The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 94 Complete Victory

Although none of the three items he got could be used immediately, Han Li put them all away rudely.

Then he stood up, dusted the dust on his body, and looked at Jia Tianlong and other wolf gang people with a smile.

"Are you going to [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] to break the meridians by yourself, or let me take action to send you on your way?" Han Li's tone was very polite, but the meaning of the words did not leave any room for the people of the Wild Wolf Gang.

Hearing this, Jia Tianlong only felt that his body was very cold, and his whole face was stiff.

He kept warning himself [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] to calm down, there was always a way to deal with this person, but he couldn't help wiping his face and wiping out the cold sweat on his forehead. Jia Tianlong smiled bitterly, [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] No need to look in the mirror, [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] At this time, his face must not look much better, I'm afraid it's extremely ugly.

He struggled to turn his neck and looked at the people around him. He saw that the others were also pale, all in panic and distress. These people were at a loss and could not see the slightest fighting spirit.

Jia Tianlong was depressed and looked in the direction of Qixuanmen again. Wang Juechu, the sworn enemy on the opposite side, was looking at the dead with a look at him coldly. Most of the other people were also an expression of revenge.

Jia Tianlong was at a loss. His eyes unconsciously fell outside the death arena and fell on those who should have been loyal outside the court. The expressions of these people are different now. Some are very anxious and some are indifferent, but a large number of people are actually happy and are gathering together to whisper to each other. They are lucky to be happy.

"No, [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] You must not die here like this! [ Img=/sss/ziji.jpg] will definitely survive and continue to complete the hegemony of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]. I don't know who's look touched Jia Tianlong's nerves, and his eyes suddenly flashed with madness.

"Come on! Tiewei came forward and prepared for the crossbow! Others, serve by the dark green son!" Jia Tianlong suddenly carried all his internal strength and roared loudly.

Jia Tianlong is worthy of being the leader of a group, which contains the roar of internal forces, which makes those who are at a loss in the death arena feel refreshed, like a dream. Whether it is the gang of the Wild Wolf Gang or the masters of other small and medium-sized gangs, they all have the backbone at this time. They have sharpened their fists one after another and put on the posture of fighting to the death.

Han Li frowned slightly, hummed gently, and then slowly walked towards Jia Tianlong with his hands upside down.

"It seems that it still needs to be a little more expensive!" Han Li thought to himself.

"Ring arrows!" As soon as he saw the other party enter the range of the crossbow, Jia Tianlong licked his dry lips and ordered without hesitation.

Suddenly, hundreds of green steel crossbow arrows, densely shot at North Korea and South Korea, squeezing a small piece of space in front of him into the wind and rain.

The amazing scene appeared. Jia Tianlong saw that the young man opposite was fearless in the face of the flying crossbow. Instead, he smiled at him strangely, and then his body began to blur. The crossbows that arrived passed through the man without any hindrance and flew into the distance. At this moment, his body was like It's as if it's without quality. Then the man shook a few times in broad daylight and disappeared without a trace.

Jia Tianlong's face was pale. Just as he wanted to tell his subordinates [img=/ss/xiaoxinyy.jpg], Han Li suddenly showed his figure just a few steps away from them.

This time, without waiting for Jia Tianlong's order, the crossbows in the hands of the iron guards fired random arrows again, and mixed with other people's darts, sleeve arrows and other hidden weapons, all shot at Han Li. As a result, what made these people look at each other was that the other party disappeared in the eyes of the public again.

When Jia Tianlong was in fear, there were two sad screams behind him. He was shocked and quickly looked back.

The two iron guards not far away suddenly turned into two fireworks men, and the disappeared young man was taking his palms away from them. At the moment when the palms of his palms left, the two iron guards had disappeared and turned into ashes. From the palm of the young man's hand, Jia Tianlong faintly saw that there was a red light flashing in the palm of his hand, and he didn't know what the secret skill was.

The scene Jia Tianlong saw was a perfect demonstration of Han Li's use of magic and martial arts. The red light in his palm was the small fireball of "fireball".

Han's three-dimensional mana flowed slowly, making up the original fireball that had been reduced a lot due to consumption back to its original size, and then his figure was hidden again, but he immediately appeared at the other end of the crowd and turned one person into a flame.

In this way, Han Li suddenly appeared in the crowd. Every time he appeared, there would be victims, and no matter if his hand touched any part of the other party, the person would immediately burn and completely disappear from the world.

Jia Tianlong looked forward in a daze, with no brilliance in his eyes, and his face turned gray like a dead man.

At this short moment, more than half of his men died, and the rest of them were in danger and began to hide around one after another. But in front of the other party's ghostly body, these people were turned into ashes one by one.

When his last subordinate also died in the flames, Jia Tianlong was completely numb.

He [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] is still safe. The other party deliberately did it, but now he is the only one left. It is estimated that the fire of death will still fall on him.

Han Li did not let Jia Tianlong, the leader of the group, wait any longer. After killing his last subordinate, Han Li did not hesitate for a moment and immediately flashed behind him, using a full version of "fireball" as a preferential treatment to send Master Jia on his way.

After Jia Datianlong returned to the west, Han Li patted his hands and whispered to himself [img=/sss/maosu.jpg] It seemed that it was not too difficult to kill a few more people. I called you [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], it would be great! There is no pain yet. Now let me do it myself. It doesn't feel good to burn!"

(If you think it's good, please don't forget to collect this book)


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