbarians can't play any role, because the pressure of Yunduoduo has been released and has never been taken back.

After recovering a little, Wang Sankan gasped and said, "Duoduo, stop it. It's okay."


Yunduoduo abnormally and resolutely rejected Wang San's request. Because she can feel it, Wang San still has no strength and still needs to walk by himself. If Wang San really recovered a little, how could he be willing to let her walk?

Wang San took a few breaths and said, "The army is coming. We are safe. It's almost over."

Yun Duoduo said, "You are lying. If these dead beasts are allowed to resume their operations, how can we be safe?

Although Yunduo looks not very good-looking, a little fat, quiet and a little stupid, after all, he is also turned into a fox demon. Even if she is really not smart enough, how can she not see the truth of the matter clearly after living for decades?

Wang San naturally understands. However, he really doesn't have the strength to cast a spell to seal the breath emitted by Yunduo, and he can only worry in vain that she will lead to disaster.

For a while, there was a fierce battle around, and my eyes turned red. However, the surroundings of Wang Sanyun Duoduo formed a vacuum zone because of the retreat of the barbarian beasts.

It's too conspicuous.

The more conspicuous it is, the more dangerous it is.

It's not just that the clouds can't resist the disaster. At this time, all the barbarian beasts were far away from their side and were so scared that they couldn't move an inch. Even fools could see that this was definitely the two of them. With such an ability, it can almost make a powerful arm lose its ability to fight. How can it not attract the hatred of the enemy? More importantly, there are too many demons emitted by Yunduoduo!

There are so many that not only beasts can feel it, but also people can feel it!

What should I do if it is exposed?

In addition to Wang San, who would regard a fox demon as his own?

In a hurry, Wang San told him a few words, and Yun Duoduo raised his strength and shouted, "Come and protect the third brother! He cast a spell to suppress these beasts, and now he can't move!"

paused and shouted, "If the third brother can't stand it and the beast resumes its action, we can't leave!"

Before the words fell, the whole battle group suddenly compressed to the center!

This is the thing. In order to hide some facts, we must expose another part of the facts. Because most people's thinking habits doom them to not being able to accept a large number of facts at the same time. Even if all the facts are published, people will subconsciously screen out the facts they are interested in. What are the common characteristics of the facts of interest? Explosion is just a small aspect, and the most important thing is that you don't have to waste too much brain thinking.

So at this time, no one will doubt why these two exposed themselves at this desperate time! Since the two are the key, we have to deal with them first!

Among the two sides, the fastest is the soldiers of the guard battalion!

Taoist priests with Yuantian religion will drag down a few immortal practitioners, and these guard battalion soldiers who did not have to fight with barbarians almost gathered around as soon as Yunduo finished speaking.

"Run with the third brother on your back, or it will be too late! He can't even speak now!"

The first time these soldiers saw this girl with no sense of existence so decisively, they put Wang San on their backs, who was full of demonic spirit.

But Wang San hugged Yunduo tightly, but he didn't let it.

Yunduo stamped his feet in a hurry: "He is used to hugging me and won't let go. Brother, can you carry us two on your back?

At the critical moment, no one cares why Yunduo said such a sentence. The soldier was even more straightforward. He squatted down and carried the two of them together at a glance.

"urgent! Retarms!" Fang Jin saw this and shouted. The surviving soldiers almost carried the practitioners who kept casting spells, as if carrying crossbow machines that were firing crossbows, gathered together and quickly broke through to the north.

Without the containment of barbarians, the practitioners of the fairy gate really can't contain these people. After several rounds of magic attacks, countless limbs were left behind, and they could only see these imperial people escape.

And until these imperial people disappeared, those beast corpses had not returned to normal, still crouching on the ground and trembling!

"Do it! What a good plan to let them run away? How can you tell me to go back and tell me!" A practitioner of the Earth Fairy Gate usually lifts his foot on the corpse of a beast that still can't stand up.

Everyone's eyes turned to the two practitioners who manipulated the beasts. In this battle, if the beasts were not suddenly disobedient and lost half of the team's combat strength, they would have been able to leave all these people behind.

And the two men also wanted to cry without tears and said, "Our magic is fine! But now we can't control it again. There must be a master on the opposite side.

"Are those two little kids who are pissing under their hooves?"

"It should be..."

