fang shi tian shu

Chapter 261 Kneeling

"No more practice! Uncle Chu is coming today! Ah!"

There was a scream in Yang Pojun's room, but no one heard it outside.

Today, the little maid who went out without help also seemed particularly lonely. But the only desert is this small cross-hospital.

Although there were no lanterns, General Yuanshan's mansion was really busy. Although there is no need for any showdown, the details to the cleaning standard of every crack have made all the servants very busy.

"General Chu is arrived!"

The porter announced, and the atmosphere of the already busy general's mansion was even higher!

The subordinates in General Yuanshan's mansion are naturally veterans and their families who retired from injuries on the front line. The military * made them naturally admire several generals, and in the Yuanshan General's mansion, there were several direct subordinates before Chu Wendu and their families!

In the notice, the servants who had been prepared for a long time, regardless of men and women, old and young, welcomed Chu Wendu's visit on both sides. It is completely the faction of the army's review troops.

Looking at the eagerness and joy in the eyes of the people around him and listening to their untidy voices, where does Chu Wen have any general's airs? As he walked forward, he bowed back one by one with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Chu, this should be spontaneous. I haven't even seen them do such a welcome. Yang Hairuo walked behind Chu Wendu and said to Chu Wendu with a smile.

Chu Wendu said, "They are all military subordinates, as if they are comparable. When your father comes back from the front line, we will make him a stronger one!"

As soon as he said Yang Yuanshan, there was no time for Yang Hairuo to react. Four people flashed from the team on both sides. "Puff" knelt in front of Chu Wendu: "See General Chu!"

Chu Wen hurried forward: "What are you doing? This is too much. You don't need... a knife!"

Tears of the man called "one knife" suddenly rolled down and said tremblingly, " still remember me!"

Chu Wen looked at the man in front of him in disbelief. The traces of the years were extremely clear on his face, and the layers of knives and axes cut-like wrinkles showed wind and frost, but covered up his age. The sparse stubble is mixed with white, and the silver wire can also be seen in the temples. His eyes were obviously cloudy, and his yellow eyes and deep circles confiscated all his brilliance. If there is still some golden spirit left on this person, it gives people the feeling that it is also a broken and rusty sword.

"One knife! How could you have become like this! Why are you always like this! How's your stomach? Is everything okay?"

Yang Hairuo pulled Chu Wendu's skirt behind and whispered, "Uncle Liu's son died in battle, and Aunt Liu also went there."

Chu Wen's face turned red. Looking at the speechless "old man" in front of him, he scolded angrily, "You use a knife to kill the enemy, and you only need one tendon to do anything! How many times have I told you not to send your sons to the north? Why don't you listen? Why don't you listen!"

The old man pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, "My knife made General Wang an escort officer, and General Wang took good care of him. Da Dao and they brought several dark castles, all of which were doing well. It's worth it."

Yang Hairuo kept pulling Chu Wendu's skirt in the back. But even without this, Chu Wen can't ask any more! He remembers the four people in front of him.

When the people attacked civilian towns crazily, all the soldiers on the Western Front were scattered to various towns to maintain order. In the process of maintaining order, these bloody soldiers in front of thousands of soldiers fell into the attack of the native civilians.

This Liu Yidao can only cut the enemy with one move. However, this sharpness, rapidness and strength, no one can catch it in the military array, and it is really a good hand. There were many similar people in the Western army in those years. However, such elite soldiers, soldiers who were still screaming after countless battles, fell in a time of war. Liu Yidao's stomach was pierced by logs and broken flesh and blood. If it hadn't been for good luck, I would have died on the spot if I hadn't hurt the spine of the second half.

It was a woman holding a child in Xibo. From the speeding carriage, the woman jumped out of the speeding car with a thick log and her child on her back. Liu Yidao was crippled, and the woman and child fell directly to death.

I was hoping that these people could recover from their wounds and support their families when they went home, but now they don't even have a home!

Who is to blame!

"Don't talk about these things. It's not easy for you to come here. You have to settle down first."

Madam is still not elegant and luxurious. Her ordinary appearance is ordinary, but she is extremely clean, neat and decent. Just standing in front gives people the feeling that there are only four words: female hero.

Hearing his wife's voice, Chu Wen did not hesitate and knelt down directly: "See your sister-in-law!"

"Xiao Chu, you are a general, how can you kneel randomly! Get up!"

Chu Wendu kowtowed to the ground and couldn't kneel down and said, "The eldest brother is like a father, and the eldest sister-in-law is like mother. My little brother met my sister-in-law!"

Madam knew Chu Wendu's temper and changed her words and said, "Okay, Xiaoliu, my sister-in-law knows what you mean. Get up quickly."

raised his head, but Chu Wen did not stand up: "Thanks to your sister-in-law's care, you are all well. I'm ashamed to drag down my sister-in-law. I'm ashamed!"

Madam shook her head and said, "I knew you were coming back to get this. They are all family members, saying foreign words! Hurry up, or I'll be angry."

Chu Wen stood up in a hurry.

"Okay, let's go down and do something. Don't gather around here. There is no welcome at home. Xiao Liu, let's talk in the living room.

With a few words, everyone dispersed. Chu Wendu did not look like an imperial general at this time. At the age of 40 or 50, he was as respectful as a yellow-mouthed child, followed his wife to the living room.

"Xiao Liu, how old are you? The general has been working for decades. Why are you still like this?" Madam said helplessly.

Vinity? Spicy? Emotionally changeable? These words seem to have nothing to do with Chu Wen, and respectfully said, "No matter what official position Xiaoliu is in, he is a younger brother. Naturally, he should be filial to his sister-in-law."

"You people are all one-minded. Let me say something!"

Chu Wen took out a gift list from his sleeves, put his hands lightly on the table, and said, "Sister-in-law, this is the intention of several younger brothers. I know that my sister-in-law has nothing to do, but this is our heart. Please be sure to accept it.

Madam didn't look at the bright red gift list and asked seriously, "Xiao Liu, is it interesting for you to do this?"

"Sister-in-law, this is what we use to apologize."