fang shi tian shu

Chapter 234 Change and Unchangeable Attitude

"National teacher, Yuantian Education has suffered heavy losses, and you have to make a statement! These are all the talents of my empire, and they are all good sons, but they can't just forget about it. Is this Wang San counted as a miscellaneous servant in General Yuanshan's mansion, a general of the military department, or a worship of Yuan Tianjiao?

Jiang Kexiong's words were half joking, but all the people who heard this sentence couldn't help sweating behind their backs!

This is forcing Mo Kochi to choose his position!

But what is the meaning of this different choice? If it is the people of the general's mansion, Yuantian religion can have the crime of mismanagement, trusting the general's mansion, and fighting against it; if it is the people of the military department, Yuantian religion can provoke the relationship between the military, and the general side deliberately divides into two factions, plus the crime of assisting the unfavorable war; if it is the people of Yuantian religion, they have the crime of governing the army and framing our army. !,

It seems reasonable to choose anything, and it seems wrong to choose anything! Everything is only in the thought of the Son of Heaven.

As the saying goes, accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger!

If you don't choose?

What's the use of leaving you?

Jiang Kexiong's unintentional words made the whole council silent and audible.

Mo Zhizhi said blankly, "It's all! Seven-grade generals, I teach and offer them. These are all approved by Your Majesty! As for whether it is a handyman in General Yuanshan's mansion, it depends on the arrangement of their house.

Pretly pretend to be a Tai Chi. Essential skills in officialdom.

Hearing Mo Zhichi's answer of kicking the ball back to the emperor, everyone was finally relieved and smiled helplessly. I really don't know whether this old naughty boy is smart or stupid. Although playing the ball in officialdom is a common means that must be learned, others kick the ball to other officials. How can they kick the ball directly to the emperor like Mochi? This is too bold!

Jiang Ke said with great interest: "Oh? You don't choose, do you?"

The expression is a little naive, but there is endless yinness in the words.

"It's not that you don't choose! He is all! How to choose?"

Looking at Mo Zhichi's innocent and puzzled face, the civil and military officials on the scene began to re-examine the old man who did not do business or interfere with business all day long.

The second most important means in officialdom, pretending to be stupid and confused, which is simply amazing in his hands. At this point, the emperor's words have come to this point. The fool can understand that the emperor is in a bad mood, but this old man dares to continue not know! There is no other reasonable explanation except for pretending!

"Oh, that's right." Jiang Kexiong thought for a moment and nodded and said, "Well, you throw a few penny and divide the number of front-up coins by more than three, which identity will you choose?"

When everyone heard the words, their hearts were cold. Force the minister to stand in line. Does this mean to liquidate the struggle and thoroughly clean up the line?

"All right! Look, you are so serious. Why don't we bet something? It's exciting and fun!" Speaking of this topic, Mo Kochi came up again.

Cold-blooded emperor, stupid national teacher. A pair of living treasures!

Dare to think so, but no one dares to say so. Once forced to stand in line, it is the most dangerous and horrible act in the world.

Jiang Kexiong said, "If the national master has no idea, please ask the Prime Minister and General Murong to help the national master choose one. In the deliberation hall, you still can't gamble.

After saying that, Jiang Kexiong leaned on the back of the chair and rested without hearing the movement below.

More than 100 people looked at each other in con's face, and several practitioners of Mo Gaozhi didn't know what was going on and looked at the full of civil and military officials without focus.

For a moment, a bigger quarrel suddenly broke out!

Jiang Kexiong closed his eyes and thought peacefully, quarrel, quarrel, quarrel, don't be idle!

Therefore, Wang San's nature could not be determined, and no one dared to say whether he was guilty or innocent. Therefore, the escort can only be arranged according to whether it is guilty or not. Dozens of people stared at him all the time without shackles.

In another car, Yunduo was also watched by several women, including a civilian woman and a female practitioner. However, in Wang San's car full of men, everyone is just a relationship between being detained and being detained, while Yun Duoduo is in a car full of women, there is only a hostile relationship between hostility and being.

That is to say, there is only hostility.

The relationship between women is simple because there are only two relationships between hostility and hostility. The complex relationship between women is because the relationship between hostility and hostility has changed without warning.

Yang Hairuo hates Yunduo so much at this time!

General Yuanshan was dismissed in situ and could not act in vain. He waited for follow-up treatment in situ. This kind of thing is simple, but the scope of the impact is too large!

Originally, General Yuanshan's mansion was even detached, and even the vast majority of people living in the accompanying city did not know what the two sons of General Yuanshan would look like. Now, this kind of transcendentiance has turned into avoidance. Not only ordinary people, but also officials. All people and things in the world began to hide from the Yuanshan General's Mansion.

Who brought all this?

Wang San!

Huyaguan was lost because of Wang*. The whole army that harassed the barbarians was destroyed because of Wang*. From Wang San to the Yuanshan General's mansion, all bad things can always be attributed to Wang San,

As a result, this little girl who has always been a good sister was easily cheated away by such a guy who only knows how to cause trouble! Even when I left home, I didn't have any branch meeting and left directly!

How can this not make Yang Hairuo angry!

Li Su took a cup of flower tea and smiled, "Miss, have a cup of tea, your wife will miss it."

Yang Hairuo raised his head angrily and looked at Li Su: "Who sent you back!"

Li Su still maintained a charming smile, not confused at all, and said gently, "Naturally it was sent back by the general. If you want to go abroad, you must first settle down. I just came back to do the chores in the house, so that the general has no worries.

"What a foreigner must install the inside first. Let me ask you, what did you install inside! Who recruited Wang San!"

Is it said that it was recruited by the young master? Are you kidding? Li Su couldn't help laughing: "No talent."

Looking at the smile on Li Su's face, Yang Hairuo was disgusted for no reason: "You are so embarrassed to laugh! These things happened in the house because a Wang San came in! Will you shoulder this responsibility? Can you afford it?"

If Yang Hai is a talented woman, she is reasonable to distinguish right from wrong. But after all, it is a woman. Judging things by emotional senses is a drawback, and she can't get around it at all. Li Su naturally knew that she couldn't reason with women and admitted her mistake: "My subordinate's negligence, please forgive me."

"Inadvertent? Is negligence over? What remedial measures are you going to do?"

Remedies? Li Su knows more about the situation than Yang Hairuo. The dark line of intelligence resources in his hand has reached a heinous level. All those who maliciously speculated that he, the young housekeeper on the front line, thought that Li Su came back to cultivate the private army for Yang Yuanshan's family, but absolutely no one can know that this Li Su, only this Li Su, is the core intelligence terminal of the whole general's mansion!