"Don't you feel it? What comes out of them is demonic spirit! You don't know what it means?"

"I also felt that it was demonic..." The two practitioners were forced to cry by their companions around them, but they wanted to cry without tears. They also want to know what's going on!

At this time, a practitioner who had never spoken asked, "Don't you think it's strange?" Even if they deter these beasts with the breath of powerful monsters, these beasts are dead! How can a corpse be afraid of living people? Have you ever seen machines afraid of animals?

In a word, I asked everyone.

Yes, even if the immortals come, how can these bodies be felt? Something against common sense!

Just as the practitioners of Dixianmen were talking in place, the subsequent troops finally came over.

Tens of thousands!

All these dark-skinned and not tall people with bent legs are soldiers stationed on this barren front line. In order to fight such a war, these practitioners transferred almost all the troops that could be called, in order to completely annihilate the enemy and reflect the ability of the leaders of the immortals.

However, tens of thousands blocked hundreds of people and let them run away?

Chen Bin is different from others. He came quickly in rattan armor, like a military* leader. Seeing the bodies of the barbarians lying on the ground and struggling to stand up, he frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Everyone recounted the whole story just now in great detail. Originally, I thought Chen Bin would be unhappy, even annoyed and lose his temper. However, after a long silence, Chen Bin said, "If we send a barbarian cavalry brigade to fight, but the man suddenly appears in front of the battle, does it mean that the combat power of these barbarian beasts will be completely scrapped by him alone?"

Everyone thought a little and couldn't help sweating coldly!

How many practitioners who can practice to hold positions in the army have no brains? With a little thought, you can think of the horror in it!

Barbarian cavalry! These barbarians are extremely difficult to tame, and the number of them in the whole southern barbarian is not even more than that of practitioners. Similarly, the combat power is not lower than that of practitioners. If the army fights, a barbarian beast is even comparable to several practitioners! Such important combat power is usually a strategic deterrent arm. If the other party can deprive all the combat power of such a top-level army, then the battle after that...

Chen Bin suddenly came again: "What if that person's magic can be taught to others?"

What should I do? Does that mean that the barbarian cavalry and even some other royal beast warfare methods of the southern barbarian are all invalid?

Chen Bin nodded and said, "It's not a waste of time to find such a thing. Report this matter, and the barbarian king and their military must attach more importance to it than us. There should be no problem."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words.

"However, if we can take that person down, we will be the first achievement."

After thinking for a while, Chen Bin said, "I will go back and report the matter later, and then turn this matter into an urgent matter, so that we can justly listen to Chen Gengqing's words and make a more correct arrangement without such a big muscle."

With that, Chen Bin looked at the team of tens of thousands of people behind him. How much money and food will be spent on the mobilization of such a large number of teams? How much impact will it have on the deployment of the entire front line? Once or twice of this senseless large-scale transfer of troops, the whole front line may be tossed across.

Naturally, everyone agrees! Naturally, they have a plan in their hearts. If they don't listen to Chen Gengqing's words, be patient and make good pockets, how can the hundreds of people in the empire escape? What's more, if it is done, this military achievement...

"It's just this battle, we have lost a lot of manpower! After fighting half of their heads, many of us died..."

The response is a corpse, or fragments of a corpse.

"With so many people dead, they will definitely not be so arrogant and will march carefully next. It is even more difficult to find their tracks. Besides, there are only so many people on the front line in our door, I'm afraid..."


A voice suddenly sounded. Everyone followed the sound and couldn't help but be overjoyed!

In the corpse, there are still imperial people alive!

The rest of the living empires completely obeyed Fang Jin's command and carefully sneaked.

Less than 200 people survived, and all of them were injured.

And Wang San still has to be carried by others. This time, he didn't pretend. His left arm was really broken and the injury was indeed worse.

And the specific process of that battle was also recounted by Wang San, who is a man of nonsense, but can be recounted convincingly. In summary, he had long known that there would be problems with such a march, so after discovering the enemy, he seized the time to retreat to prevent the enemy from closing the door and completing the siege. And those demons that make barbarians unable to move are also simulated by Wang San. In order to prove his ability to simulate breath, Wang San repeatedly performed, emitting various breaths such as demonic spirit, murderous spirit, murderous spirit, yin qi and so on.

With such an explanation, recalling everything before, everyone believed it.

Except for Diao Hongwu.