fang shi tian shu

Chapter 303 Small

Wang San was fierce, biting the tip of his tongue and fingertips, and painted directly on the charm.

Chu Wen doesn't know what Wang San is going to do, but his fierce appearance is extremely obvious. Instead of interrupting him, he said softly, "That man's spell should have bypassed me once, but now he may be bypassed again."

As soon as Chu Wendu finished speaking, Wang San's body suddenly bounced on the chair! Not only him, but also the people and things in the whole room suddenly shook together, like an earthquake. Before everyone could see what was going on, the blood was foggy.

The pungent smell of blood has become no longer pungent, and the people in the room have become numb. Looking at Wang San again, he looked at the air with his eyes and stood still.

Lost consciousness?

"Haha! I saw it! I saw it! Do you see the line in the blood fog? See?" Wang San suddenly roared like crazy, which made these powerless young ladies forcibly shrink back.

Wang San didn't know it at all. He shook Chu Wendu's arm and asked excitedly, "General, look, there is a line in the blood fog! The white line condensed by gas! See, it's those white lines!"

Where is the white line? It's just that the inexplicable blood fog does not dissipate and floats in mid-air, which is particularly strange.

However, in Wang San's eyes, those white lines really exist.

Cause and effect.

No one expected that a new order would be established at the same time as the space barrier collapsed in Wang San's body! If you enter the inner vision, you can clearly see that the space barriers that were originally stationary are just piled up next to his meridians like sand boulder. After this experience, those space barriers are collapsing and reorganizing, and the scene of flowers and trees swinging in the wind has been initially formed!

It really became a small world!

Before he could study the changes in his body, Wang San was surprised by the scene in front of him. What does this white line mean? It means that causal magic is no longer mysterious to him! Try to touch a white line with your hand. As soon as they came into contact, a sense of loss of vitality suddenly appeared, and at the same time, the white line moved slowly with Wang San's hand!

There is a play!

In the eyes of others, Wang San's face was shining, and his mouth kept muttering, saying something that others couldn't understand at all. His hands moved slowly in the air, which was really like a mental disorder.

And Wang San didn't realize it. He experimentally crossed the two white lines together.

Two lines of blood suddenly flowed from Wang Laogui's eyes in the porter! Don't see anything!

The old ghost Wang, who was proudly knocking on the table, suddenly panicked and shouted wildly. Not only was his eyes blind, but also a sharp pain came, as if countless steel needles were stuck in his eyes and stabbed his skull!

When connecting the two white lines, Wang San found that these white lines had become a little blurred. This is useful! Then continue!

The scream even passed through several courtyards from the porter to the main hall.

"It's okay. The screaming one is the culprit. Brother Li, bring him here." Wang San's hand was still waving in the air, but he easily told Li Su.

However, there is unconcealed fatigue in this sound.

When the old ghost Wang was escorted, the people present were stunned. They didn't know that the old man was called the old ghost, but at this moment, it looks like an old ghost. Not only are there blood in the eyes, but also the eyes have completely turned blood red. The root of the tooth has fallen off and even loosened, as if it has grown fangs, and then accompanied by the blood constantly oozing from the mouth, it looks like a fierce ghost. In addition, he kept roaring, like a pig and a horse, but not like a human cry.

Seeing this person, Wang San smiled extremely warmly and said, "Thank you!"

"Are you Wang San? How can you beat me!"

Regardless of his madness, Wang San said, "I couldn't beat you, but with your help, my cultivation seems to have increased and my realm has improved a lot. In order to thank you, I can make you die happily."

At this time, Wang's pain became more and more intense, but his mood calmed down and said, "Baby, do you think you won? Even if I die, the luck of the general's mansion has been destroyed by me! I didn't realize until today that the luck of the general's mansion was just a small..."

The voice of Wang Laogui stopped abruptly! A Taoist symbol stuck to his face, and the blood on his face suddenly turned black, and his whole body stiffened and fell straight down!


Eyes gathered on Wang San.

Wang San rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

This party is over. There is no practical effect, just making a mess. The only news that let the world know is that even if Chu Wen resigned and went home, the people of Dixianmen still did not want to let him go, and still regarded one of the seven-star generals of the empire as the biggest obstacle.

The rest has nothing to do with Wang San, just pretending to be dizzy.

Only he understands, little fox demon!

After a day passed, the changes in Wang San's body were slightly calm. After recovering some vitality, he felt that there was no one around, and then he opened his eyes.

Just as Wang San opened his eyes, a voice came from the shadow: "Finally woke up."

Wang San jumped three feet tall in shock: "Ghost!"

Li Su's figure appeared from the darkness and said helplessly, "Little sir, are ghost hunters still afraid of ghosts?"

"Nonsense! Are you a human or a ghost! Why can't I feel your presence!"

"You have known this way to restrain your breath. Do you need to make such a fuss?"

"You have nothing to explain first! I'm a sick number. You can't scare me so much!"

Li Su approached. At this time, it was night, and no one around was pure. Li Su looked into Wang San's eyes and said, "Mr. Xiao, there are no idle people waiting now, so don't change the topic. We all want to know what the luck of my general's mansion depends on?

"Ah?" Wang San pretended to be stupid.

Li Su said, "Mr., your behavior that day was extremely powerful. What can make a person like you panic must not be a trivial matter. This is also related to the rise and fall of my general's mansion. I hope the little gentleman will not hide it.

Is it said that the good luck of the general's mansion is because of the fox demon Yunduo? At this moment, even the three words Yunduo can't be mentioned!

"Well, I didn't hide it from you. Do you know what prophecy is? He knew that he could not live, so the last sentence was that he tried his best to use prophecy. I don't know what he is going to say, but as long as he says it, there will definitely be a problem, which is the same as changing his life.

Li Su asked with a smile, "Oh? Is there any prophecy here?"

(I didn't know that there would be so many wine bureaus when I came back this year... My previous classmates were married, alas... I can't guarantee anything at home these days. I'm at my relatives' house during the day and a dinner party at night. The New Year is so tiring!)