fang shi tian shu

Chapter 264 Keep it

"I'll talk to my mother later, you don't have to worry about it! Where is Wang San!"

Li Su couldn't help it and said, "Mr. Xiao is checking the kitchen of the well water. We suspect that someone is going to be unfavorable to the house."

"Unfavorable?" Yang Hairuo turned around and walked to the kitchen.

Wang San seriously gathered all the busy people in the kitchen and said, "Today is a special day. We must ensure safety. I want to check everything before the entrance. If you are not sure about safe food, including drinking water, you can't eat it!" Turning his head and looking at several chefs, Wang San specially told them, "You can't taste the dishes, remember!"

It doesn't matter to others. Several little maids who helped couldn't even nod, but several chefs objected on the spot: "Why! If you are not allowed to taste the dish, how can you make this dish?"

Wang San said, "The specific reason is that for safety, to prevent people from poisoning."

"We made all the dishes ourselves. From the selection of materials to the preparation of the pot, they are all under our eyelids. Who can be poisoned! You are doubting us!" If your profession and professional ethics are questioned, it is simply ruining the world outlook! Several chefs reacted extremely strongly.

Wang San said, "You are good cooks and good cooks, but poisoners may also be good cooks!" This is not a joke. It's about their own safety, old and young men would rather believe it or not!"

Why must I believe you? I think you're completely talking nonsense!" Yang Hairuo didn't hear the previous words at all, but only heard the last sentence, which was enough for her to deny Wang San.

When these servants heard Yang Hairuo say this, they suddenly became bold and said, "Yes! We have cooked for the general's mansion for many years, and there has never been a problem! If others want to poison, it depends on whether we agree or not!"

Yang Hairuo suddenly put on a surprised look: "Poisoning? Who? Wang San? Why did you poison the food?

People often believe in authority.

In the general's mansion, Yang Hairuo is an authority.

Yang Hairuo pretended to be stupid and asked a rhetorical question. When the servants heard it, they "understand" in an instant. They pointed to Wang San and shouted and scolded, "Wang San! You eat and live in the house, and you even want to cheat us into poisoning! Fortunately, we found out early!"

Smart your whole family!

scolded in his heart, and Wang San didn't care on his face and said, "Miss, you mean, you don't want me to mind my own business?"

Yang Hairuo was surprised and said, "How can you talk like this! How can the lives of so many people in the house be a joke?

"What do you want?"

Yang Hairuo said naturally, "If someone is really poisoned, it's natural to ask you."

Stupid woman, that little cleverness is all used in this kind of place! Wang San smiled bitterly and said, "Don't let me take precautions in advance. Does it mean that you want me to take the blame for anything?"

From entering the kitchen, Yang Hairuo has always been an approachable and kind lady, and deliberately showed some weakness and confusion. Wang San asked this question, and she didn't need to answer at all. The people around him immediately attacked: "Wang San, you are so bold! How dare you slander Miss! Miss, can you say that? What identity are you?"

For a while, the group was passionate!

Yang Hairuo's eyes were full of a smile, accompanied by a delicate and even weak face, which was full of ridicule.

Wang San raised his hand.

Everyone was stunned. Yang Hairuo's muscles suddenly tightened. In a short moment, the crow was silent.

However, Wang San said nothing, but raised his hand, clenched his fist, and then put it down silently.

The inexplicable sudden silence made the people present feel extremely uncomfortable, as if they had been humiliated! I was scared by this little man who wanted to poison! Shame! The shouting is even higher than before!

Wang San didn't care and looked at Yang Hairuo indifferently.

"Good boy, how dare you look at Miss like this!" After a while, a strong man reacted and stepped out to do it.

However, he had just taken this step, but he staddled under his feet and almost fell to the ground.

The people around quickly came forward to help.

But after standing still and scolding for a long time, this sudden move made everyone black in front of them and fell to the ground!

Under the chain reaction, only Wang San and Yang Hairuo are still standing in the whole kitchen!

"Miss came from martial arts and her breathing is already strong. Presumably the symptoms of dizziness and weakness have appeared for a long time." Wang San's voice suddenly sounded in Yang Hairuo's ear.

Yang Hairuo was really black in front of his eyes. He thought it was just his own situation, but he didn't think that this was caused by Wang San! Forced to lift his anger and shouted, "Wang San, you are so bold that you dare to poison him!"

"Miss! Conscience of heaven and earth! I stood here and didn't do anything. Everyone was watching!" This is what Wang San said.

"The practitioner's means are far more variable than you think. If it is poisoned, how can you prevent it?" Wang San secretly sent a voice to Yang Hairuo about this.

Two voices sounded at the same time, and Yang Hairuo was already a little dizzy, which made her almost fall to the ground.

" did you do it..." Yang Hairuo wanted to scold, but he had no confidence at all. Now she only feels chest tightness and shortness of breath, and her whole body seems to be crushed by a huge mountain and can't breathe at all.

Wang San said, "Miss, I really didn't do it! I'm wronged! I just stood here and didn't do anything!"

But in the transmission, "This space has been isolated by me. Now you are in a state of hypoxia, but you can't breathe. It's not poisonous. Don't worry."

"You... how dare you hurt us..." Yang Hairuo bent down in pain and gasped, but he couldn't change the status quo at all.

Wang San hurried forward to help and said, "Miss, have you been poisoned?" Why did you start talking nonsense! Everyone is watching. I really didn't do anything!"

This practice of making a space barrier to isolate a certain area and extracting air is not omnipotent. Limited to the realm, the barrier he made can still be broken by brute force. If the air pressure ratio inside and outside the barrier is too large, this barrier will definitely break under the action of pressure. Or a strong man in the army can also break the barrier with all his strength. Unfortunately, if Yang Hai doesn't know this, even if he knows it, he may not be able to break it.

"The young master has the introduction of my spell, so there is fine control over their release spells, and there is no danger. You don't have it, so I don't want to risk hurting you with magic on you. Don't be petty to me. It's you who suffers."

Yang Hairuo's lung capacity is large, and his sudden hypoxia reaction is much greater than others. Others just fell to the ground in front of their eyes, but Yang Hairuo was about to faint! At this moment, she didn't have much mind to think about what Wang San said and struggled to say, " Untie it! Untie it!"