fang shi tian shu

Chapter 250 Talk Talk Course

Li Su smiled, but this time it was not as light as the wind, like crying: "Madam has always been very accurate."

"Smart mother teaches a stupid daughter."

Li Su was surprised: "Mr., you can't talk nonsense. It's not good for your wife to know."

"Who said it? I asked you, is it the lady's decision to go to the palace to find Princess Changhe?

"Well, yes."

"That's not the end!" Wang San said, "It's just her who has never opened her eyes and relies on some little smart people to do such things. Don't you think that other people who are officials in the court are still nourishing their energy and accumulating all their sharp edges? Only she can, only she can, and she knows everything? Those old people who have been in the officialdom for a lifetime can't catch up with her? Joke!"

Li Su's face was extremely wonderful, but she didn't dare to refute it at all. She could only say, "Madam didn't stop it. The little gentleman is still a little extreme."

"That's not the case. There are some things that adults can't do, and children can do just right. Do you really want your wife to go to the imperial capital to do something to test the reaction of the emperor and the court? That's not called temptation, but action. Anyway, there are all kinds of people in the world, and stupid people also have the use of stupid people, right? This is the brilliance of the lady.

Wang San's unobstructed mouth embarrassed Li Su. He can't be like Wang San. Even if he annoys the general's mansion, he can't afford to leave. He is promoted by several generals, and his whole life has been branded as the general's mansion and can't leave at all. Wang San's words made him uncomfortable.

"Okay, I got it. I'll go back to madam. But little sir, about the two young masters..."

Wang San said, "It doesn't matter, just be training new recruits. You know the method.

Training new recruits...

Quietly, in the study, without Yun Duoduo's face, Wang San continued his devil instructor's style. However, it is rare that I didn't do it today.

The two young masters talked with their wives all night, or cried all night. Today, surprisingly, he did not show an angry expression, and sat on the seat with a dull and listless face, as if he had five senses of separation.

"Non-violence, non-cooperation? Two young masters, you don't call me third brother. You don't have to do this. Wang San looked curiously at the two young masters with completely changed attitudes and provoked them with words.

Still no response, just like a wooden man.

Wang San is very familiar with this kind of pie. When I was a follower, these two young masters did this to deal with those teachers. This change also made Wang San curious about what happened last night?

But what should be taught still needs to be taught.

After clearing his throat, Wang San said, "Today we will continue to teach thousands of skills. Previous courses were mainly about being beaten and hiding emotions. Being beaten is a physical instinct. Just take time to review it. Hidden emotions, the two of you have hidden their anger today, which is also an introduction to this course, so let's not show it for the time being.

After changing his lazy posture on the back of the chair, Wang San leaned forward, supported his chin with his hands, and said playfully, "Do you know why I was so hard before, but you were not hurt at all?"

Non-cooperation is the meaning of non-cooperation. Without any movement, he continued to sit in his seat dejectedly without saying a word.

Wang San said, "It's because of the gird I planted for you!" Do you know that it can heal? As I said before, although that gimonothet will suppress your strength or something, it also has a miraculous effect in stimulating potential and healing and life-saving. Why don't I do this for you? I don't have much of this kind of material!"

The two young masters still have no response.

"But don't worry, this kind of negative effect is not launched if you want to. It must be prepared for a long time. Therefore, this gird is still good for the two young masters. Except for the class, the rest of the time will be of great benefit to you.

No response.

"Don't be afraid of being beaten!"

"The reaction becomes faster!"

"Enhanced in memory!"

"Explosive growth!"

"It is also good to improve the cultivation of vitality absorption!"

"The duration becomes longer!"

After saying a lot, the two young masters did not respond at all until they heard the "longer duration". The two young masters suddenly raised their heads with an inexplicable light in their eyes!

Immediately, he found that his reaction was wrong, and he pressed his head down and continued to pretend to be silent.

Wang San laughed and said, "Don't hold it back! They are all men, everyone knows! Moreover, the effect of this worm is not temporary. If the circulation of blood muscles and muscles during the period of worming becomes faster and accelerates stimulating the body function, the above curative effect can be cured, and in the future..."

Men, there is no one who doesn't want to be weak in that respect.

Wang San's words really came to the hearts of the two young masters. His attitude was about to change. He wanted to look up and ask Wang San about some situation, but he saw that Wang San's solemn face and joking language were completely out of place.

"What I just said is true or false. You need to distinguish all the truth and falsehood of all your words and attach the reasons.

The two young masters' moods had just changed a little and were immediately splashed with cold water by Wang San. True or false? Isn't that a lie? Still distinguishing? I don't know who is sick.

Thinking so, the two began to be "non-violent and uncooperative" again.

"So..." Wang San deliberately lengthen his tone and said, "I knew you were unwilling to cooperate. Does this method make you think there is something wrong with me? It doesn't matter. In fact, the main problem is you. Because if you don't cooperate, it will hurt."

As soon as the words fell, Yang Pojun suddenly screamed like killing pigs!

Wang San looked at Yang Poxie's surprised eyes and said, "If you answer wrong, or if you answer is not logically, and you don't speak, then this pain is punishment. Now, young master, it's your turn. Do you think my previous sentence can be judged true or false?

"Ah!" Yang Poxie's voice was equally miserable.

Wang San shook his head and said, "Don't talk, don't believe it!" The pain is real! I said that was a gi, and that was really a gi. The reason is that you really feel pain! The answer template is like this. Next, it's the young master's turn. Tell me, is that sentence true or false?"

The screams in the study have never stopped.

Wang San's "Talking Talk Course" officially began in the screams of the two young masters.

Fortunately, Wang San's sound insulation ban is easy to use.

Everything has also begun to embark on a formal process.

Yang Hairuo entered the palace on the same day. Princess Changhe, who had not seen him for a long time, was very happy. She did not have the air of the daughter of the empire at all. She held hands and left Yang Hairuo in the palace.