The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 62 Trading

Strange, familiar or strange items were turned over by Han Li and divided into two piles according to the degree of suspicion and placed aside.

He gradually marveled that Dr. Mo had a lot of miscellaneous [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg], many of which were fatal [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg].

A sleeve arrow with blood on the throat.

A bag of poisonous sand soaked in snake venom.

More than a dozen extremely sharp boomerangs.


With the increase of items, Han Li's breathing was also a little short. The more carefully he looked for it, the more frightened he was.

At this time, he learned how lucky it was to fight with Dr. Mo at the beginning. If the other party didn't just want to capture him alive, I'm afraid he would have been sad long ago.

After wiping the cold sweat on his face, Han Li laughed at himself [img=/sss/maosu.jpg] [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] A big living man was scared by the dead [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg].

Finally, the search was completed, and Han Li began to study one by one, which he thought was a pile of suspicious items.

"This small bottle of [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg] smells bad. It seems to be some kind of antidote. It should be okay."

"This strange weapon, [img=/sss/zenme.jpg] is like a small wheel. Although I don't know what to use, it probably has nothing to do with the giant. Put it aside first."

"As for this sachet..."

Han Li was fiddling with the goods and talking to himself, looking very excited. At this moment, he is holding an ordinary sachet embroidered with plain white silk flowers in his hand.

Normally, such an ordinary sachet should not arouse other people's suspicion. However, Han Li believes that it is appropriate to put such an ordinary object on ordinary people, but it is unusual to appear on a hero like Dr. Mo.

Han Lixian held its weight in one hand and felt very light. He should not have contained [img=/sss/s/shenme.jpg] heavy items, and then pinched it again. It had a sense of paper, and it seemed that there were pages hidden in it [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg]

Han Li was refreshed. He opened the sachet and found a few pieces of paper from it unexpectedly.

He glanced at it slightly. It was the handwriting of Dr. Mo [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], and he had a little bottom in his heart. Looking at it in detail, Han Li was stunned. It turned out to be a suicide note left by Dr. Mo to [img=/sss/ziji.jpg].

Han Li was a little puzzled and curious. He picked up these pieces of stationery and browsed them in detail.

After reading it, Han Li looked up to the sky and exhaled a long breath, then locked his eyebrows and became worried.

He walked with his arms upside down, paced like a little old man, and began to walk unconsciously. Every time he took two steps, he stopped and thought [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], then made up his mind, took a few more steps, and then stopped to think.

In this way, unconsciously, Han Li was like a donkey grinding in the mill, around Dr. Mo's corpse and kept turning around. His face is cloudy and sunny, turning red for a while, turning white for a while, and it seems that his heart is turbulent and unable to control himself.

This kind of uneasy appearance actually happened to Han Li. If he was laughed at loudly by Li Feiyu [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], I'm afraid he would immediately laugh loudly.

The reason why Han Li became like this is that the suicide note left him with a bad bad news and a dilemma. The antidote to the "body worm pill" is actually poisonous, and it is still a rare sinister. It is believed that this poison can only be solved by the "Warm Yang Baoyu" passed down by his family. There is no It is not possible to solve this poison with several legendary detoxification holy drugs.

Therefore, on these pages, Dr. Mo clearly told Han Li that this suicide note and the previous insidiousness were the backhand he used to make the worst plan. In case he couldn't give up and had an accident [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], then he could Nine times out of ten of the people who survived were Han Li. In order to do what happened behind [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], he planned to make a simple deal with Han Li in his letter, which made both sides happy. It can not only relieve his own worries, but also let Han Li get a large amount of wealth and endless benefits.

As for whether Yu Zitong would survive in the end, Dr. Mo did not consider this at all. In the letter, he talked about him in a contemptuous tone, believing that this person was not only cold by nature, but also greedy and afraid of death. He only had a little cleverness. Even if you are an immortal, you will not have [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]. The person who laughs to the end will never be this person.

When Han Li saw this, there was a bitter smile in his heart. I'm afraid Dr. Mo didn't expect that in the end, he himself fell into the trap of this usually despised person. If it hadn't [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] concealed the real progress of Changchun Gong, he would have probably Dr. Mo died together, and Bai Bai asked Yu Zitong to pick up a bargain. Of course, this is also related to Dr. Mo himself, who has been dreamed of becoming an immortal, to the fascinated god Chile. It seems that whether it is [img=/sss/s/shenme.jpg], you can't underestimate it too much.

In the letter, the transaction proposed by Dr. Mo was very simple. He asked Han Li to go to his home for a year or more than two years. On the one hand, his sidiousness will attack in two years, and on the other hand, he has a concubine, a daughter and a large foundation in his family. Before Dr. Mo left, although he did a lot of arrangements and released a fog to cover people's ears, but if he doesn't [img=/sss/hui Unruly subordinates and enemies will be suspicious and unfavorable to his relatives. Therefore, Han Li must also rush to protect his wife and children before things get worse, and place them properly. It is best to keep them away from the world and live an ordinary life with no worries about food and clothing.

In order to make up for the price of his plotting Han Li, and the reward for Han Li to help regardless of the past, he is willing to assign a daughter of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] to Han Li as his wife. The dowry is half of all his property and the "warm sun jade".

Before leaving, Dr. Mo had given Baoyu to his wife, indicating that it was specially used as a dowry for his daughter's departure from the cabinet. Therefore, Han Li had to marry even if he didn't want to marry.

Of course, he also clearly pointed out that his enemies and enemies are very strong, and it is not easy to control his subordinates. With Han Li's current ability, I'm afraid he can't deal with it. For this reason, he deliberately arranged two false identities for Han Li in the dark compartment of his residence, and left tokens and handwritten certificates in advance [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg], so that Han Li [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] could choose the right identity. At the same time, he also listed the list of cronies, suspicious elements and enemies in the letter, as well as details such as matters that need to be paid attention to.

Finally, as a confirmation of his sincerity in leaving this suicide note, he attached the control and calling method of "Giant Iron Slave" and "Cloud-winged Bird" at the end.

What made Han Li a little inexplicable was that the other party vaguely pointed out that Tie Nu was a soulless corpse, just a walking corpse. The original real soul had already been reincarnated, so that Han Li did not have to be sad. Han Li is a little confused. Does [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] look like an emotional person?

However, even if we don't talk about poisoning, in the face of such a large amount of wealth, it is pure lie to say that Han Li is not careful. He has always been very ** about money, and he is really interested in the transaction mentioned by Dr. Mo before his death. As for marrying his daughter, this also made Han Li, who was at the beginning of love, feel strange in his heart. After all, just looking at Dr. Mo's original appearance, it can be known that his daughter must not be ugly.

But the risks you have to face are not the same. If you don't [img=/sss/xiaoxinyy.jpg], you may even have to kill [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]. It is not so easy to be regarded as the enemy of the opponent by Dr. Mo. I paid for it!

Dr. Mo, who arranged the afterlife, tied Han Li and the safety of his wife and daughter together with a series of life, beautiful women and huge wealth. It seems that Han Li has to eat this poison wrapped in honey with a bitter face.


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