fang shi tian shu

Chapter 309 Death

Looking at the trapped two people, Wang San did not ask much, but said to Yang Pojun, "It's a pity that the young master's idea is still a little loophole. If they know that their son is not capable enough, the parents will definitely want to win more resources for their son and let him live a better life in the future. This is the intention of the parents, so your behavior will make the general work harder to earn military achievements and prepare for the family early.

"But no matter how hard you try, you won't cove the dragon chair. If you can only be an emperor for one generation, what's the difference between doing it or not? Remove your spell."

Looking at the movements of the two young masters, Wang San's heart beat even more! The posture of the two is obviously out of strong gymnastics, but the details are not clear. These differences make the two's attacks more powerful and coherent. The two of them have modified and updated the strong gymnastics! No wonder the strength is so strong!

Looking at such two young masters, Wang San's heart was mixed: "Young master, I don't want you to die."

Yang Poxie's eyes were only compared with the mountains, and Yang Pojun shook his head: "Wang San, I admit that you are smart and powerful. Then you also give us an idea, how can you make your father live?"

Wang San looked at the two young masters in front of him and did not say anything. At this time, the implementation of the new law of the emperor was blocked, and the emperor must be killed to establish his power. The border crisis needs someone to be responsible for the defeat. And the most important thing is that the border troops keep commanding, which is already a crime of treason! Any of the three are death crimes. If this is the time, all three are at the same time, it is undoubtedly a death penalty!

What can I do? Even if someone is sent to order and manage the team, the messenger may have just entered the army, and the gulls on this side have fallen. Time is too tight!

In the past, we have to admit that the only men in the Yang family exchanged their lives for their lives, which is the only possible way to solve the problem.

"But don't you understand the principle of the continuation of incense from generation to generation? The dead should have been old, and should not be exchanged like this. What's more, even if you die, you may not be able to save General Yang!"

Yang Pojun smiled a little and looked at Wang San calmly without saying a word.

If you die, you may not be saved. If you don't die, you will not be saved.

Yang Poxie said, "It's okay. Dad is not old yet. You can take a concubine."

Yang Pojun said, "Wang San, you won't understand this truth. If it is us who die, my father's life may be saved. But if we do nothing, can we live smoothly after our father's death? Will we be liquidated to prevent people with father-killing enemies from taking revenge?


In fact, this is also the only way Wang San can come up with to save the seven generals.

"Young master, may I ask when you thought of this kind of thing and began to pretend to be a dung be?"

Although the magic has not been withdrawn, the body is still imprisoned, but Yang Pojun smiled happily. Being able to ask such words shows that Wang San has accepted his idea. So he said easily, "It's very early, probably when the little evil was just sensible when he was five years old. At that time, due to developmental reasons, I couldn't practice strong gymnastics, so I mostly read books and practiced military tactics. When I read the theory of the emperor's art officialdom, I had this idea. While Xiaoxie was still young, I have been teaching him until now.

"Can you see the fight in the officialdom when you are less than ten years old?"

Yang Poxie said, "What's not fighting? It's just a matter of calculating people, which is essentially similar to a shrew scolding the street. The art of war is the same, but it's almost the same as a fight with a shrew.

"What is the modification of strong gymnastics? Is it similar to a shrew?

"It's all about hitting others in the face first. What's the difference? Just modify the angle of the shot. All the fights in the world are similar to that of a shrew scolding the street. It's not difficult to understand. Yang Pojun laughed and said, "After saying so much, you should let us go and discuss a plan!"

How dare Wang San remove the spell! In case the two brothers die directly at home, they can only send them a letter of repentance to the imperial city.

"Two young masters, have you really thought about it? Even if you can't get it in the end, are you going to die?"

Yang Pojun said, "As long as you can think of a better way, we will not die."

He turned his head to look at Yang Poxie, and his head nodded very firmly.

Wang San frowned: "I'll go to the prison first and ask the general what he means."

"Don't ask, my father knows that we are pretending to be crazy, and he will never allow us to die. However, in order to save him, you can't let him know. These things are so cruel that I'm afraid he can't stand it.

"The general doesn't know how many lives and deaths he sees. What can't stand?"

"He has been so strong in his life, but he can't stop us from killing us. The blow is too great."

After saying this sentence, both brothers laughed. The laughter was full of frank pleasure, and no negative emotions could be heard. This is not pretending. The course of camouflaged emotions was taught by Wang San, which can be distinguished naturally.

"Have you really thought about it?"

Yang Pojun was suddenly shocked when he heard the words: "Have you come up with this step a long time ago?"

Remove the spell and let the two young masters move freely. Wang San gritted his teeth and admitted: "This is the only way I can think of breaking the situation."

Yang Poxie came forward and hugged Wang San: "Then hurry up. If it is delayed, it will be bad."

The owners of the seven generals' mansion were in the main hall at this time, distressed and silent, but the lady's heart suddenly jumped. What kind of spell is Wang San casting? Why is there something wrong?

However, there are many things on his mind, and this page reveals the past.

The two young masters came to the capital.

Imperial City.

In order to highlight his identity, he made a lot of noise and broke into the imperial city.

In front of the emperor and all the ministers, he cried bitterly and ignored his face, only begging to die on behalf of his father. And all other truths don't make sense, and no one can make sense to them. They're just making trouble.

The more unbearable they are, the more they are, the more they seem to be unworthy, but the more people feel that the second son is filial.

This is the method arranged by Wang San for the two. You don't need to do anything. As long as you play the role they have been playing for nearly 20 years, you just need to mess around and make things big. As long as they die in the end, save Yang Yuanshan, and succeed, no one will care about the process.

And there is another part of the plan that Wang San didn't say to the two young masters.

Just as the two young masters knelt in the council hall, Wang San sneaked into the prison again. The seven generals had wine and vegetables, so they ignored everything outside. Since you can't intervene, you can talk about the past and remember that bitter youth, even if you will be beheaded the next moment.

Wang San did not have any nonsense and simply told his plan with the two young masters.

Yang Yuanshan was silent. Silence. Then, he raised the glass in his hand to toast his old brother, turned around and left. The so-called cell, the so-called bricks and tiles, the so-called iron bars, are paper paste under his body.