fang shi tian shu

Chapter 244 The seemingly irreversible situation

A painful beating made Wang San, the hitter, a little unsistible. After nearly an hour, his chest fluctuated violently. Leaning against the big chair behind the case and gasping, Wang San looked at the two young masters lying on the ground with no strength to moan and couldn't help shaking his head.

These two are really incompetent! After practicing strong gymnastics for so long, even a stupid pig should practice the movements inside into an instinctive reaction of the body. However, the young master of the Yang family, who has been beaten for so long, is completely based on the instinct of ordinary people. There is no way to cover him.

You can't even be beaten, which is really too bad.

At this time, Wang San grabbed the purple sand pot on the case and directly filled his mouth with a belly full of cold tea. He put the empty pot on the table with great pride and said, "Today's class is almost here. From now on, we will train to be beaten every day. After being beaten for an hour, you can immediately stand up and point to your nose and scold me. This course is the end of the class, and we will learn other methods.

Breathing, Wang San left the study directly with his shoulders.

"Second, are you all right..."

"I can't die. This boy was so fierce that he almost killed him. Ss~"

"You can't go on like this. Look at the injury on your body and go back to sue him!"

"I'm in pain all over now, and my two arms seem to be broken. Brother, look, what's the swelling look like?

"You boy let me see it! Ah... It hurts me too! It's all blocked by these two arms, otherwise this boy would have died and we would have finished it long ago. Look at this...this...ah? That's not right! Why is there no injury!"

"Look at you! He is just bullying the weak and afraid of being biased! Just hit me, I won't hit you! Look at me, these... No, my ribs are obviously so painful. Why can't I see them?"

"Internal injury?"

"No! There is no injury, but it's just... hiss~ Oh, it hurts!"

There is something called dark power, which can be simulated by vitality.

There is a change called undercurrent, which can be driven by yangmou.

Recently, the official situation in the empire has changed significantly.

Many neutral officials who did not choose any position were almost gone. Don't choose any position, it just means that you only obey the will of the emperor. However, today, they rarely make decisions in person, and most of the matters are delegate to the officials in the parliament, which makes them have no basis for judgment on their actions. Without a unified standard, they can only choose which side they prefer according to their own judgment.

The imperial temple has formed three extremely contrasting forces.

The biggest force is the civilian faction led by Prime Minister Guo Qishi. Since Guo Qishi blatantly provoked the relationship between the military headquarters and the general's palace one day, this faction has attacked the general's palace from all aspects. Almost overnight, the official department approved the resignation documents of all the serving officers of the military division! At this time, the military system of the whole empire was extremely paralyzed!

Although the sharpness of the seven-star general of the empire covers the whole martial arts, no matter how many of the seven generals there are and the wings, it is impossible to turn all the officials of the martial arts into seven generals. In particular, the military mobilization of food and fodder to allocate the recruitment itinerary is a big and detailed work that requires the support of a large number of low-level officials. One night, almost all these low-level officials of the Imperial Martial Arts Department went to the official department to report for hanging, and the official department actually approved it!

On that day, Mo Zixuan, the first confidant of the general who had been away for a long time, was finally transferred back to the imperial capital. At the same time, he took over the work of the almost stranded military with more than 20 junior officers.

Wusi, the general's mansion is used to be called the military department.

This time, almost all officials experienced the power of the prime minister. And all the officials were even more chilled to find that Guo Qishi made such a big move that seemed to destroy the foundation of the empire, and the emperor did not say anything! When Tianzi came to the council hall to watch and learned that Wusi was almost paralyzed, he was still laughing!

Chinese military officials were either happy, chilled or frightened, and had to devote themselves to the ranks of the prime minister faction. At this time, there was no minister in the court, because no matter how he consulted, the emperor only had one sentence: "Wait for you to negotiate."

In addition, it is the most isolated general's mansion in the council hall. This system has almost no power in the dynasty. Except for the prestige of the iron calculation general and no one to personally attack them, there were only dozens of people in the whole imperial capital to barely maintain the operation of the army. Sometimes in an emergency, even the iron calculation general has to personally participate in the following complicated matters, and only one official can be sent to participate symbolically in the discussion in the hall. Dozens of people are almost every day disgraced by the entire bureaucratic system of the empire.

However, no one dares to underestimate this seemingly depressed general's mansion.

The military power of the empire is almost entirely in the hands of seven generals. Even the garrison of the imperial capital is personally commanded by the iron general. There is no power in the court, but what about the court? These civilian officials who can only talk hard with the army?

This is also the reason why Guo Qishi openly opened the relationship between the martial arts and the general's mansion. Military power is so big that people can't be monopolized, and these people who don't have much layout in the military want to participate in it can only defeat key figures and support their own people in.

The decentralized attitude of the emperor further confirms that Guo Qishi's idea is right.

The last series, which is inconspicuous, is Yuantian Religion.

Mo Zhizhi doesn't care. In case Fan wants to take care of it, he can't find a place to start, and has no experience to stare. However, Yuan Tianjiao is also the object that both other parties are on guard. If these practitioners are really allowed to speak in power, ordinary people will inevitably be despised. Driven by interests, they don't know what these people without any experience in governing the country will do.

Therefore, the power of these Yuantian religion has no real power in hand, but has become the object that the two factions of the Prime Minister and the General's Mansion continue to fight for.

All this is just because of the words of Jiang Kexiong, the emperor: "If there is anything, you can discuss and solve it publicly in the parliament hall."

General Iron Calculation has a headache.

Although the current situation in the four parties has suddenly stabilized and there is no military action, the state of war with Beiyi has not been lifted after all. Although the east fence is shrinking and defending, it has solidified the five cities on land. The two directions of the southwest are not peaceful, and coupled with the incident in the middle of the dynasty, he almost emptied all his energy.

"General, the news from Li Su has arrived." In General Tie Calculation's mansion, Mo Zixuan stood under his seat and respectfully handed over a letter.

"Li Su? Wasn't he hidden in the snow?"