fang shi tian shu

Chapter 223 Identity Exposure

"It's good. You keep taking it. I can't do it." Wang San didn't open his eyes and said simply.

Wang San is indeed trying to regulate the problems that have not been solved in his meridians, because it is more dangerous to delay a little more time than Yunduo. Moreover, Wang San does feel that Fang Jin's scheduling of the team cannot be described professionally at all, which is almost art. Is he a layman to guide an insider? Wang San still has some self-knowledge that others don't have.

But in this case, the smell will change when it falls into Fang Jin's ear.

Angry? Unhappy? Dissatisfied? Just because he wasjia kong before, it was all up to Sun Yi and Diao Hongwu? Or do you deliberately put on airs and pretend to be angry and lower yourself?

Fang Jin said, "Little sir, I'm just a soldier. I can do the march, but I don't know anything about military strategy. I really don't know what to do next. Little Sir, give me an idea! It is also to show everyone the way to live.

Wang San said, "Don't be so full, I can't help but praise it. Next, go to the empire and pay attention to cover up his whereabouts.

"Okay, little sir, can everyone listen to you?"

Wang San understood as soon as he heard it and waited for himself here. Needless to ask, Wang San already knows what Diao Hongwu means. So he said, "You can see what I'm doing. Does anyone listen to me? You didn't listen to me before, but now if something happens, they will put the blame on me.

With that, he waved his hand to stop Fang Jin's desire to open his mouth and continued: "Don't argue, hysteria is the inevitable choice of every arrogant person in the face of mistakes. These practitioners feel that they have the ability to admit their previous mistakes. I know this better than you. So I can't say it, but it has a counterproductive effect. You are a marching connominator. Naturally, you have to make all the decisions and convince them.

"But I can only arrange combat, and I can't do anything else!"

Wang San has a headache. Why do some snives always go to teach him the field he is good at, just because those two knives are more famous than the snives? Do you worship reputation or do you really have no backbone?

But such words can't be said directly. Wang San said, "You just explain the situation publicly, explain the good and bad, and then tell everyone that Diao Hongwu is seriously injured and can't command the whole army. You have full power to make a decision. If there is still someone who refuses to accept it, just say that those who listen to the order will follow you, and those who don't want to listen will stay, and it will end, right? Those practitioners dare to break away from the army?

Fang Jin's face was full of embarrassment and said, "This is not good. Isn't it too stiff..."

"There is no other way but to be tough. Do you have a choice? Besides, you are a soldier! Are you not familiar with the strict probability of building combat effectiveness as a soldier? That's all I've said. You can do whatever you want. After saying that, Wang San closed his eyes again and said nothing at all.

Fang Jin wanted to open his mouth, but when he saw Wang San's non-consultation, he froze in place.

"Have you come to see our hero? How's the injury?"

Although the voice has no confidence, it comes quietly, full of unwillingness and sarcasm. Diao Hongwu unexpectedly walked to Wang San regardless of his injury.

Wang San said modestly, "The forced outbreak of vitality has hurt the meridians, and it is a little difficult to adjust. Mr. Diao is profound. I don't know if he can teach him how to recuperate and speed up his recovery?

Diao Hongwudao: "Although my cultivation is higher than yours," he paused, "but this time I am the same as you, and everyone else, hurt the meridians too desperately. I don't have much experience, but it's better to concentrate on conditioning, don't you think?

Diao Hongwu's eyes narrowed slightly and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. Looking at Wang San, the meaning of warning was obvious.

Wang San said, "Mr. Diao means to concentrate on promoting the operation of vitality and warming up? But now it's marching, and it's difficult to beware of enemy sneak attacks at any time. Is there no auxiliary way? Make people more focused or something.

Diao Hongwu smiled and said, "Yes, I can paste a charm for you to make you feel more at ease. The main reason why you can't calm down is that the demonic spirit emitted when you suppressed the beasts before is too heavy, so you have to press it down.

With that, Diao Hongwu took out a Taoist charm that had been prepared for a long time.

Wang San looked at it and his face suddenly changed!

Exortion of demon charm!

And it is the kind of Taoist charm that, once stimulated, is effective in disturbing a wide range of monsters around!

With Diao Hongwu's cultivation, such a Taoist charm is stimulated, and the power and scope are naturally needless to be said, but Yunduo's side...

Wang San hurriedly said, "Mr. Diao, my previous spell was handed down by the master, which has nothing to do with this. I'm not a monster. It's useless to use such a charm. Just give me a few calm charms."

Diao Hongwu smiled: "Who said it was useless? Your cultivation is low, I don't understand. As long as people provoke evil spirit and anger or something, it will definitely have some bad effects on qi, blood and vitality. This effect is not obvious, but it does interfere with the practitioner's practice. Even if it is the magic handed down by your master, those breaths are real, which really affects your conditioning. I'll still dispel the demon spirit for you. There's no harm.

Wang San was about to refuse, and Diao Hongwu's charm has been inspired!

With no wind movement, this demon charm did not cause any other impact. The others in the team didn't even feel anything and didn't know that Diao Hongwu had inspired such a Taoist charm at all.

But Wang San has been scared into a cold sweat! Because Yunduo's body suddenly trembled!

Without caring about anything else, Wang San grabbed the Taoist charm and tore it off directly and said, "Mr. Diao, you are going to waste my magic! We even have to bury some monster blood in our bodies to simulate this breath. With your demon removal charm, these drops of monster blood have failed, and the demon spirit can't be simulated! What if you meet a barbarian beast again!"

"Oh, that's it. No wonder you have a good talent, but your cultivation has not been rising. It turns out that you are hindered by the practice. Since you value the inheritance of the teacher, I won't embarrass you. When you want to improve your cultivation, you will naturally come back to me.

After saying that, Diao Hongwu turned around and left without looking back. However, the face turned around suddenly with a smile, which was extremely sunny. He clearly saw the shaking of Yunduo's body!

Only monsters will react to such symbols!

Watching Diao Hongwu leave, Fang Jin asked in a low voice, "Listen to him?"

Wang San said, "Listen for the time being. However, try to take the team north. If he repeats it, you will immediately lead people to the empire.

Fang Jin left, and Wang San checked Yun Duoduo cautiously and extremely carefully.

I don't know whether Diao Hongwu's cultivation is powerful or that charm is powerful. In such a short time, the demonic spirit in Yunduo's body almost destroyed his prohibition!

Yunduo is still sleeping or still in a coma. Wang San knew that he didn't have much time.