fang shi tian shu

Chapter 306 Imprisonment*

The enemy forces in the frontier were ready to move, the people marched and begged for orders, and the court officials knelt down to death. The whole empire, from a stable and strong empire, really became turbulent! At this time, the new law has not yet been implemented!

In order to alleviate this inexplicable turmoil, the Seven Stars of the Empire will serve as an example and take its own shackles to plead.

and then put into prison.

Outside the prison door, there is really someone to die. Seventeen bachelors and historians hit a pillar and died one after another. War broke out suddenly in all directions, and the empire lost 17 cities in two days, which was a death. Twenty-seven death exalments expressed the attitude of the officials and the people with the lives of the officials and the people.

And inside the prison door is another scene.

"Brother, I'll give you a toast!"

"Do it!"

"You can't make a toast without me, and I'll come too!"

"Don't talk nonsense, come together!"

In eight small cells, seven generals sat down and raised their glasses to drink together.

With the combat power of the seven-star generals of the empire, the ordinary cell was broken with one blow. Even if the imperial capital is known as the indestructible prison, it is just less effort for these generals. Since several people are willing to plead guilty and at the disposal of the emperor, it is just a show and will not let them suffer in the cell. Although there is no brocade robe and delicacy, thick bedding, plenty of wine and vegetables are also better than the life of ordinary people.

Chengde drank all the wine in the glass and said with red eyes, "Six brothers, we haven't been reunited for more than ten years."

"In thirteen years and four months, since the predecessors were awarded, we have been going our separate ways. I'm the only one lucky. I've seen each of you separately for more than ten years. Murong Chi's words are all complacent.

Chu Wendu laughed and said, "That doesn't work either. I just went to see my sister-in-law before. How is it better than you? Haha!"

Qian Gui looked at Li Su, who was still carrying a long sword next to him: "Lao Wu, speaking of which, you are the worst on the island all year round."

Li Su didn't seem to drink well, but she kept sipping slowly. At this time, a pot had run out. There was no smell of fireworks on her face. Li Su said, "Stay away from the disturbance, which suits me very well."

Wang Shitou pulled down a stone from the wall, hit Li Su hard, and scolded, "You bastard, treat your brother as a disturbance? Do you really think you are a hero?"

Looking at his brothers, Yang Yuanshan seemed to see the days more than 20 years ago and smiled and said no. At that time, he had just joined the army. There was no * at home, so he could only start from the bottom and rush to the front line every time. At that time, how could his brothers and Xiao Chengde think that their life would look like this? It's like a different world, those confused and hot-blooded days.

Wang Shitou came to his cell and asked, "Lao Yang, didn't you go home to have a look?"

Yang Yuanshan smiled bitterly: "The imperial edict urges over and over again. Where can there be time to take a detour? I don't know if I can still see her."

Wang Shitou patted his thigh: "If you want me to say, it's really not worth marrying your sister-in-law. The family spent so much money on foreign money, didn't you finally squat in prison? Now that I think about it, that's good. At least don't bother to marry him.

Murong Chi added, "Wen Bi is now doing antique business and is doing well."

Yang Yuanshan smiled: "Do you think I didn't persuade her at that time? So a young lady from a large family can get along with the government and the opposition, and the ancestral boxing is the only heir. Who is not good to find me? Now that you think about it, she is still doing the right thing. If you marry Wen Bi, she is also an old lady of a rich family. How can she become a general's wife?

"Brother, this is wrong. No matter who marries his sister-in-law, he can become a general. The key is her, not you!"

Chu Wen made fun of him, and everyone laughed.

Yang Yuanshan slapped the table and said angrily, "You white-eyed wolves, if I hadn't changed their boxing skills to strong gymnastics, who would have become a general?" That is to say, I'm really talented, otherwise your sister-in-law can take a fancy to me?"

The whole cell is full of laughter and scolding. If outsiders see it, they will definitely be shocked. The seven stars of the empire have always shown iron and blood. How can there be such a promiscuous skeleton?

Suddenly, all the laughter stopped. The seven generals turned their heads and looked at the gate of the cell. And a figure flashed in and smiled, "Well, I'm sorry, the generals laughed."

It's Wang San. Holding a snow-white fox in his arms, it is the original shape of many clouds! Wang San jumped down the steps, bowed deeply, and said shyly, "Generals, it's not that I want to disturb your interest. It's really life-saving and I have to be anxious. I'll leave when I'm done, no delay, no delay!"

Wang Shitou looked at Wang San doubtfully: "How did you get in? Not to mention that the outside must be heavily guarded, at least I didn't feel your existence just now. How did you hide your breath?

Wang San scratched his head and said, "My personal method is not good enough. I'm going to cast a spell."

Although several people haven't seen it, the name Wang San has always been heard. Several generals repeatedly looked at the young man who didn't look like a decent man, and they couldn't see any fame. They could only feel that the guards outside were unharmed, not even shocked by Wang San, and were still patrolling outside without knowing it. This is the day, and such a hidden method is really impressive.

Yang Yuanshan saw Wang San busy, but his heart was different from others. This person works in his own home, but he has never seen it before, so he is inevitably relieved. However, the information feedback from all parties shows that this person is quite high-level and has no ambition, and is indeed a usable person. In his heart, Yang Yuanshan asked, "It turns out that you have been messing around in my house."

Wang San took out various materials like a trick, and the smell of many materials even shocked several generals present. Wang San said, "I'm busy now. I'll chat when I'm done. I don't have much time."

How much? Yang Yuanshan was shocked and asked incredibly, "Is this the daughter of the Yun family?"

"It's Yunduo, General, don't make trouble, I'll explain to you when things are done."

Don't make trouble...General, don't make trouble...

Not long after, the empty space in the center of the cell was painted by Wang San with all kinds of runes, and the Taoist symbols were sprinkled on the ground for free. Finally, everything was arranged, and Wang San said to the seven generals, "The action is a little big. Generals, don't panic. At most, it's just bloody for a moment. It's okay."

Chu Wen asked, "Will you spit blood?"

"That..." Wang San scratched his head awkwardly, "I don't think so. I didn't see you spit blood when you cooperated with the general before."

Without talking nonsense, Wang San put Yun Duoduo's body in the center of the array, tore a piece of charm neatly in half, half on Yunduoduo's forehead, and the other half in his hand, back a few steps back to the corner of the wall, and urged half of the charm in his hand.

The rune seemed to be alive, squirming and slowly climbing to Yunduo!