fang shi tian shu

Chapter 292 Cirvence

Look at this old man, there is no old man! He even pulled out a few shadows and touched them on several idle men.

This old man is naturally the blind man of the fairy gate!

grabbed a piece of paper, and the blind man understood it at a glance. Laughing in my heart: How many of you still pretend to be real with me?

After reading it, he quickly stuffed the piece of paper back and fanned away the powder around him. The old man regained his state of no energy again.

A few idle men recovered: "What's wrong! What's the matter!"

Zhang Xianzi sighed and said, "I'm old, my hands are trembling, and I spilled salt..."

That's refined salt! It must be the best in the official salt! Although it's a small bag, it's enough for the old man to eat for a few days! The sympathy of several idle men came and quickly took out a few coppers and asked the old man to pack a few bags of seasonings.

Opening the curtain, the old man carefully weighed all kinds of powder and didn't forget to ask, "You said you haven't opened it for a few days. Why are you still standing here and looking for work?"

"Hey, father-in-law, you don't know, this is the Yuanshan General's Mansion!" The idle man said, full of worship on his face, "General Yuanshan Mansion, stand next to you for a while and get a benefit!" Besides, there is rumor that the general's mansion will build a house for Princess Changhe. This is a big job. The court gives money, and the general's mansion is said to be generous. Well, they are all waiting for this batch of work. As long as we start to recruit people, a few months will be enough for us to eat for a few years!"

"Well, it's better to be young. My old arms and legs can't do this good job. I'll give you some things that don't weigh while you can still move. You have to take good care of your bones and work for General Yuanshan, but you have to work hard.

"Come on, we understand this! Look at you!"

At this time, one of the idle men secretly touched his pocket. Things are still there. However, Liba, disguised as a soldier of the Wind Camp, always felt that something was wrong. Is that salt?

Wang San is also walking. Several soldiers hiding pictures have been found by him, and nothing abnormal has been found. However, outside the general's mansion is the street, and on the other side of the street is people. Wang San can't break into every family just to see the layout inside. Just as he wanted to go back home to find Li Su, Wang San heard the sound of smashing stones.

Follow the voice.

A family is changing the house.

This is not a large family, but a small vendor selling large bowls of tea and rice noodles.

What kind of house does such a person change?

Wang San was rude. He entered the door for tea and asked with his mouth open.

The shopkeeper's ability is that the people in a certain family have a small idea, so they opened such a small shop in the capital city with large households everywhere. The business is not bad, and the people are not bad, so he said, "Isn't this the general's mansion going to start work, and there are also a lot of hard workers waiting for outside. Some people have instructed us to open the store bigger. Isn't it convenient to vacate the rooms inside and set tables?"

It's another unreal onlooker.

"You are really not moving much."

"Oh, the shop, by the way, it's right next to the general's mansion. How dare we quarrel with them? It's just to break through and build a hut to live in, and there are tables and chairs outside.

Wang San got up and pretended to look around and asked, "Have you been to Mr. Fengshui?" What should I do if I change the feng shui like this?

The boss laughed and said, "Poor families don't care about feng shui, and they can't afford it. However, I found a gentleman and asked for a Taoist charm. It is said that it is hung at home, at least the feng shui will not go bad.

Wang San raised his eyebrows and pulled out a book from his back. He looked at it with a little saliva on his fingers and said to himself, "I remember that there is a lot of attention to feng shui books!"

"Ouch? Little brother, do you still understand this?

Wang San scratched his head: "Actually, I don't understand much, but this book is often carried with me to borrow some good luck. However, the book said, "Wang San turned to a certain page and pointed to the words above, "You see, what symbols are divided into eight directions, and what different symbols should be placed in different positions, otherwise it will be unlucky. Do you think that's what it means? I will remember it!"

The boss read a few words, but basically didn't understand the above words and asked, "This is still particular. The gentleman said it's okay!"

"Why don't you show me the charm? I'll compare it. If you can match it, you can hang it on the book. If it doesn't match, hang it casually, okay? It's better to believe it!"

Wang San pretends to be the most stupid boy. In a few words, the charm really got him.

But after a look in his hand, Wang San knew that this must be the work of the immortals!

Where is the charm? It's clearly a curse!

This spell is buried, and the disaster of blood and light is inevitable!

Ordinary people are most willing to stick the charm at the door. If it is really placed at the door, facing it, it is General Yuanshan Mansion! Although it is facing the wall of General Yuanshan's mansion, it is really the door of the whole house!

Is the door blocked by blood?

That's not about the boss's death of the whole family.

Wang San pretended to read a book, replaced the spell, and said to the boss, "His charm doesn't match me in the book. I guess it's not in my book. But the general charm seems to hang at the door, or you put it on the door frame?

The boss didn't care and said, "Op, it's best to put it on the door frame. It's a good thing to open the door!"

If Wang San doesn't change, he will die if he opens the door.

Wang San said, "Boss, who is that gentleman? In fact, I really want to learn this set, but it's just such a book, and I can't understand it! Can you help me introduce it?"

"What else do you see? Didn't you also come to the general's mansion to live? That gentleman has also come to wait for work these days, trying to help the general's mansion see the feng shui. You can find it if you go there.

Wang San couldn't help sighing that these immortals are really bold and dare to put themselves on the surface! However, yes, if you want to do something, it is also the most convenient way to enter the door with your skills. After saying goodbye to the boss, Wang San immediately went to look for someone.

Small gossip stall.

There are still a lot of people around. Naturally, Li Su said that there was work in the house, and it was also a group of Liba that gathered that the soldiers of the Jifeng camp could hide in it without being conspicuous. It's just that Li Su didn't expect that his method could be used by the people of Dixianmen like this.

Wang San has been outside for a long time. There are really a lot of people who work hard to gossip, and there are many marriages. And this gossip master, who seems to be 40 or 50 years old, is really trying to calculate these hard. He has a good idea in dismantling words and solving hexagrams. Even Wang San, an artiator, can't make mistakes.

The more so, the easier it is to believe. Believe and suspect that this kind of thing will be contagious. At first, he just believed in his gossip, and then he became a person who believed in him. Things, reasons, people, ordinary people are always unclear.

Don't move him?

This person is a dark chess placed in the light. Don't move, afraid of something will happen, move, and afraid of beating grass to scare the snake. What if the people in the fairy gate really want to boil toads in warm water and wait for the office in the house to start working little by little?