fang shi tian shu

Chapter 225 Arrangement

"Oh, the senior brother is talking about the thing that Wang San can turn into a demon, right? He has already told us that in order to guard against the barbarian cavalry, the little monster blood in his body can't move. When he returns to the empire, he will personally help me remove the demon spirit.

Dear Hongwu frowned: "When did he say that!"

A practitioner replied, "I said it a long time ago. I said it on the day I met the barbarian army. It was after that that he told us the reason why he didn't go with the army, for fear that some of his breath would affect everyone. The girl beside him is weak because she is with him every day and has a lot of demons on her body.

The practitioner explained flatteringly, but the more he explained, the worse Diao Hongwu looked.

To lead the story here, Diao Hongwu is to make it clear that Yunduo has a demonic spirit and is a monster. But I never thought that Wang San had been guarding against this long ago! Opinions and attitudes are the easiest to preconceive. Wang San told others these things first, and others would certainly think that what he said was true. At this time, it is up to them to correct and tell them the real situation. Not many people will believe it.

Do you really want to do it directly?

Diao Hongwu turned his head and looked at Wang San.

Wang San also looked at Diao Hongwu and smiled.

Dao Hongwu hates it so much that his teeth are itchy!

And another practitioner said, "He apologized to us before, saying that it is better not to use any magic to eliminate demons now, otherwise it will affect his recuperation or something. Before, I thought that he was young and didn't know how to be a man, but now it seems that this boy actually knows the priorities and does not bad things.

Taking advantage of his injury and happened to take the whole team out of the trap, then he had to sell cheaply and say everything he shouldn't say? Hearing this, Diao Hongwu knew that no matter what he said, I'm afraid no one would believe it. So he put his hand into his arms and directly touched the demon-repelling charm.

"Warning! Enemy attack!"

Suddenly, the patrol soldiers shouted, and everyone bounced up and quickly entered the battle position. But far away, only two people slowly appeared.

"Brother Diao! General Fang! It's us!" From afar, I heard the two of them shouting.

When the two walked in, they found that they were the original two practitioners in the team. Just in the battle with those barbarian cavalry practitioners, these two people disappeared. Everyone thought they were dead, but how did they come back now? And come back intact?

Faced with everyone's lack of relaxed vigilance, the two said, "It's really us! At that time, when we started fighting, we stood together and were stunned by some magic. When we woke up, we found that there was nothing around us except dead bodies. We also secretly recuperated from injuries for a long time before running to the empire. I didn't expect to meet everyone. That's great!"

The two are happy, as if they have returned home. Fang Jin and Diao Hongwu took turns to check many times and finally confirmed that it was themselves, which made all the teams relax their vigilance and receive them in the team.

A question is always unavoidable. The two just said that they didn't know anything. There were no barbarian soldiers chasing and intercepting them on the way, and they didn't even see a few barbarians on normal patrol. It took little effort to get here all the way.

This situation makes Fang Jin more confused. He knew that he had no ability to deduce the situation. Although he was puzzled when he encountered such a strange security situation, he couldn't think of any way. After asking for a while, he shook his head and went to arrange the wheel defense.

He continued with a group of practitioners. When everyone practiced and recuperated separately, the two mysteriously came to Diao Hongwu's ear and said, "Brother, take a step to talk."

Diao Hongwu looks awe-in.

"Brother, you can't go back to the empire now. Several necessary roads to go back have been guarded by their heavy soldiers, and we can't break through. They deliberately did it without pursuit and interception along the way, for fear that they would lose too many troops in a war of attrition with us. The whole wilderness is almost hollow in the middle. The army of barbarians is all around the wilderness, and we have been besieged. Now there is only one team in the wilderness looking for our trace, but..."

"But what?"

"Actually, they have already found the whereabouts of the team, otherwise we couldn't come back."

Dao Hongwu was shocked, suppressed his surprise, and asked hoarsely, "Say it again!"

The newly returned practitioner said, "Actually, we were saved by barbarians, otherwise the dying wounds would not have healed so quickly. There are some things to tell my brother..."

Fang Jin arranged the patrol task and looked at the situation of the whole team. I haven't met an enemy recently, but everyone is still recovering well. However, at present, the rations brought by everyone are almost used up, and there are not enough medicinal materials, which can only barely maintain the injury of the people. There is really no way to go on like this. We have to go back.

Diao Hongwu came to Fang Jin with a smile and said, "General Fang, the rest time has obviously become longer recently. Thank you very much, or our injury would not have healed so quickly."

Fang Jin gritted his teeth and said, "Although it has been safer recently, we can't take it lightly. Everyone, take time to rest and recuperate. We are almost in the empire.

Fang Jin did not explain, as if this decision should have been made by him.

And Diao Hongwu rarely did not object, completely contrary to his original intention and echoed, "Yes, yes, it's time for us to go back. Let's go to the Snake Head Mountain from the beginning.

Fang Jin looked at Diao Hongwu in astonishment and didn't know what medicine was sold in his gourd.

Diao Hongwu continued: "Although the other side of the Snake Head Mountain was dangerous when they came, there was no barbarian there when they came, and the vines they said did not pose any threat to everyone. Only a few days have passed, and the barbarian army can't make such a large number of mobilizations so quickly. The enemies of Snake Head Mountain should still have the least, and it is best to break through.

Fang Jin said, "But there is only one path for people to walk in the Snake Head Mountain. It's really a man who can't open it."

Dea Hongwu: "It doesn't matter. We can sneak up on it, as long as we rush to the top of the mountain. The threat of going down the mountain is even smaller. Besides, I would rather face the hundreds of defenders of Snakehead Mountain than thousands of other pass. After all, we are all injured now, what do you think?"

After thinking about it, Fang Jin couldn't think of any reason to refute it. He knows the situation of the team better than anyone else. Naturally, the earlier he goes, the better. So he asked directly, "Then when will we leave?"

Diao Hongwu: "Don't worry, let everyone take good care of yourself first. This is the last battle to escape. What if you don't adjust the state to the best? Give me a few days to rest and prepare, and you can also take good care of your injuries. Let's try not to rush these days.

Fang Jin always feels that Diao Hongwu's request is a little strange, but it's hard to say where it is. Thinking about it, it is indeed the best choice now. So he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll arrange it now."

Diao Hongwu smiled and turned around and wink at the two returning practitioners.